The High Cost of Dumbing Us Down
March 12, 2012
It now costs over $10,000 a year to “educate,” or brainwash, a child in a public school, whereas it costs about $550 to $1,000 a year to homeschool a child. The taxpayer pays nothing for the education of a child at home. Yet, the homeschooling parent must continue to pay the taxes for the public schools. This is just one of the minor injustices that exist in our society in the interest of education.
And the reason why it now costs so much to educate a child in the public schools is that the dumbing-down process is not cheap. It requires costly programs that need frequent upgrading and revision, and it also requires specially trained teachers who are constantly attending expensive conferences and seminars in order to learn how better to dumb down the children.
Let’s just take the subject of teaching a child to read. Back in the old days, before the introduction of the Dick and Jane program, teaching reading was not all that expensive. Teachers taught the alphabet and the letter sounds mainly by using a chalk board, much in the way it was done in the 19th century with Noah Webster’s blue-backed spelling books. Student readers were cheap, and cursive writing helped a child learn to read. But when the progressives created the new look-say, whole-word Dick and Jane books, with their many colorful pictures of Dick, Jane, Sally, and Spot, the new dumbed-down version of reading instruction became expensive. In the old, traditional way, pictures played a very minor part, but with the new look-say method, pictures were indispensable in teaching children how to guess the words by looking at the pictures on the page.
Indeed, when the new Dick and Jane program was introduced in the schools in 1933, during the Great Depression, many schools could not afford it. That was the case in New York City, where the traditional alphabetic-phonics method was used until World War II when the economy revived and the schools now had the resources needed to pay for the new look-say books.
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- As a senior citizen and re-entry student who recently received his Degree from a California State University; I am amazed and astonished at the lack of education and the agenda and propagandization presentations of many of the professors I encountered in the classroom. And yes, I did have some very well educated and professional professors as well of which I am proud to have participated in their instruction. Too many of the professors are modern day I bought fifteen books in university, that I did not read a eightth of, instant experts and supposed top educators that have only a minimal education of their subjects. Three times, in three diverse subjects including economics and history; upon my final papers was writen, I paraphrase, "You know more of the subject matter than I do!" And those finals were returned all "A" papers. What is being taught in our classrooms today does not come close to the education presented in the 50's, 60's and early 70's.
- Who's Vetting Muslim Chaplains On College Campuses?
Homeland Security: To please Muslim-rights groups, more and more colleges are hiring Muslim chaplains, only to watch them radicalize students. Campuses need tougher background checks.
Alarmingly, some chaplains have actively supported al-Qaida and called for violent jihad against "kaffirs," or infidels. And yet they still have access to students, and remain on the university payroll.
Take Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Muslim chaplain at Northeastern University in Boston. He has urged Muslims to pick up the "gun and sword" on behalf of recently imprisoned al-Qaida terrorists.
Last month, Faaruuq held a fundraiser for Aafia Siddiqui, a one-time MIT student also known as "Lady al-Qaida," who's serving an 86-year prison sentence for opening fire on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
Siddiqui, a senior al-Qaida operative based in Pakistan, was captured with notes about a "mass casualty attack" in the U.S., along with a list of New York landmarks.
"What a brave woman she continues to be, and how much her bravery and her faith and her belief warrants our support at this time," said Faaruuq, as he encouraged Massachusetts Muslims to help raise $30,000 for her appeal.
"She's only guilty of defending herself," he said. In fact, Siddiqui yelled "Death to America" as she fired on soldiers. A federal judge called her actions premeditated.
While ignoring such evidence, the Northeastern chaplain condemned American soldiers as "kaffirs" and exhorted Muslims to "cut through" them with machetes.
"Go out and do your job," he said, referring to jihad.
No wonder Islamic extremism has spread at Northeastern.
Then there's Khalid Griggs, assistant chaplain at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Upon his hiring, Wake Forest's president praised him as a "well-respected individual."
