obama was never a Christian as you site, he is and always has been a islamic muslim. Hes proclaimed this conviction many times, just look up, obama muslim, on the internet. Afgahnistan is 100% muslim, here the US is employing the always failed tactic of “Hearts and Minds. Of course with islamic muslims, the hearts and minds program works best when one blows in this direction and the other opposite. Then its a complete success!!!!
Mikje in Afghanistan
The real war is raging in the US against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Im fighting the wrong war.
The answer the “hearts and minds” theme was painted on the nose of a Navy fighter aircraft during the Vietnam conflict. It said “Grab ‘em by the ass – their hearts and minds will follow”!
WHY do I get the feeling, USA Press/media will know more about Srgt Basil (Afghan shootr of 16 civilians) THAN WE EVER would find out re: our current Prez-BO! As in Basil’s schl chum’s his whole backgrnd etc. WHATS WRONG w/ this picture! ! ! !
Mike, you shouldn’t be there at all. We should have let the muslim countries and all their American-hating terrorists, wipe out each other. If other countries of the world want to kill each other off, let them. We were not put on this earth by our Creator to rule over every person in the world- but to live, worship Him, love our neighbors- and that is not every country of people all over the Earth, either- and take care of our own families and neighbors. We have stuck our noses in every other country’s business for so long that they have poked screws up our noses and are rapidly twisting our nostrils shut. When our mouths are shut also, our breathing stops and our life is extinguished. We should not be in a position where these other countries have any power to snuff out the life of our country and its people.
Our soldiers should be on American soil, policing and protecting our borders, our nuclear warheads, missiles and other defense systems should be AAA+ and exceed all that the other countries have- combined, and other countries should know that we are so well armed and ready at all times, that one attack of any description by any one or all of them would bring their immediate and complete annihilation. THAT should deter them from messing with our country.
William–Exactly my feelings–you are so right. Our military ,our service people, our
soil ! That is what we should be conserned with. All those heve been fighting each othe for
eons.Let them -that is their downfall–we shouldn’t let it be ours!
Thanks again William for your very good description of our situation !
I agree with you. Amazing what us dumb American’s are able to figure out. Once they spend a few days outside of America’s borders and away from America’s filtered media.
The Obama way fails. Socialism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, whatever strain of big-governmentism you want to cite, the evidence is that it generates failure, misery, unhappiness, squalor, certainly not prosperity except for the people at the top. So when the evidence is clear that Obama’s way doesn’t work and he keeps doubling down on his way, what does it say? Does it say that he is stupid, naive, ignorant, unaware, or does it say that he is an arrogant, egotistical guy who thinks Socialism works, it just hasn’t been tried by the right guy yet?”
….. and either way, it still fails! Thanks for nothing obama! You WILL go down in history as the worst possible president ever, assuming of course we even have any history after you.
Amen Jon,
The SOB doesn’t know the truth. He is so stupid he said he had visited all 57 of our states. There are 57 Muslim states. All this prick does is violate the Constitution and spout off a bunch of crap to get votes. The sad thing is there are enough stupid people that believe him and will vote for him again. That’s the population we support in the form of welfare.
The people had better wake up before we’re another Greece. Mike Tanco
If you ever want to sump a liberal, ask then to explain the ideal America they would love to live in and be proud of. They can’t do it. They don’t think forward, all they can do is criticize everyone else. They are great at pointing out what THEY feel is wrong, but don’t have clue how to fix it. The few that do try all think throwing money at problems will fix them. Sad thing is, they always want to throw our money, not thiers.
You hit the nail on the head! Obama is a major F*&K up, but he is NOT the biggest problem we have. The biggest problem is an electorate so ill-educated and uninterested in their own governance, that they elected this asshole in the first place! Lord help us.
Bingo! We have met the enemy and he is us! A slicky-boy will always find a way to slip in under the tent. It’s the “something for nothing” electorate that has failed America.
