Friday, March 2, 2012

Limbaugh Takes On Fluke... Day 3 - Rush Limbaugh - Fox Nation

Limbaugh Takes On Fluke... Day 3 - Rush Limbaugh - Fox Nation

March 02, 2012

Limbaugh Takes On Fluke... Day 3

3/2/2012 |

Rush Limbaugh took to his radio show today to address the Sandra Fluke controversy and the fact that President Obama had personally called Fluke to apologize for the personal attacks she was supposedly enduring.

A Very "RUSH" transcript...

RUSH: "A Missouri House member frustrated with recent legislative debates over birth control and reproductive health is proposing to restrict vasectomies. Legislation sponsored by Democrat Stacey Newman would allow vasectomies only when necessary to protect a man from serious injury or death." You will not find the name "Rush Limbaugh" anywhere on this legislation. Nor do I know Ms. Newman. I'm not in cahoots with her. In the state of Missouri, a woman "frustrated with recent legislative debates over birth control and reproductive health" has proposed legislation that would deny men the right to have a vasectomy whenever and for whatever reason they wanted.

Men would have to get that approved. "Vasectomies would have to be performed in a hospital, ambulatory surgery center or health facility licensed by the state Department of Health and Senior Services." What, is this? Are there back-alley vasectomies going on that we don't know about? Have you heard this, Snerdley? Are there back-alley vasectomies taking place? "The Missouri House last week approved a resolution objecting to the federal health care law and a requirement that most employers or insurers cover contraceptives. Newman, who's from St. Louis County, says that such issues affect women the most." Really? Affect women the most?

She says men also must make family planning decisions." So here you have it, folks. Now we're going to restrict vasectomies. A legislator, state representative in Missouri wants to regulate and restrict vasectomies. Can I do this? Do I have this power? I do not. And yet it is happening. Seriously, what is there about me to fear? (interruption) Oh, is that... Well, that's touching. Obama just called Sandra Fluke to make sure she was all right? Awwww. (kissing sound) That is so compassionate! What a great guy. The president called her to make sure she's okay. What is she 30 years old? Thirty years old, a student at Georgetown law who admits to having so much sex that she can't afford it anymore.

And thus, a new welfare entitlement must be created so that society will pay for it. You know, somebody asked me, "Why are you so insulting?" Me? Can anybody understand that a whole lot of us are insulted by this? Here we are, we're minding our business one day. We're bothering nobody. We can't anyway! We can't inspect your kids' lunch box. We can't raise your taxes. We can't send your kids off to war. We can't make you buy a certain kind of car. We can't do anything. And all of a sudden we're told that people who want to have sex without consequence, sex with no responsibility, and we have pay for it! We're told we have to pay for it -- and if we object, that somehow we're Neanderthal. Just out of nowhere this comes up.

Now, that, to me, is insulting.

It's no different than if somebody that I don't know knocked on my door and said, "You know what? I'm outta money. I can't afford birth control pills and I'm supposed to have sex with three guys tonight."

"Well, why are you coming to me?"

"Well, because you've got the money."

"Well, have you ever thought maybe you shouldn't? If you can't afford it, you can't do it."

Where is it written that all of a sudden, if you want something and don't have the money for it, somebody else has to pay for it. I think the whole notion of being insulted here is misplaced. There are a lot of us insulted by this whole idea that is growing throughout the Obama administration, that the people who make this country work are somehow not doing their fair share. Not paying their fair share. We've gotta be punished even more. And here's the latest example of it. So the President has called her and asked her if she's all right. She said she was, I hope. Do we know what she said? (interruption) Oh, she told that to Andrea Mitchell? You know, I offered to pay for aspirins. I thought I'd been quite compassionate here.

You know, also, one thing that's patently obvious, is that when the left wants to pretend they have no sense of humor, they are excellent at it. Yesterday in the riff about it, "Okay, okay, fine. If we're gonna pay for this, at least let us have something for it. How about some sex videos?" If anybody doesn't realize that we are illustrating absurdity here by being absurd and that that is the trademark of this program... But oh! No! "Oh, of everything else you've said, that's the lowest of the low. Demanding sex video? Who do you think you are?" Lighten up. I remember using that phrase all the way back in 1989: "Lighten up." They're also upset because I called Danica Patrick a "woman driver." (interruption)

Yeah, I know. Snerdley, I told you, "This is gonna be bigger than the phony soldiers," and he didn't think it was. I said, "Oh, it's gonna be ten times bigger. This is gonna be ten times bigger than the phony soldiers, ten times bigger than the Michael J. Fox thing, 'cause the Democrats are desperate." The Democrats are desperate, and I don’t know why they want people... Well, I do know why they want people to fear me. This is all they've got, is to go out and try to discredit their critics, to impugn and discredit the people who disagree with them. Because there's no way, if we actually sat down and had a debate about this proposition, anybody on the left can win this. Not in a sane world where there is common sense.

Apparently Sandra Fluke told Obama something. When he asked her if she's okay, she said that Obama told her that she should tell her parents they should be proud. (pause) Okay, I'm button my lip on that one. The president tells Sandra Fluke (chuckling), 30-year-old Sandra Fluke, that her parents should be proud. Okay. Let me ask you a question. I might be surprised at the answer I would get to this question. Your daughter appears before a congressional committee and says she's having so much sex, she can't pay for it and wants a new welfare program to pay for it. Would you be proud? I don't know about you, but I'd be embarrassed. I'd disconnect the phone. I'd go into hiding and hope the media didn't find me. See, everybody forgets what starts this, or what started this whole thing. Or maybe they don't! Maybe that's normal behavior on the left now, for all I know.

But it's one thing for Obama to call and ask her if she's okay.

I'm waiting for Bill Clinton to call her.


Sandra Fluke: President Obama Called Me About Limbaugh

Georgetown University co-ed Sandra Fluke on her call from President Obama: "He encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women. And what was really personal for me, was that he said to tell my parents that they should be proud."

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