Sunday, March 18, 2012

Obama Crack About Former President May Not Line Up With the Facts | CowboyByte

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Obama Crack About Former President May Not Line Up With the Facts | CowboyByte

Obama Crack About Former President May Not Line Up With the Facts

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As a sitting president, you better make sure you have the facts straight before taking a jab at one of your predecessors. During the same speech on energy policy where the president speculated that his political opponents would have been “founding members of the Flat Earth Society” during the time of Columbus, Barack Obama made a comment about the 19th president that doesn’t ring true when run through the fact checker:
“There always have been folks who are the naysayers and don’t believe in the future, and don’t believe in trying to do things differently. One of my predecessors, Rutherford B. Hayes, reportedly said about the telephone, ‘It’s a great invention, but who would ever want to use one?‘ That’s why he’s not on Mount Rushmore — because he’s looking backwards. He’s not looking forwards. He‘s explaining why we can’t do something, instead of why we can do something.”
While the quote President Obama used does exist on the Internet, historians say the notion is inaccurate and would equate the White House’s research to citing Wikipedia.
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242 Responses to Obama Crack About Former President May Not Line Up With the Facts

  1. Hold Our Politicians Accountable says:
    All of our politicians need to be held accountable including candidates. We can start by holding Congress responsible for not standing up for american citizens that they are suppose to serve.
    What we need is
    • jon says:
      If it looks like a Muslim, Talks like a Muslim, and Acts like a Muslim!
      • Froggy says:
        If it looks like a muslim and smells like a muslim and acts like a muslim and thinks like a muslim and prays like a muslim , BOWS TO a MUSLIM ,HE would have you believe that he is not a muslim ?????.WAKE the F__K UP
        • Debra says:
          If it looks,talks,acts,walks,smells,bows,humps camels like a muslim it must be ovomit the
          kenyan muslim, fu_k allah,mohamed and the koran.
          • sumo says:
            Ditto Debra !
          • jim james says:
            i got your said it baby
          • MSGT JOHN CORREA says:
            To: Debra
            Muslims are still living in the dark ages. Most Muslims don’t even know the history of their man-made religion or rather Islamic cult. They only know of a [false] “prophet” named Muhammad, aka: Mohammad, aka Mohammed, aka Mahomet. Muhammad set himself up as an apostle of God, and yet, his life was filled with lustfulness, such as 12 marriages and sex with children, slaves concubines, rapes, warfare, conquests, and unmerciful butcheries. This was the prophet’s motto…. “I am the prophet that laughs when killing my enemies.” (Hadith)
            His followers wore their turbans around their brainless heads too tightly which were intended to indicate the position or rank of the wearer.
            What this notorious thug produced in the Qur’an was simply a book of gibberish consisting of later verses abrogating earlier peaceful verses. Islam is a caustic blend of paganism and twisted Bible stories. Muhammad, its lone “prophet,” who made no prophecies, conceived his religion to satiate his lust for power, sex, and money. Muhammad was simply a terrorist.
            When a Muslim declares that Islam is a religion of peace, he/she is either ignorant of the Koran (Qur’an) or is deceitfully thinking of this peace as it extends only to those within the Muslim Community. If anyone wishes to learn more about the truth of Muslims and the Qur’an, go to Their history was exposed by a Muslim scholar. Isn’t conducting research wonderful. It’s called “knowledge” something of which most Muslims don’t know how to perform. I do not apologize for any statement I have made as it came from the history of the false prophet Muhammad and Islam.
            MSGT JOHN CORREA
            USAF (RET)
      • Pat says:
        you got it lies lies lies I don’t understand why people don’t see this.
        • Sylvia M. Auten says:
          WHERE HE IS READING HIS STUFF ON FORMER PRESIDENTS IS BEYOND ME AND EVERYONE ELSE. R U T H erford?????? I think it is Rutherford B. Hayes. Like rough, Rutherford – hope this helps you, Obama. This President should have been removed from
          office a long time ago, and what we have had to wait on is unbelievable and perhaps undoable.
          • dave says:
            obummer does not write what he the nuts job that write for him.he has no idea what he is saying.if it right are wrong. the welfare people keep him in office so they don’t lost there food stamps.just don’t forget NOV 6 HE GOT TO GO.LET SEND HIM BACK TO KENYA.ALONG WITH REID AN NANCY.GOD IF YOU EVER HELP US PLEASE HELP US IN NOV.THANK YOU.
          • William says:
            If the man knew anything about American history, he should at least know that our flag has 50 stars on it in the blue field, and that each one represents a state in the United States of America. His idiotic statement about our “57″ states shows he doesn’t have a clue. And now, his face has replaced the stars on our flag’s blue field with the image of his face. Did you catch that significance? His face in the blue field at the top corner of our flag has replaced the stars representing all of our 50 states, which was flying over the Democratic headquarters, went unchallenged for many weeks! Not knowing anything about our country’s history and/or heritage is one thing; defacing our beloved flag is quite another.