Interresting thought , Is there any body out their that can name any of the
members on the electorial college. I have ask this question on several occassions
but NOBODY has been able to name the members of this secret society. If you can
supply me with any of their names, I would like personnally thank them for
electing this worthless so fo a bitch.
Lad, the members of the Electoral College change every four years. When you vote for (to use a past example) JFKennedy vs. RMNixon, if you read the fine print, the ballot will say “electors.” You are not actually voting for Kennedy or Nixon but for the group of people chosen to be electors to cast your vote more or less by proxy. These electors are chosen by the party leadership in each state. The precise rules for choosing electors likely vary with each party. That’s why you never see their names.
You raise an interesting question, and now that I have become active as a party “foot soldier,” I’m going to start investigating how my party’s electors are chosen and where I can find out who they have been in the past.
You are so right Mike. What I am trying to figure out is how did we get so many stupid Americans voting him as president of this great country. Are their brains that damaged that they are not concerned whether they live in freedom or what? Obummer must be laughing his ass off every night that he’s fooled all these people and we have to pay for it.
Obama’s speech saying there are 57 states is right if your a muslim.Now he has to learn we have 50. This bunch of liars has to go.I watch our senator get off the plane with Obama in Chicago,they were laughing and had their arms aroung each other.Durbin really talked him up,praise the hell out of him….NOW.. does anyone hear you Soc. Sec. is now called an intitlement program. I got an email from a friend stating that thats what its called now…So I guess you don’t have to pay Soc Sec anymore…Try that and hear them scream,they’d have no place to steal from..
Someone needs to inform Sean Hannity that Obama is NOT a practicing Christian! He said the other day on his nightly show “he had no doubt Obama was not a Christian”! Well what do you say when he observes Ramadan and cancels the World Day of Prayer? Goes after the Catholic’s on birth control. I am sick of even supposed Conservatives covering up for this illegal president – ignoring Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse – Sign the petition above – maybe it will have to come to a march on Wash.D.C. and jerk all the tratiors out of Congress (we have 80 card carrying Communists in our Congress – names are on the internet.)…Obama has to go. If he is re-elected say goodbye to your property – your freedom – the 1st and 2nd amendment.
Amen, amen! What really gets my blood pressure up is when the lamestream media insist of saying he’s Christian!
There’s a video montage of Obummer saying 3 or 4 times “the holy koran says . . .” this or that. Has he EVER said “the holy Bible says”? Not that I’ve seen or heard! Then there’s the video of him saying “…my muslim faith” corrected by the interviewer.
Has his foot even crossed the threshold of a Christian church since he left Chicago? (And one has to sort of put “Christian” in quotes to describe that one.)
One old adage says “actions speak louder than words.” Another adage is the one that says “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.” Add to that the muslim doctrine of taqiyya—that a lie is just fine if it advances islam, and you have the perfect conditions for his masquerade as a Christian.
On the other hand, I saw an article just a few days ago that members of the media have been threatened by loss of jobs and maybe prosecution if they report on Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse results. That might explain why Hannity and others aren’t honest in their reporting on this fraud and impostor.
New Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure and Citizens for Military Preparedness
In a stunning move, on March 16, 2012, Barack Obama signed an Executive Order stating that the President and his specifically designated Secretaries now have the authority to commandeer all domestic U.S. resources including food and water. The EO also states that the President and his Secretaries have the authority to seize all transportation, energy, and infrastructure inside the United States as well as forcibly induct/draft American citizens into the military. The EO also contains a vague reference in regards to harnessing American citizens to fulfill “labor requirements” for the purposes of national defense.
Not only that, but the authority claimed inside the EO does not only apply to National Emergencies and times of war. It also applies in peacetime.
The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order exploits the “authority” granted to the President in the Defense Production Act of 1950 in order to assert that virtually every means of human survival is now available for confiscation and control by the President via his and his Secretaries’ whim.
