Thursday, February 16, 2012

Gmail - Never before seen -

Gmail - Never before seen -

Never before seen

Marjorie Dannenfelser, SBA List to me
show details 2:01 PM (2 minutes ago)
SBA List - Advancing, Mobilizing and Representing Pro-Life Women

Dear Jack,

Our conscience rights and religious freedoms—along with the sanctity of Life—are under assault from President Obama and his pro-abortion allies.

After issuing a mandate, forcing religiously-affiliated institutions to pay for insurance coverage of abortifacient pills, contraception, and sterilization, President Obama issued a “compromise.”

This compromise – that the insurance companies themselves must foot the bill for abortion inducing drugs – is unacceptable,
Jack. We must fight back.

Take Action: Make an urgent donation to the SBA List right now to help our efforts to stop President Obama’s assault on Life and conscience.

Our strategy must be two-fold:

  • First we must use every possible legislative means to stop the President’s attack on Life and freedom in its tracks.
  • Second, we must lay the ground work NOW to defeat him in November.

Our pro-life leaders on Capitol Hill are working to overturn the Obama Administration's radical infringement on our First Amendment rights – but they need help. With pro-abortion Harry Reid calling the shots in the Senate, it’s going to take all the pro-life pressure we can muster to disarm this assault.

Please make a donation of $10, $25, $26, $50 or even $100 right now to help us fight back against the President’s abortifacient mandate.

Jack, you know exactly why we must fight harder than ever before: Not only are the lives of precious unborn children at risk—our very right to defend them is now threatened.

Make no mistake: if President Obama and his cronies think they can force pro-life Americans to be complicit in the distribution of abortifacients now, it will only be a matter of time before coverage of all forms of abortion is also made compulsory.

The results of November's election could set back the pro-life cause for a generation, so please join us now as we lay the groundwork to defeat the most pro-abortion President in our nation's history.

Jack, will you stand with us and make your most generous contribution right now?

I know money is tight for a lot of people right now, but at this critical moment in our nation’s history—at this critical moment in the fight to protect Life—please chip inwhatever you can.

Thank you for your continued partnership in the defense of unborn Life.

God Bless,

Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List

P.S. Jack, this abortifacient mandate is an attack never before seen on our First Amendment rights, not to mention conscience rights and the right to Life! Please stand with your SBA List right now as we work in support of efforts to overturn this radical overstep and defeat the most pro-abortion President in our nation's history.

Will you chip in $10, $36, $50, $100, or even $200 right now to help our pro-life work?

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Contributions or gifts to Susan B. Anthony List, Inc., a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. All donations are made to the general treasury of the Susan B. Anthony List, Inc., and are not designated for any particular purpose. Donation will be used in the sole discretion of the Officers and/or Board of Directors in accordance with the mission and purposes of the SBA List.

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