A m e r i c a n P o s t - G a z e t t e Distributed by C O M M O N S E N S E , in Arizona Wednesday, February 9, 2011 |
| Supervisors ignore Tea Parties like they do the Constitution Use high-priced taxpayer-funded lobbyists to stall legislature from passing HB 2164 |
Yesterday the House Committee on Government at the State Legislature held a meeting on HB 2164, County Treasurer's Management Fund. This bill would provide more transparency on what the County Supervisors are spending our money on.
The Tea Parties showed up en masse at the legislature yesterday to support the bill. Legislators looked out over a sea of people wearing yellow Tea Party buttons in the hearing room. But outrageously, after taking their own personal time to make sure their voices we heard, political maneuvering by the Supervisors caused the bill to be delayed. Maricopa County Supervisors spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on pricey lobbyists to defy the will of "we the people." Everyone had to go home!

The Chairman, Representative Judy Burges, says enough is enough and the bill WILL be heard next Tuesday February 15th at 2:00 pm.
The Supervisors think they are the kings of Maricopa County. This is not right. The Tea Party went down to the legislature to make our voice heard and the Supervisors took our tax dollars and threw them in our face.
Two Tea Party leaders showed up this morning at the County Supervisors' meeting to object. They were only given 2 minutes to speak. They expressed their opposition to the Supervisors spending our tax dollars on lobbyists to stall this important bill. Their words fell on deft ears as the Supervisors simply ignored them.
The Tea Party will not be silenced and will be heard! The Supervisors must be held accountable to the taxpayers. Let's keep the pressure up and make sure this bill gets passed. We have a right to know what the Supervisors are spending our money on, and we're sick and tired of them spending it on politically correct unnecessary government programs, environmental initiatives, and padded contracting jobs for their friends.
If any good has come out of this at all, this maneuver by the Supervisors has guaranteed Supervisor Andrew Kunasek a contest primary. The Tea Party is putting up a candidate to run against him in 2012. Call Kunasek or email him and tell him you will not be supporting him due to his disregard for the taxpayers of Maricopa County. (602 506-7562) akunasek@mail.maricopa.gov. Please note that phone calls are more effective than email.
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