            Rutherford B. Hayes had a lot more sense and loyalty to our country than this Kenyan in the White House has ever had. Hayes was an American citizen and loved our country; the muslim who is illegally reigning destruction over our country is neither a citizen of the USA, nor is he a person who loves America and the Constitution which has been the law of our land since it was ratified.
          • RonW says:
            This is for William. Sir You are in error. The US Constitution, America, The Country it Created, and We The People. Were sold out by our own Elected Officials in 1913, That fact you will not see on Your TV at Prime time. The Heir’s, their forefathers and associates. That were the masterminds of what will go down in history as biggest most successful sting ever. Are the same people that now own America, and her peoples lock stock and barrel. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, The Balfour Agreement, its Ratification, by the UN’s vote to Partition Palestine so the Zionists could found the Nation State Of Israel that was also in the works at that time. Those three events are the most likely the biggest frauds and mistakes made by collection of men in human recorded history. When Obama said 57 states. He was probably including The State of Israel, The Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, The state of delusion, The state of disbelief, The state of stupidity, and the recently lost state of Goodness and Honor that once was the USA.
        • Lonnie W. Lynch says:
          Pat the big problems is, the people do see this President for what he is.. He is a lier, a thief and a bigot, we all know that. It is our no good dumb a** Senate and House that will not recogonize him for what he is and take the actions necessary to remove him from office.. So we have our work cut out, get the now good stupid B–tards out of there !!!
          • William says:
            Lonnie, they all know about him now…but I doubt that ALL of them ever took the interest to find out about the “vetting” that was allowed to be slipped in as “done, good to go”, etc. Now that they ALL know the truth, they’re such cowards that they don’t have the guts to do anything about it. For one thing, a dictator can always make sure the opposition is eliminated, their family members meet with a tragic accident, or that charges be brought against them (and convictions become a certainty) for some bogus “crime” which would ruin their careers, their lives, land them in prison, etc. Our Congress are gutless wonders who are spineless slugs that only look out for themselves; we, the American people have NO representation in Washington!
          • Burt says:
            You should not be able to hold any office or have to vote unless you are a vet. RetMsg Special Forces Airborne
          • MSGT JOHN CORREA says:
            To: Lonnie W. Lynch
            I have written to several patriotic Representatives including the Speaker of the House John A. Boehner [the wimp] demanding the immediate arrest of the foreign-born Muslim communist agent dictator and “Saboteur,” Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II.
            I explained the actions and definition of a “Saboteur” which doesn’t necessarily involve destruction by explosion. When I refer to the foreign-born agent as a “Saboteur,” it is based on the facts that Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II has desecrated the Constitution of the United States of America and its Amendments, has engaged in dictatorial executive orders, illegal confiscation of private industries, illegal appointments, dictatorial legislation against the American people, and many more sabotages against the American culture.
            A “Saboteur” is what “Saboteurs” do in order to destroy a nation and its “cause” from within. The following is what worries me the most….
            When the Constitution of the United States of America is trampled upon by a foreign-born agent “Saboteur,” and the Marxist members of the U.S. Senate fails to honor their Oath of Office by having the foreign-born agent arrested for “Sabotage,” then what is the role of the United States Armed Forces whose leaders swore to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic?”
            No one in the U.S. government has given me the courtesy of an answer. But I do hope more and more American patriots will help me by demanding the immediate arrest of the Saboteur Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II. We cannot afford to wait for the election, otherwise, we will be obligated to support Mr. Obama II and his wife with a pension for life, when he should be arrested and removed from the Office of the U.S. President and exiled without any monetary funds accumulated within the United States and its territories.
            MSGT JOHN CORREA
            USAF (RET)
          • Gustyj says:
            The Senate voted Ninety- Three percent for SODOMY and BESTIALITY for our military so they are a bunch of COCKSUCKERS and GOAT FUC_ERS. It explains why Obama never had girl friends but he did have that boy friend in that school he is said to have attended in California, so he is just one of them. When he meet Michelle he just saw her as another Nanny Goat and being a Muslim he knew just what to do, so he knocked her up.
        • Chuck says:
          Pat, most people do see this. The only people who don’t are Democrats and those known as liberals, or progressives, who are actually socialist communists.
        • lad says:

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