The media and the political pundits say the Tea Party is losing its strength and dying. . We say "keep dreaming"! . And we will prove them wrong and silence the critics with a victory in Wisconsin! The Recall of Governor Walker in Wisconsin is the first major election of 2012. The lines have been drawn and it is the union bosses and liberal left vs. conservatives and the Tea Party supporters. The eyes of the world are watching to see who will win. The mainstream media, who has already been advocating for the demise of Tea Party influence, is salivating waiting for us to lose this fight - they are all too eager to declare the Tea Party dead! Make no mistake about it, the media has an agenda and they want Scott Walker and the Tea Party to FAIL. We cannot let them get away with this or it will be a major defeat for the Tea Party and the conservative ideals that we share with Gov. Walker. A win in Wisconsin will prove them wrong and give us the momentum that we need to win the White House. We need your immediate support to stand up to the liberal media and union bosses and send a message to the rest of the nation that the Tea Party is not dead!
. The Tea Party Express not only helps to elect conservatives, but also defends them when they make difficult and courageous decisions. Join the Tea Party Express and send the media a message: We the People will NOT be bullied and we will NOT be silenced! We are here to fight for our country and defend the principles she was founded on!
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Tea Party Express
8795 Folsom Boulevard, Suite 103
Sacramento, CA 95826-3720
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