The unconstitutionality of the overwhelming majority of Executive Orders is well established, as well as the illegality of denying citizens their basic Constitutional and human rights, even in the event of a legitimate national emergency. Likewise, it should also be pointed out that, like Obama’s recent Libyan adventure and the foregone conclusion of a Syrian intervention, there is no mention of Congress beyond a minor role of keeping the allegedly co-equal branch of government informed on contextually meaningless developments.
As was mentioned above, the scope of the EO is virtually all-encompassing. For instance, in “Section 201 – Priorities and Allocations Authorities,” the EO explains that the authority for the actions described in the opening paragraph rests with the President but is now delegated to the various Secretaries of the U.S. Federal Government. The list of delegations and the responsibility of the Secretaries as provided in this section are as follows:
(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;
(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;
(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;
(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;
(5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and
(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.
One need only to read the “Definitions” section of the EO in order to clearly see that terms such as “food resources” is an umbrella that includes literally every form of food and food-related product that could in any way be beneficial to human survival.
That being said, “Section 601 – Secretary of Labor” delegates special responsibilities to the Secretary of Labor as it involves not just materials citizens will need for survival, but the actual citizens themselves.
Obviously, the ability of the U.S. government to induct and draft citizens into the military against their will is, although a clear violation of their rights, not an issue considered shocking by its nature of having been invoked so many times in the past. Logically, this “authority” is provided for in this section.
However, what may be shocking is the fact that Section 601 also provides for the mobilization of “labor” for purposes of the national defense. Although some subsections read that evaluations are to be made regarding the “effect and demand of labor utilization,” the implication is that “labor” (meaning American workers) will be considered yet one more resource to be seized for the purposes of “national defense.” The EO reads,
Sec. 601. Secretary of Labor. (a) The Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall:
(1) collect and maintain data necessary to make a continuing appraisal of the Nation’s workforce needs for purposes of national defense;
(2) upon request by the Director of Selective Service, and in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, assist the Director of Selective Service in development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services;
(3) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this order, consult with that agency with respect to: (i) the effect of contemplated actions on labor demand and utilization; (ii) the relation of labor demand to materials and facilities requirements; and (iii) such other matters as will assist in making the exercise of priority and allocations functions consistent with effective utilization and distribution of labor;
Notice that the language of the EO does not state “in the event of a national emergency.” Instead, we are given the term “purposes of national defense.” This is because the “authorities” assumed by the President have been assumed not just for arbitrary declarations of “national emergency” but for peacetime as well. Indeed, the EO states this much directly when it says,
The head of each agency engaged in procurement for the national defense is delegated the authority of the President under section 107(b)(1) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2077(b)(1), to take appropriate action to ensure that critical components, critical technology items, essential materials, and industrial resources are available from reliable sources when needed to meet defense requirements during peacetime, graduated mobilization, and national emergency.
Presidential Executive Orders have long been used illegally by Presidents of every political shade and have often been used destroy the rights of American citizens. Although history has often come to judge these orders as both immoral and unconstitutional, the fact is that the victims of the orders suffered no less because of the retroactive judgment of their progeny. It is for this reason that we must immediately condemn and resist such obvious usurpation as is currently being attempted by the U.S. government.
Nevertheless, some have no doubt begun to wonder why the President has signed such an order. Not only that, but why did he sign the order now? Is it because of the looming war with Iran or the Third World War that will likely result from such a conflict? Is it because of the ticking time bomb called the economy that is only one jittery move or trade deal away from total disintegration? Is it because of a growing sense of hatred of their government amongst the general public? Is there a coming natural disaster of which we are unaware? Are there plans for martial law?
Whatever the reason for the recent announcement of Obama’s new Executive Order, there is one thing we do know for sure – “It wouldn’t happen here” has been the swan song of almost every victim of democide in modern human history.