Yes, well-respected among the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
Griggs has served as a leader of the Islamic Circle of North America, or ICNA, cited in the Muslim Brotherhood's recently declassified founding archives as one of its front groups. He is also a senior official in the Muslim Alliance of North America. MANA was co-founded by radical Muslim cleric Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
"It is difficult to understand how the president of such a respected American university could have remained so oblivious to the serious implications of allowing an individual like Griggs with openly publicized links to the Muslim Brotherhood access to Wake Forest students," said terror expert Clare Lopez.
ICNA is an offshoot of the Muslim Students Association, another Brotherhood front. MSA has grown to one of the nation's largest college groups with more than 150 campus chapters.
MSA chapters from New York to California have extolled suicide bombers and other terrorists as "martyrs" and the "only people who truly fear Allah."
And they are a big reason why, according to a recent Pew Research poll, one in four college-age Muslims in America support suicide bombings.
MSA also organizes anti-Israel student rallies, and hectors college administrators into Islamizing campus facilities. MSA and Muslim chaplains work in lockstep. To please Muslim-rights groups, more and more colleges are hiring Muslim chaplains, only to watch them radicalize students. Campuses need tougher background checks.
Alarmingly, some chaplains have actively supported al-Qaida and called for violent jihad against "kaffirs," or infidels. And yet they still have access to students, and remain on the university payroll.
Take Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Muslim chaplain at Northeastern University in Boston. He has urged Muslims to pick up the "gun and sword" on behalf of recently imprisoned al-Qaida terrorists.
Last month, Faaruuq held a fundraiser for Aafia Siddiqui, a one-time MIT student also known as "Lady al-Qaida," who's serving an 86-year prison sentence for opening fire on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
Siddiqui, a senior al-Qaida operative based in Pakistan, was captured with notes about a "mass casualty attack" in the U.S., along with a list of New York landmarks.
"What a brave woman she continues to be, and how much her bravery and her faith and her belief warrants our support at this time," said Faaruuq, as he encouraged Massachusetts Muslims to help raise $30,000 for her appeal.
"She's only guilty of defending herself," he said. In fact, Siddiqui yelled "Death to America" as she fired on soldiers. A federal judge called her actions premeditated.
While ignoring such evidence, the Northeastern chaplain condemned American soldiers as "kaffirs" and exhorted Muslims to "cut through" them with machetes.
"Go out and do your job," he said, referring to jihad.
No wonder Islamic extremism has spread at Northeastern.
Then there's Khalid Griggs, assistant chaplain at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Upon his hiring, Wake Forest's president praised him as a "well-respected individual."
Yes, well-respected among the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
Griggs has served as a leader of the Islamic Circle of North America, or ICNA, cited in the Muslim Brotherhood's recently declassified founding archives as one of its front groups. He is also a senior official in the Muslim Alliance of North America. MANA was co-founded by radical Muslim cleric Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
"It is difficult to understand how the president of such a respected American university could have remained so oblivious to the serious implications of allowing an individual like Griggs with openly publicized links to the Muslim Brotherhood access to Wake Forest students," said terror expert Clare Lopez.
ICNA is an offshoot of the Muslim Students Association, another Brotherhood front. MSA has grown to one of the nation's largest college groups with more than 150 campus chapters.
MSA chapters from New York to California have extolled suicide bombers and other terrorists as "martyrs" and the "only people who truly fear Allah."
And they are a big reason why, according to a recent Pew Research poll, one in four college-age Muslims in America support suicide bombings.
MSA also organizes anti-Israel student rallies, and hectors college administrators into Islamizing campus facilities. MSA and Muslim chaplains work in lockstep.
Clearly, regents and administrators are clueless about this dangerous threat. Unless they put in place better vetting systems, radical Islamists will be able to infiltrate college campuses and indoctrinate impressionable students who graduate to become jihadists instead of productive members of society.
