Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gmail - Atheists Complain; Air Force Responds by Removing 'God' from Logo -

Gmail - Atheists Complain; Air Force Responds by Removing 'God' from Logo -

Atheists Complain; Air Force Responds by Removing 'God' from Logo

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Atheists Complain; Air Force Responds by Removing 'God' from Logo

imageIn the liberal world of political correctness, I guess the motto is "Offend the Masses." To these liberal elites, it's much better to support a complainer than to take a stand and support the majority. That's exactly what's going on with the Air Force after a group of atheists complaining about a patch that includes a Latin reference to God. The Air Force's response was not to tell them to take a hike. Instead, they changed the patch.

Now here's some 'Halftime in America' ads, I can go for

Well, maybe they're really not exactly Clint Eastwood and Obama won't like them nearly as well as the original produced by Obama supporters at the Super Bowl either. That won't exactly break my heart.

And now a word from our sponsors...

Congress Tries to Give President Line-Item Veto

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Republican-led House is trying Wednesday to give President Barack Obama the line-item veto, a constitutionally questionable power over the purse that has been sought by both Republican and Democratic presidents.

FEMA has plan to waive debts of disaster victims

NEW ORLEANS (AP) The Federal Emergency Management Agency announced Wednesday that it is rolling out a plan to waive debts for many victims of Hurricane Katrina and other disasters who may have mistakenly received millions of dollars in aid.

The Obama Administration's Switch to the Super PAC Dark Side

During campaign appearances in 2008, Americans were swept off their feet (some quite literally if you take into account the swooning women) with the idea of "hope and change." In almost childlike faith, people grabbed on to the promise that then Senator Barack Obama was a different kind of politician who promised to be the proverbial tie binding us together in unity.

Gingrich sounds upbeat while ignoring election results

CLEVELAND (AP) - Newt Gingrich is keeping a chipper tone despite his poor showing in this week's GOP presidential caucuses in Colorado and Minnesota. Gingrich made no mention of the results during his only scheduled public appearance for the next two days.

Slavery protections for animals? Judge to decide

SAN DIEGO (AP) - A federal judge for the first time in U.S. history heard arguments Monday in a case that could determine whether animals enjoy the same constitutional protection against slavery as human beings.

US Supreme Court won't permit Ohio execution

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday added another wrinkle to Ohio's debate over how strictly the state's lethal injection procedures should be followed.

Santorum Sweep Rocks GOP Race for President

What a night it was. I tuned in to watch the election coverage last night, and I had no idea what I was about to see. Sure... I saw poll numbers that showed Rick Santorum holding a lead in Minnesota. I then heard that Missouri "could go his way." But the other state casting votes on Tuesday was Colorado, and Mitt Romney won big there in 2008, and he was leading in the polls this time around. When the dust settled, Santorum went three-for-three, and completely turned the GOP race for president upside-down.

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