Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Charge: U.S. Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts | Vision to America

Charge: U.S. Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts | Vision to America

Charge: U.S. Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts

Even though the practice is a criminal offense, one pro-lifer asserts that body parts are being harvested from aborted babies and used for research purposes in the U.S. and abroad.
After an investigation by Life Dynamics revealed the practice, Investigate Magazine, a New Zealand-based current affairs publication from a conservative Christian standpoint, went on to determine that a Maryland brokerage firm has been arranging the sale of parts of American aborted babies to the University of Auckland medical school in New Zealand for experiments.
Mark Crutcher, founder and president of Life Dynamics, says there is no excuse for this project titled “Photoreceptor-associated gene expression in human fetal and embryonic chicken retina.”
“We justify all this on the concept that it might help society. It may help cure diseases. It may help do this wondrous thing and this other wondrous thing, but the fact is that we cannot profit from our own evil,” he contends. “We have no right to harvest the parts of these dead babies who we intentionally kill in order to make our lives better. There has to be a limit at what you’re willing to do.”

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  • Ed in Florida
    Most great nation lasted for only 200 years.  America has lasted longer that that because of America's moral character and the type of Republic Government we have had. The USA is becoming less and less of a Republic and more and more of a Liberal Socialist Government. This national decay is and will dissolve the USA into a third world nation which will run on chaos for our future generations. The Obama Administration will accelerate this decay and decline very quickly.  Those who succumb to supporting the Obama Administration because of promisses of wealth redistribution will eventually find them selves enslaved to the Socialist elite for mere pennies. Slavery will be on the rise in America.
  • U.S.CITIZEN 00001, U.S.VET
    it is unfortunate that this great nation has allowed itself to be morally c o r r u p t e d  by the atheist,agnostic,and special interest groups under the name of progress.when we stopped calling a loser a loser and a winner a winner for political correctness we lost truth and honesty everywhere. no one should find the idea of harvesting from f e t u s e s shocking. the liberal m e d i a  have done their best to make us
    insensitive to all manor of  i m m o r a l i  t y 
  • CathTX
    Every one of us can make a difference in our communities on this.  I think many of the churches have failed to find their VOICE and are willing to fear man, thus taking the mark and rule of man over God.  We have none else to fear but God. 
  • Charles Bill L.
    I wonder how many Great men and women have been murdered over the years in their mothers womb?Great statesmen Lawyers Doctors Engineers nurses teachers educators professors presidents ect.To bad the parents of these baby killers dident believe in abortion.Remember Scott Peterson who killed his wife?She was pregnant with their child when she was murdered and cast in to the bay.The child she was carring was also murdered.They charged him with the murder of the unborn child.Yet the doctors kill babies every day but they arent charged with murder.Whats the diffrence? An un born baby be it Scotts or whoever is still a baby.Murder is murder whichever the way you put it.
  • ricbee
    I had no doubt that this was happening.
  • Myrtle
    Every person that GOD has created was created with a special purpose for that individual.  We can only imagine the purpose of these little ones, his chance at life has been snuffed out, aborted, murdered, stolen by the one who should have been ready to die for it. We are sacrificing our children in the name of "sexual pleasures, with abandonment of responsibilities. We know ahead of time where we are going, what we are going to do, knowing what our decision will produce, not caring, willing to kill our  own for this moment of pleasure, with no planing knowing what will occur.
  • I never thought I would be more sad at what happens in abortion clinics but I was wrong. If Congress does not put a stop to this practice we should be slapped for not voting them out. Anyone holding their breath for the Unjustice Dept. to stop it will smother. You will not never ever see that happen. This nation has sunk to such new lows it's a wonder God has not smote us all by now. Every little body desecrated by these heathens is sacred and deserve respect. I firmly believe there are a bunch of folks alive today that will be in shock when they meet their maker on judgement day. As for the mothers who sent them to their deaths they deserve nothing. Not one thing. Their day is coming when God comes back.Just do us a favor. If you can't do better about birth control just get fixed so you can't have kids and then we will all be happy. Especially the Sanger types who wants you to do away with your kids.
  • This is against US Law and the Law of God.  The Department of Justice must conduct an investigation to ferret out the wrong doers....what's that you say....the DOJ is run by a Godless Communist America Hater named Eric Holder?  Because of his lack of credibility and sense of justice as evidenced in:
    1. Operation Gun Runner
    2. Failure to Prosecute Black Panthers for White Voter Intimidation
    3. Supports widespread Voter Fraud by punishing states for voter photo ID laws
    4. Failure to protect US Borders and supports drug importation
    ....that he will not investigate this Abortion Industry...pardon the pun... Abortion?  
    May these people turn from this evil and realize it is wrong.  
  • Myrtle
     And if you can name one single good he has added that might balance out one of these anti-America decisions, that would make a difference but there is nothing!!!
  • Toilm
    One pro lifer made this assertion? Only one? I wonder how many things I could claim?
  • Waynamal
    That abortion is murder.
  • LouiseCA
    This will surely be the final death knell for America. We're already in trouble with Almighty God and coming under judgment. Surely this time. we've stepped over the line. I fear for my country. Anybody heard of the book, The Harbinger? You'd better get a copy and start reading. We've learned nothing. Nothing.
  • Myrtle
     You are absolutely correct but I believe HE will look out for those who have fought for HIM, HIS WORD AND HIS COMMANDMENTS against the evil that is flowing like a river over this land.
  • I just can not believe what we have become, are we that low and imoral that we have become this vile thing, do we love money that much to kill our babies to sell them to others for profit, what have we become, please tell me, I knew that we were low and evil, but this takes the cake of all, we need to be destroyed for this, and it is coming.
  • Myrtle
     You know HIS WORD says that parents will be against their children and the children against the parents. It has come to this point but millions of children are being murdered by their parents. The children a great majority are raised with no Christian background at all.
  • Harriett
    What have we come to?  God forgive us.
  • Myrtle
     He will forgive everyone who repents, depend on that!!
  • lmb
    During WWII the Nazis performed experiments on prisoners in their concentration camps and compiled a body of medical research knowledge as a result. At the end of the war, medical scientists throughout the world repudiated the results of those experiments and destroyed those records - even though some of those results may have helped mankind. I believe the legal equivalent would be called "the fruit of the poisonous tree" - the vile or unscrupulous collection of data renders it unusable by decent people. The same principles should be applied in this situation and the outcome of this research should be discarded by the scientific community. Unfortunately, most "enlightened" scientists are liberal academics who see nothing wrong with abortion, thus they will not repudiate this research.
  • Myrtle
     In their minds they have become smarter than GOD, even if theY ever believed in HIM, in the first placed.
  • Jtwinboys
    And who does this sound like to you??  The brown shirts are coming.  I believe you will not see an election this year.

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