Just words on paper. Wait until he tries to pull that off!! If nothing else, he should consider the fact that he is really sitting a conservative president up with all these same powers, and should they be enacticed by that conservative president, the liberals will have a cow!
Somehow, we need to get rid of the cancer called Washington. They are no longer a service to America, they are a detriment. The entire place stinks of corruption and needs to be cleaned out!
THE STATES created the Federal Government thus the states can abolish it through SECESSION and witholding all tax revenue! ~ Our remedy is within The Declaration of Independence….which so many people know nothing about!
ANY EXECUTIVE ORDER created by a person having usurped the Presidency of the U.S. is totally NULL AND VOID, thus not Constitutionally enforceable! ~ ANY person or agent attempting to enforce such order would themselves be commiting TREASON!
Bottom Line: Our founders penned the U.S. Constitution for WE THE PEOPLE to keep our government in OUR CONTROL! ~ WE, as citizens, have a DUTY to PROTECT, DEFEND…and if necessary ENFORCE it to the last letter!!!
Since when does Obama need his edicts to be Constitutionally enforceable? As long as he has control of the Justice Department (Attorney General Eric Holder) and Congress won’t challenge his actions and EO’s, he’s as legal as he needs to be. The voters are the only ones who can put him out, since the 2nd Amendment hasn’t been utilized yet.
You can find the Executive Order that WARLOC wrote @:http://www.whitehouse.gov/the press-office/2012/03/16/executive-ord. according to the e-mail I received from DefensaUSA. – It is called the National Defense Resources Preparedness – in a nutshell for peacetime Martial Law!
I think it is Obama’s prelude to Martial law for November elections. When people get it through their heads that this crook – this Usurper has no intention of not remaining in the White House and that there will be wide spread fraud, we have no chance!
The balance of power in our Government has been totally ursurped by this radical Marxist wanna-be dictator and his handlers.
Warloc, thanks for posting this. I am going to contact the Congressman who has started impeachment proceedings against Obama for just this kind of criminal and treacherous activity against the American people!
Please cite your source of information. While it wouldn’t suprise me, everyone needs to KNOW that your information is correct. How did you find out about this Executive Order? Etc.
If this is factual, it is VERY disturbing and we all need to do our part in getting this info out to all American citizens so we can fight this crazy crap!
WARLOC: I read about Obama’s “Executive Order” last night – which is so very frightening. I don’t know how you get this through the minds of the Confederacy of Fools who voted for this fool, that he has fooled and duped ALL of the citizens of this country. I guess they will wake up when everything they have is taken away! I watched ELKE on video last night – a former German citizen who grew up in East Germany after the Russians took over in 1945. She lived under Communist/Socialist rule – mind numbing and also extremely frightening. They took away their farms, food was scarce etc…I also saw the movie on the web “180″ – how many adults in this country don’t even know who Hitler was – lack of education here?
WTF, He started out in his first presidental campaign with miss aligned facts about his BC, SS, DRAFT, SCHOOL RECORDS,PASSPORTS, BOY FRIENDS, etc, etc. makes you wonder what the people that put dolly the sheep togather were doing before dolly, know wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants. BHO a test tube baby. The lab tech shook the test tube to hard. BHO prove who you are. Congress, senate, don’t worry about a back lash, the people that would make up the back lash see the truth, they no more want to be muslim commy then we do, exception on the hard core new black panthers, they are still sleeping.
Trouble is when Congress stands up for us people call them obstructionists and their disaproval ratings go up. I call it doing what they were elected to do. Stop the Obama agenda!
What’s this? THE president made untrue statements?
My, My, How could this be?
THE President also said; we could save much fuel if we “put air in our tires and got tune-ups”!
Since when does the media have the b—s, to print such a thing?
You can also buy a vote for $3.00!
Meanwhile; press “1″ for English>
All I can say is we’d better keep our powder dry. The line has been drawn in the stand, there is no middle ground left anymore. You are either with our Constitutional freedoms or against them, along with the current dick-tator in chief. America is at the cross-road of her survival.
