Dear Fellow American,
Last fall, a Muslim attacked a Pennsylvania man name Ernest Perce who had dressed up like Mohammed for a Halloween parade. The attack was caught on film, witnessed by dozens of parade watchers, and verified by a policeman.
The Muslim was charged. But when he was brought before Cumberland County Judge Mark Martin, the judge dismissed the assault charges against the Muslim and dressed down the Pennsylvania man for being insensitive to the Muslim religion. Not only did Martin rule in favor of the Muslim attacker, he lectured Ernest Perce for insulting Islam: "Islam is not just a religion, it's their culture. It's their very essence their very being… And what you've done is, you've complete trashed their essence, their being. They find it very, very, very offensive. I find it offensive."
Guess what—I'm offended too, but for an entirely different reason. This Sharia law sympathy is part of a pattern. We have identified similar cases in at least 20 states where a full-scale campaign has been launched by American Muslim organizations seeking to push Sharia law ahead of constitutional law.
Will you take a moment right now and help the Freedom Center fight back by making a tax-deductible contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more?
Judge Martin, the man who told the attack victim he was "way outside the bounds of his first amendment rights," was completely out of line. Worse, his behavior sets a horrible precedent. Martin's blind ignorance of the constitution has opened the door for Muslims to legally attack Americans who they feel offends them on religious grounds.
That's why the Freedom Center has launched an information campaign, complete with newspaper ads that we plan to run in select papers in Pennsylvania, exposing Martin's disregard for individual rights and his work to protect Muslims at any cost. We'll also run a larger scale campaign to educate Americans about Sharia law and how Muslim groups, including the insidious Muslim Brotherhood, are intimidating local officials in communities and on campuses throughout the country.
This campaign will cost roughly $75,000 over the next 30 days. So please follow this link right away to make the most generous tax-deductible contribution you can afford to support our efforts.
How powerful are the forces we face? Judge Martin's decision shows us how what Robert Spencer calls the "stealth jihad" is working to allow Muslims to give their faith the force of law in America. There are many other courtrooms around the nation where Islam has been allowed to trump the Constitution in taking away Americans' first amendment rights.
Please take a moment right now to help the Freedom Center stop this encroachment before it goes any further. We need to draw a line at what just happened in a Pennsylvania courthouse. You and I must remain vigilant and ready to defend our freedoms and the American way of life during this trying times. Thank you so much.

David Horowitz
President & Founder
P.S. Help the Freedom Center fight Sharia law from becoming the America's rule of law by making an immediate tax-deductible contribution of $25, $50, $100,$ 250 or more today. Thanks—David

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