Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gmail - Penny Young Nance exclusive audio message -

Gmail - Penny Young Nance exclusive audio message -

Penny Young Nance exclusive audio message

Concerned Women for America to me
show details 12:32 PM (4 hours ago)

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Penny Young Nance, Chief Executive Officer and President
Concerned Women for America


Yesterday I had a meeting with Speaker of the House John Boehner to discuss the latest outrage over Planned Parenthood, and the importance of defunding this abortion industry giant -- that receives $1 million in
tax-dollars every single day to destroy human life!

I have recorded a special update for Concerned Women for America members who are standing in the gap for the unborn in our nation.

Click to Listen to My Exclusive CWA Audio Report

After listening to my audio report, please forward this message on to your pro-life family and friends, inviting them to listen in and see how CWA is working to defend the unborn and restore a culture of life to our great nation.


Penny Young Nance
Chief Executive Officer and President

P.S. Be sure to encourage your friends and family to add their names to our national petition to defund Planned Parenthood byclicking here.

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