Homeland Security: To please Muslim-rights groups, more and more colleges are hiring Muslim chaplains, only to watch them radicalize students. Campuses need tougher background checks.
Alarmingly, some chaplains have actively supported al-Qaida and called for violent jihad against "kaffirs," or infidels. And yet they still have access to students, and remain on the university payroll.
Take Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Muslim chaplain at Northeastern University in Boston. He has urged Muslims to pick up the "gun and sword" on behalf of recently imprisoned al-Qaida terrorists.
Last month, Faaruuq held a fundraiser for Aafia Siddiqui, a one-time MIT student also known as "Lady al-Qaida," who's serving an 86-year prison sentence for opening fire on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
Siddiqui, a senior al-Qaida operative based in Pakistan, was captured with notes about a "mass casualty attack" in the U.S., along with a list of New York landmarks.
"What a brave woman she continues to be, and how much her bravery and her faith and her belief warrants our support at this time," said Faaruuq, as he encouraged Massachusetts Muslims to help raise $30,000 for her appeal.
"She's only guilty of defending herself," he said. In fact, Siddiqui yelled "Death to America" as she fired on soldiers. A federal judge called her actions premeditated.
While ignoring such evidence, the Northeastern chaplain condemned American soldiers as "kaffirs" and exhorted Muslims to "cut through" them with machetes.
"Go out and do your job," he said, referring to jihad.
No wonder Islamic extremism has spread at Northeastern.
Then there's Khalid Griggs, assistant chaplain at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Upon his hiring, Wake Forest's president praised him as a "well-respected individual."
Yes, well-respected among the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
Griggs has served as a leader of the Islamic Circle of North America, or ICNA, cited in the Muslim Brotherhood's recently declassified founding archives as one of its front groups. He is also a senior official in the Muslim Alliance of North America. MANA was co-founded by radical Muslim cleric Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
"It is difficult to understand how the president of such a respected American university could have remained so oblivious to the serious implications of allowing an individual like Griggs with openly publicized links to the Muslim Brotherhood access to Wake Forest students," said terror expert Clare Lopez.
ICNA is an offshoot of the Muslim Students Association, another Brotherhood front. MSA has grown to one of the nation's largest college groups with more than 150 campus chapters.
MSA chapters from New York to California have extolled suicide bombers and other terrorists as "martyrs" and the "only people who truly fear Allah."
And they are a big reason why, according to a recent Pew Research poll, one in four college-age Muslims in America support suicide bombings.
MSA also organizes anti-Israel student rallies, and hectors college administrators into Islamizing campus facilities. MSA and Muslim chaplains work in lockstep. To please Muslim-rights groups, more and more colleges are hiring Muslim chaplains, only to watch them radicalize students. Campuses need tougher background checks.
Alarmingly, some chaplains have actively supported al-Qaida and called for violent jihad against "kaffirs," or infidels. And yet they still have access to students, and remain on the university payroll.
Take Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Muslim chaplain at Northeastern University in Boston. He has urged Muslims to pick up the "gun and sword" on behalf of recently imprisoned al-Qaida terrorists.
Last month, Faaruuq held a fundraiser for Aafia Siddiqui, a one-time MIT student also known as "Lady al-Qaida," who's serving an 86-year prison sentence for opening fire on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
Siddiqui, a senior al-Qaida operative based in Pakistan, was captured with notes about a "mass casualty attack" in the U.S., along with a list of New York landmarks.
"What a brave woman she continues to be, and how much her bravery and her faith and her belief warrants our support at this time," said Faaruuq, as he encouraged Massachusetts Muslims to help raise $30,000 for her appeal.
"She's only guilty of defending herself," he said. In fact, Siddiqui yelled "Death to America" as she fired on soldiers. A federal judge called her actions premeditated.
While ignoring such evidence, the Northeastern chaplain condemned American soldiers as "kaffirs" and exhorted Muslims to "cut through" them with machetes.
