Thursday, March 1, 2012

Gmail - Arizona 2012 Project rabble-busters -

Gmail - Arizona 2012 Project rabble-busters -

Arizona 2012 Project rabble-busters

Thomas Paine via to me
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A m e r i c a n P o s t - G a z e t t e

Distributed by C O M M O N S E N S E , in Arizona

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Politics makes for strange bedfellows. County Supervisor Fulton Brock knows all too well the truth of that pithy quote and has declined to stand for re-election. We previously have applauded his decision to reduce the political pressures in order to achieve some measure of personal peace.

Another county official, Superisor Don Stapley, taking heed of wise counsel we've offered him in recent weeks, has likewise chosen the path of least resistance by formally withdrawing from his potential candidacy for the seat he currently holds. Apparently the electoral process just isn't the sure thing it used to be.

Both of these gentlemen are showing the effects of butting heads with growing conservative citizen involvement stemming from the Tea Party movement. Now that The People have been shaken out of their complacence by national events and are alert and involved once again, things are heating up for underperforming elected officials. Citizens at every level are beginning to apply their experience and passion to a dedicated overwatch of those who would make policy and spend our taxes. Elected and potential 'public servants' will underestimate these patriots at their peril.

Certain Progressive activist-organizers have also felt the wrath of Tea Party groups at County meetings. The Arizona 2012 Project recently outfoxed the loony leftists by showing up early and in sufficient numbers to deny the anti-Arpaio occupiers seats - and a soapbox - at Board of Supervisors hearings. Our presence was also noted from the dias; more than one Supervisor thanked the group for being there and for helping strengthen our officials' resolve during difficult times. For subsequent meetings, the agitators didn't even bother to show up, reinforcing the adage that the best way to discourage a bully is to (metaphorically) bloody his nose.

Gone are the cushy days of flim-flam public hearings, phantom budgets, hidden perks, and asset shifting that were intentionally obscure but otherwise seemingly tolerable in our years of explosive growth. Times have changed and we've run out of other peoples' money. Candidates who favor true transparency and accountability in government are once again in demand and will be welcomed, supported, and defended by a newly awakened populace.

The rabble-busters of the Arizona 2012 Project are busily planning their next unconventional engagement with the opposition. The spirits of our Founding Fathers are smiling once again.
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