YES, THIS IS VERY, VERY TRUE… Everyone I have talked to of late is FED UP!, buying ammo, and sharpening their shooting skills. While most conservatives see what is going on, the rest of America has totally lost their ability to use “common sense and good judgement”. Thinking and reasoning from the “Obama regime and followers” is so far “out of touch” with reality, it is “mind boggling” and “unthinkable”. I do think that many of those who have joined ranks w the Obama regime are those who have little ability or are just too “lazy” to think and reason logically, have listened to the “resounding rhetoric”, have an “axe of some sort to grind”, and since bought “the lie” and are “glazed over and memorized”. Anyone using their right mind and especially exercising the use of an “open” mind, can just review the facts (THE LIST IS LONG) to see that Obama has been outright “lying and cheating” for 3 straight years. Who on earth, including them, would want a leader like this!!!! HE CAN’T BE TRUSTED!!!!! What is sad, is that they are so stupid to realize that as soon as Obama gets what he wants (their vote), and once he is “positioned” for the “power take over”, he will turn on them just like he is on the rest of us. They need to read a little history and get enlightened. Thinking otherwise is TOTAL naivity. Astute Americans must realize the “s….. if going to hit the fan” soon. If Obama gets re-elected, it is a general consensus that rioting, bloodshed, etc. will folow thereafter. My prayer is that when we go to the polls not only do we “send Obama packing” but most all the existing Congressmen. It is easy to see that we currently have ZERO representation in Washington from these “weak in the knees and spineless” congressman, who care more about the MONEY GRAVY TRAIN they are soaking from their constituents than standing for or representing common sense and the truth. All of them need to attend a seminar presented by Sheriff Joe of Arizona to show them what “guts” are, and Ron Paul (While I disagree w his foreign policy, I admire his ability to “tell the truth” and not compromise. He is NOT a disgusting politician like most of the rest) introducing him and closing by stating, “AMERICA, this is the committment needed by the majority to restore our country to its greatness.”
Rite on Kenny:
The sad state of affairs that we as a Nation now find ourselves in goes deeper than just a fraudulent election process that ushered in an illegal alien to camp out in our White House.
When it becomes ever increasingly obvious that “THE SUPREME COURT OF THE USA” is
fully knowledgeable of the skull duggery and actual complicity of those who vetted Obama as being elligible for the Office of President.
When the Guardians of our Constitution sit in their black robes in the Supreme Court in complete silence while Senate, House, Obama, and a Cadre of anti-American Czars relentlessly drag our Nation closer and closer to the abyss of Marxist destruction.
Our Supreme Court appears to be complicit in this greatest fraud in History….in my book they have abducated their primary resposibility; to uphold and protect the Constitution of the USA.
Powder is dry, and the lead is on the shelf, waiting to be made into 54 and 58 caliber balls. I think that if our anscesters made this country free with cap and ball, there is no reason that I can’t use one too. Besides, if I run out of lead, I can use rocks, nails, and glass
Since when does obama care about facts or truths? Everything he says, is a LIE. How can you tell obmaa is lying? His purple lips are moving! Get rid of this non-American come November 6th! The good of the country is at stake!!!!!
This arrogant, cocky, egotistical, illegal, lying, Kenyan Muslim is a true embarassment to the White House. The nomination and election of this imposter proves the widespread ignorance in these once United States!!!
What can I say except we have a Muslim Commnist Fool in the White House and a lot of Obama’s Zombies in our Congress. Folks it is time to clean out a lot of trash this year.At least let’s vote Obama and his Zombie Democratic Socialist Friends out. Remember, there are 70+ of the Socialist in Congress.
Obama has absolutely no Presidential dignity. Even his cocky, ghetto-style of walking show him to be just what he is, a Black man more comfortable in the mean streets of south Chicago as a Community Organizer than as the leader of the Free World. His constant whining and failure to acknowledge his failures bespeak utter weakness to the rest of the world. He is a total embarrassment to our great Country!
