Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Harry Reid manipulated the Senate schedule to fast-track the Blunt Amendment onto the Senate floor while Democratic Senators demonized the bill with outlandish allegations and far-fetched scenarios. Today, the Senate voted 51-48 to table this critical bill that would have restored ALL Americans’ First-Amendment rights to the place our forefathers intended in the Constitution.
In the past 48 hours, Liberty Counsel Action team members stormed Capitol Hill with a petition bearing the names of almost 70,000 citizens and flooded Senate offices with tens of thousands of faxes. But this is only the beginning of our fight for our precious freedom of conscience! See my very important update below – Mat. Jack,
There is an outcry across our nation today. Americans’ religious liberties have once again been trampled upon by President Obama and his sycophants in Harry Reid’s Senate.
Today’s vote in the Senate exposed those legislators who are squarely in Obama’s socialist camp and plan to advocate ObamaCare’s unconstitutional mandates to the end.
Senator Roy Blunt, the author of the Blunt Amendment, said this following the vote…
“Instead of working to pass a bipartisan measure that has been part of our law…this debate has been burdened by outlandish and divisive efforts to misinform and frighten Americans.
Unfortunately, this is only a glimpse of what Americans can expect as a result of President Obama’s government health care takeover – which is why we need to repeal and replace this bill with common-sense bipartisan solutions.
This fight is not over. I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers of Congress to protect the rights that make our nation great.” ++As Senator Blunt says, this fight is NOT over!
We have taken names and these Senators will be held accountable for their vote! Liberty Counsel Action’s forthcoming Congressional Scorecard will add the outcome of this vote to our findings and those legislators who are up for reelection will feel the peoples’ displeasure at the voting booth.
But first, with today’s defeat in the Senate, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry’s “Respect for Rights of Conscience Act,” takes center stage. It is similar to the Blunt Amendment and is making its way through the House of Representatives. It now has 220 co-sponsors.
Representative Fortenberry wrote that his Act, “…would repeal the controversial [ObamaCare] mandate, amending the 2010 health care law to preserve conscience rights for religious institutions, health care providers, and small businesses who pay for health care coverage.”
Here’s my pledge to you: Liberty Counsel Action will diligently work to get Representative Fortenberry’s bill to a floor vote – and passed! That’s why I am announcing a second delivery of our petition, “Stop Barack Obama's subversion of our religious civil liberties and conscience rights!” to members of the House of Representatives.
Jack, my records indicate that you have not yet signed the petition and honestly, I’m puzzled as to why not. This latest Obama mandate blatantly violates your First Amendment rights as an American citizen!
I truly believe that the ObamaCare battleground we are fighting on now may be the toughest political fight we face in our lifetime. I need to know that you are with me in this battle. We can deliver 100,000 signatures to the House – but I must have your name on this petition to get this vital legislation passed – and to stop Barack Obama’s tyrannical assault on our religious liberties.
Please click here now to add your name to this critical petition:
++Defeating ObamaCare means defeating the mandates!
Liberty Counsel Action’s sister organization, Liberty Counsel, is confronting this latest ObamaCare mandate by seeking an outright declaration that the President’s healthcare “reform” law is unconstitutional at the U.S. Supreme Court. Liberty Counsel has filed two vital briefs to the Court and the hearings will begin in just a few weeks.
But Liberty Counsel Action can stop the mandates in the legislature and we MUST do everything possible to end this tyrannical government take-over of the American medical services industry! Now, our God-given freedom of conscience is literally at stake!
Please, sign our petition to the House of Representatives:
I am honored to say that our wonderful Liberty Counsel Action team bombarded Capitol Hill in the past 48 hours. With almost 70,000 signatures on our petition opposing Obama’s unconstitutional made – and tens of thousands of faxes barraging Senators’ offices – the voices of the people were certainly heard!
And although Harry Reid once again orchestrated a temporary setback in his protection of the President’s trophy legislation, everyone in Washington D.C. knows the fight is on!
God bless you for standing on the side of true liberty!
Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. The Senate has “tabled” the battle over Barack Obama’s unconstitutional mandate, which threatens every Americans’ First Amendment rights.
The next battleground is in the House of Representatives. Please sign our petition, which will be hand delivered to key members of the House in a matter of days!
Then, please help us reach more people by posting the petition link on your social network site or forwarding this message to as many of your friends as possible. Again, thank you and God bless you!
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