Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gmail - Quayle Announcement Incentivizes the Tea Party -

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Quayle Announcement Incentivizes the Tea Party

Thomas Paine via to me
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A m e r i c a n P o s t - G a z e t t e

Distributed by C O M M O N S E N S E , in Arizona

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Quayle Announcement Incentivizes the Tea Party

Given the scarcity of severed thoroughbred horse heads, rumor has it that Tea Party activists are stocking up dead fish and old newspapers to wrap some unambiguous messages for the Representative from CD-3. And in Arizona, when the Tea Party ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

Just ask GOP Third-vice-chair(?) John Rhodes. Seriously. It would seem that the legacy ruling elites within the state Republican Party had brokered a deal.for his candidacy. The only problem is they forgot to ask (or failed to listen to) the growing number of Constitutional Conservatives among party rank and file. Despite the best efforts among the faithful, the only defeat on that ticket was the aforesaid Rhodes, on the first ballot, by 3 or 4 votes; at this point it doesn't matter. Message sent.

Having failed to establish a beachhead within the state GOP - which itself is still recovering from the last old-guard, scorched-earth departure - it appears their angry retribution is not only due those awful Safford Tea Party cretins whose only defense against slander is that they're telling the truth but also to the citizens of the new CD-6 who must now choose between a popular conservative incumbent and a two-time carpetbagger with a Liberace complex. Lemme think about that a while.

It didn't have to be this way. A coalition of local conservative and Tea Party groups had previously offered support for Ben Quayle's candidacy in the new CD9, with the bonus of preventing a graduate of the Ché Guevara Academy from gaining a seat in Arizona's delegation. It was a win-win for everyone, a new GOP seat in Congress, and a Representative with growing popular support.

He could'a been a contender. Instead his Geppettos enlist a new drone in their GOP old-guard effort to retain power and privilege in the face of advancing Freedom.

Good luck with that.=
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