Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gmail - Tell Your Representative to Oppose the Transportation Spending Bill Now - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Tell Your Representative to Oppose the Transportation Spending Bill Now - rejackh@gmail.com

Tell Your Representative to Oppose the Transportation Spending Bill Now

Heritage Action for America info@heritageforamerica.org via bluehornet.com to me
show details 8:00 AM (2 hours ago)
Heritage Action: Tell Your Representative to Oppose the Transportation Spending Bill. Having trouble viewing this email?
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Call Now: Stop the Spending!


Last week, we told you about a massive $262 billion transportation bill moving through the House. The bill spends far too much, relies on questionable offsets, creates a new slush fund for alternative transportation and maintains unacceptable levels of federal control.

>> Call now: Tell Congress that this spending bill is not acceptable and must be stopped.

Conservatives must remain vigilant on big-spending stimulus bills, especially those that are typically rubber-stamped without much fanfare – like the current bill. Congress must hear your voice, and understand you expect them to honor their word.

>> Call now: Tell your Representative to oppose this transportation spending bill.

Thanks, in advance, for taking action. And be sure to let us know how your call went.


Russ Vought
Political Director
Heritage Action for America

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Heritage Action for America | 321 D Street NE | Washington, DC 20002

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