Marxist Harry Belafonte Recommends Obama Imprison Conservatives
Belafonte told Sharpton what he thinks Barack Obama ought to do with his opposition:
“The only thing left for Barack Obama to do is to work like a third world dictator and put all these guys in jail!”
Since he is dear friends with third world dictators, such as Hugo Chavez, it is not surprising that he would admire the dictatorial regimes that jail dissenters.
Unfortunately, what Belafonte, and other Marxists residing in the US fail to understand, is that the US is not designed as a dictatorship. Ironically, someone who made music and films as a source of presumably high income, wishes to have the very culture that squashes creativity, art forms, freedom and the pursuit of happiness and ones own destiny.
Much like Sharpton and Chavez, Belafonte has elevated himself over all other citizens, by believing that this form of government would establish that he is above the very treatment he prescribes for all in the name of Social justice and redistribution of wealth and forced compliance.
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