“Ghetto!” It fits him perfectly!
We have Ghetto trash running this country. What else could describe as accurately this set of flapping ears, purple lips and skinny assed, arab foreigner along with his boyfriends. What is happening to this country is what one would expect from a piece of trash off the streets of any ghetto. This ghetto criminal is throwing around ill-gotten money (our taxes) and living large like any mob boss after making a big drug deal! Riding around in “the beast” and followed by more security guards than the last ten presidents put together, he knows he is “not popular.”
But, lawyers just donated $1 Million to re-elect this “Ghetto Mob Boss!” Still, that was only One Million of the Five Million Dollars he garnered in one day of campaigning! We have a lot of criminals in this country!
Great post Mike!! All posts seem to have the same solution (Great rid of this worthless president) a great solution to the problem!! Why would anyone want to keep this idiot, arrogant , worthless piece of trash for another term is unbelievable!! Impeach this idiot now!!!
Mike, You’re right -the devil from his fire is occupying our WhiteHouse.
We need to get him and all his ‘followers’ out of there as soon as possible
for the salvation of our U.S.A.
Mikje in Afghanistan
The real war is raging in the US against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Im fighting the wrong war.
Our soldiers should be on American soil, policing and protecting our borders, our nuclear warheads, missiles and other defense systems should be AAA+ and exceed all that the other countries have- combined, and other countries should know that we are so well armed and ready at all times, that one attack of any description by any one or all of them would bring their immediate and complete annihilation. THAT should deter them from messing with our country.
soil ! That is what we should be conserned with. All those heve been fighting each othe for
eons.Let them -that is their downfall–we shouldn’t let it be ours!
Thanks again William for your very good description of our situation !
The SOB doesn’t know the truth. He is so stupid he said he had visited all 57 of our states. There are 57 Muslim states. All this prick does is violate the Constitution and spout off a bunch of crap to get votes. The sad thing is there are enough stupid people that believe him and will vote for him again. That’s the population we support in the form of welfare.
The people had better wake up before we’re another Greece. Mike Tanco
You hit the nail on the head! Obama is a major F*&K up, but he is NOT the biggest problem we have. The biggest problem is an electorate so ill-educated and uninterested in their own governance, that they elected this asshole in the first place! Lord help us.
Texas Vet
members on the electorial college. I have ask this question on several occassions
but NOBODY has been able to name the members of this secret society. If you can
supply me with any of their names, I would like personnally thank them for
electing this worthless so fo a bitch.
(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;
(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;
(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;
(5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and
(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.
One need only to read the “Definitions” section of the EO in order to clearly see that terms such as “food resources” is an umbrella that includes literally every form of food and food-related product that could in any way be beneficial to human survival.
That being said, “Section 601 – Secretary of Labor” delegates special responsibilities to the Secretary of Labor as it involves not just materials citizens will need for survival, but the actual citizens themselves.
Obviously, the ability of the U.S. government to induct and draft citizens into the military against their will is, although a clear violation of their rights, not an issue considered shocking by its nature of having been invoked so many times in the past. Logically, this “authority” is provided for in this section.
