Monday, March 12, 2012

The GAYstapo Wants To Have Christians Arrested | Front Porch Politics

The GAYstapo Wants To Have Christians Arrested | Front Porch Politics

The GAYstapo Wants To Have Christians Arrested

will young
A recent article in the UK’s Christian Institute quoted pop star Will Young as he referred to clergymen who referenced homosexual unions, which they are trying to get everyone to say they are “gay marriage” (which this writer will not do), as “abhorrent”. Mr. Young didn’t stop there though. He continued expressing the desire to have those who see homosexuals and their unions as abhorrent as those who should be prosecuted for hate crimes. He certainly wouldn’t wouldn’t like what I call it: sodomy, homosexualality, debauchery, unnatural, depraved, perverse, evil, disgusting, wretched and a host of other terms.
Somehow Mr. Young thinks it’s ok to call people with convictions other than his own criminals and hatemongers that should be in jail, but when they disagree with his position he cries “foul” like a little child kicking and screaming that they are intolerant. See the utter intolerance of the tolerance movement?
These statements appeared live on BBC1′s Question Time.
I like to identify people like Mr. Young as the new Gaystapo, or among the militant sodomites who are showing themselves for who they truly are. They are those who claim to love and be tolerant, yet they are the very epitome of hate and intolerance. They want to silence anyone who would call their perverse behavior….well, perverse!
They would just a soon see Bible believing Christians in prison and if they had their way executed. They only speak of love in terms of sex. While there probably are some homosexuals who do care for their partners, it is then betrayed by the fact that they engage them romantically and sexually, thus showing a hatred of them.
A columnist for the Daily Mail, Janice Atkinson warned clergy that they could be “called into a police station” for simply voicing what they believe concerning traditional marriage to which Mr. Young replied, “yes, rightfully so.”
Mr. Young tried to do what so many of the militant sodomites do and that is try and equate race, religion and sexual preference. First, there is only one race Mr. Young. The human one. Second, there are basically two religions in the world, the religion of grace and the religion of works. Grace only exists in Christianity. All other religions are a religion where man can somehow save himself by his works. Third, sexual preference is a choice that you make, thus the use of the term preference. Homosexuality use to be dealt with as a mental illness and in the Church it was dealt with as sin. Maybe we should start referring to “sexual disorientation” rather than “sexual orientation”.
Fortunately there was a bit of sanity on the part of Mr. Atkinson as she said, “that Britain would be walking into a police state if we go down that route” and she is exactly right. Not only Britain, but we in America.
America is quickly coming under the same attack from militant homosexuals. They want to herald the mantra of tolerance while at the same time being utterly intolerant of views that are opposed to theirs. I have been called intolerant. I’m far from that. I don’t mind engaging people of different opinions and just because I differ with someone does not mean I cannot deal with someone who thinks otherwise.
Government minister Eric Pickles chimed in, “for merely expressing the view that it is wrong in the view of his religion, to turn that into a hate crime would be the worst kind of repression.” I totally agree.
Recently in America Kirk Cameron was attacked for comments he made regarding what he believes about homosexuality and was then defended by liberal Piers Morgan.
Here is the whole problem with hate crime legislation: What crime is done out of love? Are there any crimes that are committed out of love for the person who is the victim? NO. All crimes are crimes out of hate and selfishness. Can we please put this terminology out of the legal system? There is absolutely no need to speak of any crime as a “hate crime”. All crime is a result of hate, not love. First and foremost it is usually hatred of the Creator, so in my estimation and the estimation of the Scriptures, Mr. Young and the sodomite community are all guilty of crimes against nature and nature’s God and why? Because they hate Him.
However, the solution to the problem is not fighting hate with hate, but rather confronting hate with true love and the gospel of Jesus Christ, which silences sinners, humbles them and changes their hearts, desires and actions for the glory of God.
Tim Brown

Article by Tim

Husband of Denise. Father of 9. Jack of All Trades. Currently writing for and overseeing several other sites as well as video production.
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  • Steven R. Russell
    No one has ever been known to fight God and win.  
  • Chuckthekeyman
    Sounds to me like he has an issue with hate. Don't worry  I'll pray for you to be delivered from your Gay deamon.
  • marineh2ominer
    They are NOT gay , they are faggots .  They are an abomination to God , nature , and humanity .  That is not hate speach , that is just commonsense speach , They are sexual perverts , meaning they are NOT normal , but very sick individuals that need help but don't want it because they WANT their affliction . It isn''t just Christians that reject their sins , it is all major religions worldwide down throughout history .
  • Biblical passages are clear. It is an abomination. You want same sex unions? Fine, just don't expect the church to sanction it. You do Not have the right to change God to your image. If you are islamic you are doomed to be stoned to death.
  • ELKI
    Brilliant.  Its about time we call a spade a spade.
  • 426hemi__71
    Christians are being attacked as they were 2000 years ago for believing in the Word.
  • Ronanfred
    I wonder how they would like it if we adopted the Muslim rules for dealing with Homosexuality.
  • Thank you for that much needed article. You set the record straight on many fronts. Keep up the good work and maybe we'll meet in jail someday.
  • I agree Tim.
    It was a big mistake when society began to describe homosexuals as gay. I saw the handwriting on the wall in the 1960's.
    I could be described as a homophobe in the sissy community. The word homophobe is contrived. Phony.
    If anything it means I'm normal ie straight; as opposed to queer. That word is perfectly acceptable. It means odd or out of the ordinary.
    Let's bring back shame and embarrassement. When I was young NO guy wanted to be called a queer. We all wanted to be real men.
    But then .. we all liked girls.
    We still do. It's just real hard to catch them now.
  • JMJ
    These people living an abomination to God call the "truth" hate speech.  That's because they refuse to face the "truth" because that'll mean they'll have to change their abominable way of life.  They don't want to change.  The "choice is theres"  -- Heaven or Eternal Hellfire!  See website:       If anyone wants to help "STOP THE CORRUPT OBAMA MACHINE FROM STEALING THE 2012 ELECTIONS" contact:  Thomas Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, 425 Third Street SW, Suite 800, Washington, DC  20024; Tel: (202) 646-5172; FAX: (202) 646-5199; email:   
  • bressler
  • whacy whac
    yeah arrest Christians!  let the mooslims and sharia law take over! hahahaha they will kill you fags!
  • RPaul69
    That good ole 'bunghole buddy' needs to take anger management classes!  Geez!  Where do they find these morons???
  • Will5781
    Everyone and there mother want to jump on the"hate" crime wagon.I personally have no use for anything that has to do with "hate" crimes. It is not even illegal to be illegal anymore so why be hating. This PC world that you all live in is not for me,thanks anyway.
    So you don't read or believe in the Bible. God did away with Sodom and Gammora. Why would he change his mind today and give you fags a pass. We love the homo but hate what they do. We can pray for you but most of you don't believe the Bible so there you hell


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