"Go out and do your job," he said, referring to jihad.
No wonder Islamic extremism has spread at Northeastern.
Then there's Khalid Griggs, assistant chaplain at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Upon his hiring, Wake Forest's president praised him as a "well-respected individual."
Yes, well-respected among the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
Griggs has served as a leader of the Islamic Circle of North America, or ICNA, cited in the Muslim Brotherhood's recently declassified founding archives as one of its front groups. He is also a senior official in the Muslim Alliance of North America. MANA was co-founded by radical Muslim cleric Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
"It is difficult to understand how the president of such a respected American university could have remained so oblivious to the serious implications of allowing an individual like Griggs with openly publicized links to the Muslim Brotherhood access to Wake Forest students," said terror expert Clare Lopez.
ICNA is an offshoot of the Muslim Students Association, another Brotherhood front. MSA has grown to one of the nation's largest college groups with more than 150 campus chapters.
MSA chapters from New York to California have extolled suicide bombers and other terrorists as "martyrs" and the "only people who truly fear Allah."
And they are a big reason why, according to a recent Pew Research poll, one in four college-age Muslims in America support suicide bombings.
MSA also organizes anti-Israel student rallies, and hectors college administrators into Islamizing campus facilities. MSA and Muslim chaplains work in lockstep.
Clearly, regents and administrators are clueless about this dangerous threat. Unless they put in place better vetting systems, radical Islamists will be able to infiltrate college campuses and indoctrinate impressionable students who graduate to become jihadists instead of productive members of society. - this will send SHOCK waves through your body...Major Appointments by President Barack Obama and Members of His Administration: click on their names an see who's from where and what they stand for.... They ALL must be voted OUT INTO THE STREET..!.. They ALL must be voted OUT INTO THE STREET..!http://www.discoverthenetworks...America's Most Corrupt Politicians the list of the top ten most admired men, was none other than President Barack Obama.
Now Judicial Watch has released the Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians list. To no surprise of my own, President Barack Obama made Judicial Watch’s list along with the nation’s top cop, Attorney General Eric Holder.
Judicial Watch’s Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians for 2011 are listed in alphabetical order:
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) Former Senator John Ensign (R-NV) Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) Attorney General Eric Holder (D) Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) President Barack Obama (D) Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA) Rep. David Rivera (R-FL) Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Rep. Don Young (R-AK)
Dishonorable Mentions for 2011 include:
Former Senator John Edwards (D-NC) Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (D) Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY) Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius (D)
Note that six of the ten list are Democrats and six of the eight listed on the dishonorable mention are Democrats. That’s 75% of those on both lists are Democrats. That has to say something for the overall mentality of the attitude of being above the law that permeates the Democratic Party.
As for President Obama making this list and being listed as the most admired man in the country speaks volumes as to just how far American society has declined. Why would a nation of people admire one of the most corrupt politicians of the day and probably in the history of the American presidency?
Obama has repeatedly defied the US Constitution and federal laws. He ignores the mandates of Congress and the general opinion of the American people and yet they turn around and admire him for it?
And then there has to be a lot said when the US Attorney General makes it to the Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians list. The man who is supposed to uphold the law turns out to be one of the biggest violators of the law. Every day, more Congressmen and women are calling for his immediate resignation and even more are signing on to a vote of no confidence and yet he sees himself as doing no wrong. Leaving Eric Holder in his role as US Attorney General is like placing a career pedophile in charge of a day care.
