Thursday, March 1, 2012

Gmail - Urgent: Senate "Mandate" vote in hours! -

Gmail - Urgent: Senate "Mandate" vote in hours! -

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Urgent: Senate "Mandate" vote in hours!

Liberty Counsel Action to me
show details 5:30 AM (3 hours ago)
Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


The US Senate is scheduled to vote on the Blunt Amendment today! This bill is critical to the restoration of our First Amendment rights and religious liberties against Obama’s overarching “contraception and abortifacient” mandate!

Even though every American’s rights are violated by Obama’s mandate – and a majority of Americans oppose its outrageous intrusion into our rights – passage of this bill in the liberal Senate is NOT assured.

That’s why we must tell our Senators now to PASS the BLUNT AMENDMENT.

There is still time to fax the Senate and tell them to pass this crucially important bill.

Click here now and in minutes your faxes will be on their way to the Senate!

For more information on how this bill would stop President Obama’s most recent “mandate” and our powerful Fax Barrage, please read my urgent message below which I sent Wednesday afternoon – Mat.


Senator Harry Reid has just announced that he will allow Senator Roy Blunt’s amendment (S. 1318) to be brought to the Senate floor on Thursday. This is a critical vote!

The “Blunt Amendment” restores the conscience protections and civil religious liberties that were maliciously oppressed by President Obama’s latest unconstitutional “mandate” that even religiously-affiliated organizations must provide contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs to their employees.

This latest ObamaCare mandate extends far beyond contraception provision. In fact, this tyrannical mandate tramples on every American’s First Amendment rights!

The Blunt Amendment states this regarding President Obama’s “contraceptive and abortifacient” mandate:

“Nothing in this title (or any amendment made by this title) shall be construed to require an individual or institutional health care provider, or authorize a health plan to require a provider, to provide, participate in, or refer for a specific item or service contrary to the provider’s religious beliefs or moral convictions.”

Liberty Counsel Action strongly supports the passage of the Blunt Amendment and the restoration of our First Amendment rights!

++This critical vote is scheduled in the Senate tomorrow!

This is our no-holds-barred call to action: We must tell Senators in no uncertain terms that the Blunt Amendment MUST BE PASSED!

That’s why I am now calling on you, Jack, and every member of our Liberty Counsel Action team to fax the United States Senate immediately!

Utilizing our powerful Liberty Counsel Action Fax Barrage, we will flood the Senate with tens of thousands of faxes.

Will you join me in sending this vital message the Senate? Everything you need is one click away!

Click here to order your faxes to Congress:

++Petitions delivered….and the Fax Barrage begins!

On Wednesday, almost 70,000 petitions signed by Liberty Counsel Action team members are being hand-delivered to seven key Congressional leaders ahead of Thursday’s vote. Our petitions call for Congress to pass legislation to Stop Barack Obama's subversion of our religious civil liberties and conscience rights!

The response by the LCA team in collecting these petitions was phenomenal. Those petitions are delivering a strong, targeted Round One message. Now it’s time to deliver Round Two to the Senate!

Please, join with thousands of other Liberty Counsel Action team members in faxing our demand to our Senators to pass the Blunt Amendment. Together, we are taking REAL action which is having a REAL impact!

The faxes will be sent to your Arizona Representative and Senators, along with other key members of the Senate. If you would like to dramatically increase your impact, options are available to include more members – including the entire Senate!

The time we have to act is short – but Liberty Counsel Action's Fax Barrage strategy is extremely effective at forcing Congress to see that the American people will not stand for the arrogant dismissal of public opinion! Click here now to schedule your faxes, which will be delivered immediately upon receipt of your order:

++This is “the gravest assault on religious liberty in American history!”

My friend and colleague, Ken Blackwell, and his co-author Bob Morrison, described the moral implications of Barack Obama’s latest violation of the Constitution this way:

“The HHS mandate will force us to violate our consciences and provide drugs that can cause abortions. To us, killing unborn children at any stage is never health care. It is a grave sin.”

Expressing the dire need to defeat this overarching mandate, Blackwell and Morrison declared…

“This HHS health care mandate is the gravest assault on religious liberty in American history. We must legislate against it. We must sue in federal court. We must line up behind the twenty-six states that are already challenging ObamaCare in federal court.” 

Truly, this is one of the most important battles the American people have ever fought against tyranny! Jack, YOUR influence can make the difference in whether we can preserve a legacy of freedom in America!

Please take a stand with us and fax the Senate right away before this vital vote takes place in the Senate!

God bless you, as always, for standing with us!

Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. The Senate vote on the Blunt Amendment is Thursday. Time is of the essence. We must tell our Senators that passing this amendment is a constitutional and moral imperative!

Everything you need is one click away! Click here to fax the Senate:

Then, please help us reach more people by posting the petition link on your social network site or forwarding this message to as many of your friends as possible. Again, thank you and God bless you!

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