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- cwgf
This is America's brain on drugs:
Obama, Holder, Biden, Carney, Bill & Hillary, Pelosi, Reid, Durbin, both Jesse Jacksons, Sebelius, Bawney Fwank, Franken, Feinstein, Boxer, Patty Murray, Rangel, Harkin, "Li'l Debbie" Wasserman-Schultz, Hoyer, Patrick "Leaky" Leahy, Sheila Jackson Lee, Bill Nelson, Durbin, Landrieu, Mikulski, John Kerry, Levin, McDermott, Klobuchar, McCaskill, Lautenberg, Chuckie Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Webb, Rockefeller, Manchin, Barbara Lee, Henry Waxman, Maxine Waters, "Big Sis" Napolitano, Howard Dean, Alcee Hastings, Dingell, Fudge, Bernice Johnson, Planned Parenthood, Rachel Maddow, Chris Mathews, Sharpton, James "Lizardhead" Carville, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, Bawbwa Striesand, Rosie O'Donnell, Whoopi Goldberg, Hollywood, Kagan, Sotomayor, Janeane Garofalo, Van Jones, EPA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Dept of Non-Education, HUD, HHS, Nat'l Endowment for the Arts, Union Thugs, Teacher's Unions, Dept of Toilets, Light bulbs and Raw Milk, ATF, TSA, ACLU, ACORN, Occupukes, Freeloaders, Illegal Aliens, the Federal Reserve and about 2/3 of all useless Federal Bureaucrats.
Any more questions?
(Edited by author 9 minutes ago)
- MikeyParks
If that list of so-called people, along with Obama, were on a ship that sunk in shark infested waters, I think this country would recover in no time. Maybe the ship's entertainment could be Streisand, Rosie O'Donnell and Whoopi Goldberg -- that would be icing on the cake.
- cwgf
I'll add them to the rogue's gallery....
There, done.
The sharks would leave them alone out of professional courtesy.
- cyndlou
you forgot Janeane Garofalo - she's like America's brain on acid.
- cwgf
Yes, how could I have overlooked that lunatic. I'll add her too....
- Garylorann
You forgot a few... Van Jones, Valerie Jarret, Clapper, Dobbs... etc., etc. But we get it.
Sad that there are so many Liberal azzwipes when you consider that Liberalism is a mental disorder , predicated on an elitist, entitlement mentality with an obsession to give away huge amounts of OTHER PEOPLE's MONEY!!
- cwgf
Dang. I added Van Jones because he's such a major slime. I guess the list will just get too long. Many more belong on it that's for sure.
- Cpz9
Obama constantly campaigning and playing politics. While America has disastrous tornadoes, people having trouble getting affordable health care, high gas & unemployment, debt & spending, what does the President of the United States do??? He take time to phone Ms. Fluke to discuss her selfish expectations of FREE Federal government birth control! ! !
- Mary A
We are living in sad times when no one can say anything about anyone without be called down with disasterous results. Freedom of speech does carry responstibility but Ms. Fluke needed to be called out for her lack of responsibility towards those who pay taxes to support her lifestyle. But what do we expect when 0 has no sense of responsibiltiy towards the American people he is to serve.
- Red_fincher
We, as Patriots must pay for Ms. Flukes' Birth Control. We don't want her to reproduce and bring a bunch of babies in the world we have to support and pay for too....
Great article. I agree, Obama never appears to be who or how he really is. He is a master of illusion and no one really knows who this man is.
- BigJohnL
He is the Chimp-in-Chief....that's who he is.
- Cowgirl
Yes, we do know who he is.....he is a hitler in disguise working very hard at turning this Country into a socialist Country and ruin us all.
- notoislam
I think phony - lier -Islamist for the left tells me who he is.
- Zoomnmoe
This might make you think .....
The list left out the corrupt Clintons that should have gone away into the sunset years ago!
- dalek1967
They are in the list. They are one of the first few in the list. He just listed them by their first name only.
When lib/progressive Marxists gets threatened, the first thing they do is RATCHET UP THEIR INSANITY;; that is good thing because it pushes them even further into the radical universe.
- Doug Rodrigues
It is my hope that once all the true information is outed, Obama will be prosecuted for fraud and treason. He belongs in prison for a long, long time. All of those Useful Idiots who helped him can join him in prison too!
- American!
As Americans, regardless of what party you belong to, we have been invaded, deceived, and betrayed. It is time to rid ourselves of this curse that has been put upon us, return to the return to the faith of our Fathers, and reclaim that which is ours!
- Red_fincher
And be sure to rid the Country of the deceivers in BOTH Parties. The Republicans are just as much to blame as the Libs. Most of them sat back and let it happen, so they are just as guilty....
The fact that Obama stated he was going to vote for Newt Gingrich only indicates that he knows he can beat him. I believe they have a pact for Gingrich to stay in and Obama will provide whatever he needs and then Newt will relax and allow Obama to take over. As for Georgia, well, those billions Obama gave them to build their nuclear power plant if they allow him to be on the ballot is just one more piece of the plot! We have to bring charges against Obama and unseat him and send him packing with NO benefits!! This lying, cheating, usurping despot is a thief and as criminal as anyone can be. All the billions he has spent on all things is pur ely grand theft! He must be stopped.
- legsquats
Obama is the biggest chameleon ever to have been in the White House.
- Captglenn
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