I wish we could post Judicial Watch’s lists of the Ten Most and the Dishonorable Mention outside every polling booth in the nation so that it’s the last thing voters see before placing their votes. Just maybe, it would be enough to change a few votes this next year. - marinyxI graduated from high school in the late sixties and began teaching in 1972. I have been retired after 38 years teaching and I can tell you that I was happy to leave! You can no longer teach and please remember that when I started we DID!! Since the inception of the federal Department of Education we have been insidiously beaten down in the classroom. First, it was: make the kids feel good, don't damage their self-esteem!!! I have had several counselors tell me I expect too much from my students!! Gee, I only expected the BEST they could do, not their LEAST!!! Then to add insult to injury, you have the parents of the non-parenting generation whose children are never wrong, and whose children "would never do that"!!! It is a vicious circle! No, I do not want to go back to paddling students (the parents need to warm their own hands doing that!!), I do want to go back to when children respected others. It is amazing but I never in 38 years had a problem with a child who truly respected his or her parents. We can blame government for that too, I became an issue that if you spanked your child you were being reported for child abuse!! There is a big difference between a spanking and a beating!!!!!! Enough from me on this...I have bled enough for public education. I am now enjoying being a grandparent and making sure I can be of help to my children (who grew up being spanked when they pushed me to the wall and got punished, and were expected to do their best at school or else they watched the four walls of their room (no tv, no games, no phone) and wonder of wonders they have grown up to be self supporting members of society with excellent work ethics) and helping my grandchildren learn all the things public school is not teaching them!!!
We need to do away with the Department of Education and the Department of Energy. They have accomplished NOTHING GOOD since their inception. They are just a help in destroying this once great country of ours.
May the good Lord help us!!!! - DeanYou are right that the Federal Department of Education if far to powerful. It needs to be defunded but let us not stop there.
- schools are controlled by the fed and teachers unions. this not what the founders wanted. they wanted parents and the local communities in control of the schools. the federal government has been instituting communist teachings and liberal brainwashing in the students. this is killing the republic. most students do not know what a republic is ,and they believe we live in a democracy. the founding fathers were petrified of democracy.
yes there is some good in schools, but do not be fooled, the seeds of cancerous communism are spreading quickly and the schools are an effective tool by those that want to destroy the freedoms of america. - My mother taught me to read before I went to first grade...Cost Zero....So what is so tough now..? The Milwaukee schools system is so dumbed down kids can't read in High School...Union run system ???
- I had several brothers and sisters older than me so as a result, I could read and write before I started the first grade. (They did not have kindergarten in 1944 where I lived). We had an elderly teacher who had taught many years as a first grade teacher and I did not realize until 1958 when John Campbell, the editor of Analog magazine wrote his excellent editorial on the social scientists gaining control of the school system and purposely dumbing down bright students in the interest of "equality" that the teacher I had was a Roosevelt equality progressive. She had severely punished me (they paddled your ass back then) for having the temerity to read an entire paragraph from the reading book when called on to read my first time before she could get me stopped. I had thought that you were supposed to read what you could or a paragraph before halting. I was publicly scolded, paddled and my mother was told I was a smart ass and from then on I was ostracized in class and never called upon to read again. This behavior continued until the sixth grade when I had a wonderful substitute teacher who guided my life and in my Junior year of high school explained how society worked and why the socially prominent students whose achievements were lesser than mine got the scholarship and I did not. Following her advice I left the public school system and continued my education in the Army and winning a bachelor of science in both mechanical and electrical by age 21 (I left school and entered the Army at 17) but it took until my 50's to attain the coveted MSEE. In spite of the anchor, I managed to make it and so can anyone else given the equal opportunity. I succeeded with less than an equal opportunity and the Constitution only guaranteed equal opportunity not equal accomplishments.
- scramboI have been managing young people for twenty plus years. After taking a brief two years off from management, I am back. The recent crop of kids are the worst I have ever had. They are graduating from high schools with their only proficiencies being a die hard belief in global warming, socialism, and liberal dogma. I had one threaten to call the labor dept on me because I wouldn't let her clock in and then take a break on a four hour shift. She was completely taken aback when I showed her that there is no law requiring breaks for any reason in our state. I do give breaks, but not right after arriving for work on a four hour shift. The entitlement is alarming.
- Captain PJ
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