However, what may be shocking is the fact that Section 601 also provides for the mobilization of “labor” for purposes of the national defense. Although some subsections read that evaluations are to be made regarding the “effect and demand of labor utilization,” the implication is that “labor” (meaning American workers) will be considered yet one more resource to be seized for the purposes of “national defense.” The EO reads,
Sec. 601. Secretary of Labor. (a) The Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall:
(1) collect and maintain data necessary to make a continuing appraisal of the Nation’s workforce needs for purposes of national defense;
(2) upon request by the Director of Selective Service, and in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, assist the Director of Selective Service in development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services;
(3) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this order, consult with that agency with respect to: (i) the effect of contemplated actions on labor demand and utilization; (ii) the relation of labor demand to materials and facilities requirements; and (iii) such other matters as will assist in making the exercise of priority and allocations functions consistent with effective utilization and distribution of labor;
Notice that the language of the EO does not state “in the event of a national emergency.” Instead, we are given the term “purposes of national defense.” This is because the “authorities” assumed by the President have been assumed not just for arbitrary declarations of “national emergency” but for peacetime as well. Indeed, the EO states this much directly when it says,
The head of each agency engaged in procurement for the national defense is delegated the authority of the President under section 107(b)(1) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2077(b)(1), to take appropriate action to ensure that critical components, critical technology items, essential materials, and industrial resources are available from reliable sources when needed to meet defense requirements during peacetime, graduated mobilization, and national emergency.
Presidential Executive Orders have long been used illegally by Presidents of every political shade and have often been used destroy the rights of American citizens. Although history has often come to judge these orders as both immoral and unconstitutional, the fact is that the victims of the orders suffered no less because of the retroactive judgment of their progeny. It is for this reason that we must immediately condemn and resist such obvious usurpation as is currently being attempted by the U.S. government.
Nevertheless, some have no doubt begun to wonder why the President has signed such an order. Not only that, but why did he sign the order now? Is it because of the looming war with Iran or the Third World War that will likely result from such a conflict? Is it because of the ticking time bomb called the economy that is only one jittery move or trade deal away from total disintegration? Is it because of a growing sense of hatred of their government amongst the general public? Is there a coming natural disaster of which we are unaware? Are there plans for martial law?
Whatever the reason for the recent announcement of Obama’s new Executive Order, there is one thing we do know for sure – “It wouldn’t happen here” has been the swan song of almost every victim of democide in modern human history.
Somehow, we need to get rid of the cancer called Washington. They are no longer a service to America, they are a detriment. The entire place stinks of corruption and needs to be cleaned out!
Please cite your source of information. While it wouldn’t suprise me, everyone needs to KNOW that your information is correct. How did you find out about this Executive Order? Etc.
If this is factual, it is VERY disturbing and we all need to do our part in getting this info out to all American citizens so we can fight this crazy crap!
My, My, How could this be?
THE President also said; we could save much fuel if we “put air in our tires and got tune-ups”!
Since when does the media have the b—s, to print such a thing?
You can also buy a vote for $3.00!
Meanwhile; press “1″ for English>
The sad state of affairs that we as a Nation now find ourselves in goes deeper than just a fraudulent election process that ushered in an illegal alien to camp out in our White House.
When it becomes ever increasingly obvious that “THE SUPREME COURT OF THE USA” is
fully knowledgeable of the skull duggery and actual complicity of those who vetted Obama as being elligible for the Office of President.
When the Guardians of our Constitution sit in their black robes in the Supreme Court in complete silence while Senate, House, Obama, and a Cadre of anti-American Czars relentlessly drag our Nation closer and closer to the abyss of Marxist destruction.
Our Supreme Court appears to be complicit in this greatest fraud in History….in my book they have abducated their primary resposibility; to uphold and protect the Constitution of the USA.
We have Ghetto trash running this country. What else could describe as accurately this set of flapping ears, purple lips and skinny assed, arab foreigner along with his boyfriends. What is happening to this country is what one would expect from a piece of trash off the streets of any ghetto. This ghetto criminal is throwing around ill-gotten money (our taxes) and living large like any mob boss after making a big drug deal! Riding around in “the beast” and followed by more security guards than the last ten presidents put together, he knows he is “not popular.”
But, lawyers just donated $1 Million to re-elect this “Ghetto Mob Boss!” Still, that was only One Million of the Five Million Dollars he garnered in one day of campaigning! We have a lot of criminals in this country!
We need to get him and all his ‘followers’ out of there as soon as possible
for the salvation of our U.S.A.