No Jobs? Small Businesses Blame Obamacare
The US Chamber of Commerce recently conducted a poll of small businesses and found that 74% of them say the new health care law is an impediment to hiring. That doesn't mean they aren't hiring but that they don't feel as free to do so. Perhaps more businesses could have been hiring had the law not been passed.
Obama Wants to Close 1600 Deportation Cases
In the latest attempt by the Obama administration to encourage illegal immigration, Obama's administration has recommended that 1600 deportation cases be closed in Denver and Baltimore.
This represents about 1 in every 7 cases. More specifically, it represents 1 in 6 in Denver.
Political Issues
Our articles on the political issues.
Why Liberalism Doesn't Help The Communities They Represent
Liberals will tell you they care about minorities. They are the ones that invoke race into every political subject they speak of. That's why they get the Black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Woman vote, and to some extent the Asian vote. But what help have the Democrats really done for the black community? 16.7%unemployment in the black community. That is ridiculous. They have no record of success.
Trickle Up Versus Trickle Down
Trickle Down Economics is the theory that the environment should be favorable to those at the top so that prosperity will trickle down to the masses. On C-Span, I just heard Debbie Wasserman Schultz saying she believes in "Trickle Up" economics.
Reagan: Government's View of the Economy
"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." - Ronald Reagan
The opinions herein are not supported by any community or organization. It is just the personal opinions of a blogger. But that is what allows me to be a loose cannon for the truth. I will be updating this site daily with what goes on in the world of politics and the economy.
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