| Dear Jack,
I need you to take immediate action.
THIS AFTERNOON the Senate will be voting on Senator Roy Blunt’s amendment to protect the conscience rights and religious liberties of all Americans.
Take Action: Call your two U.S. Senators right now and tell them to support the Blunt Amendment.
The Blunt Amendment would amend Obamacare to protect the conscience rights of those who purchase or provide health insurance. This is needed because of the mandate issued by President Obama and Secretary Sebelius that virtually all employers, including religiously affiliated hospitals and schools, and even pro-life organizations such as the SBA List, must purchase health insurance plans that cover abortion inducing drugs and sterilization.
The vote on the Blunt Amendment is expected as early as 11 AM EST today.
Click Here to Call your two Senators right now. Simple talking points are included.
Jack, we cannot let the Obama administration trample on our consciences or our Constitutionally guaranteed religious liberty.
Make no mistake: Planned Parenthood and their allies in the White House and Congress will stop at nothing to take away the conscience rights of millions of pro-life Americans so they can force their radical abortion agenda on the country.
For years, ‘Who decides?’ was the favorite incantation from the feminist movement. Now, President Obama asserts it is government, specifically himself as its spokesman, who decides what a properly formed conscience is. 'Who decides' which is more fundamental: religious freedom or an ideology of reproductive health care?
Will you join me in taking action against the attacks by calling your Senators right now?
This is a critical moment, Jack. We need all hands on deck. Know that your SBA List will continue to be right in the thick of the fight standing for Life and the conscience rights of all Americans.
For Life, 

Marjorie Dannenfelser President, Susan B. Anthony List www.sba-list.org
P.S. The Blunt Amendment to protect our conscience rights and religious liberty will be voted on THIS AFTERNOON in the Senate. Click Here to call your two U.S. Senators right now. Talking points are included.
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