Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gmail - Obama: Cheerleader-in-Chief for anti-family, anti-religious agenda -

Gmail - Obama: Cheerleader-in-Chief for anti-family, anti-religious agenda -

Obama: Cheerleader-in-Chief for anti-family, anti-religious agenda

Vision to America to me
show details 1:06 PM (2 hours ago)

Vision to America Logo

Dear Fellow Conservative,

Barack Obama is the most virulent anti-family, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage president in our nation's history.

Shortly after his liberal regime took control of Washington, the Obama Administration declared war on our religious liberties and faith communities. President Obama has emerged as the cheerleader-in-chief for the homosexual lobby's anti-family, anti-religious agenda and unless we send a conservative candidate with a long track record to Washington, you can expect more of the same.

I've spent my entire life defending the family against the radical feminist, anti-family, anti-marriage agenda. I've worked to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment, pass Proposition 8 in California, and keep Planned Parenthood's sexually promiscuous agenda out of our children's schools. What Barack Obama is doing—from abandoning the Defense of Marriage Act to requiring health care providers to cover contraception, from the birth control pill to abortion—is an all-out assault against religious liberties, church-going Americans that believe marriage is ordained of God between a man and a woman, and the sanctity of Life. It cannot stand!

Will you stand with me as I run for Congress in a district prime for Republican pick-up by making an immediate donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign?

Over the last 3 years, Obama has aided and abetted the radical homosexual "marriage" and anti-family, anti-Life lobby at every turn. Last summer, as he entered re-election mode, he publicly announced his intent to repeal the national Defense of Marriage Act. Now he is working overtime to force homosexual marriage on everyone as he panders to his liberal base and campaign contributors from the "gay marriage" lobby. He is bowing down to the intimidation of radical feminists such as Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi. But I'm not intimidated. When a conservative woman walks into the room, it neutralizes their argument and yes, we are their worst nightmare!

The time to stop Obama's radical, anti-family, anti-Life, anti-faith agenda is here, and it's our only chance. We must elect a strong conservative who is unafraid to do whatever it takes to ensure marriage remains between one man and one woman. I am that candidate, and I have the track record to prove it.

I will not sit back and watch Obama's destructive, radical agenda become law. But I urgently need your support to bring this fight to Washington. So please, stand with me today by making the most generous contribution you can afford to my campaign.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Cherilyn Eagar
Candidate for Congress

P.S. Funded by a gang of gay billionaires, Obama's base is marching across the country, "occupying" major cities and shredding the historic definition of marriage as one man and one woman. They are everywhere, in every Christian community, from North Carolina to Utah. They already occupy Washington, D.C. Now, the anti-family lobby is salivating at the prospect for Obama's second-term; they are already drawing up plans to complete the deconstruction of our Judeo-Christian values which have formed the cornerstone of civilization. Will you send me to Washington to defend the family from Barack Obama's radical, anti-family, anti-faith, anti-Constitution agenda by making a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign right away? Thanks—Cherilyn

PO Box 901483
Sandy, Utah 84090
Authorized and Paid for by Friends of Cherilyn Eagar

Contributions to Cherilyn Eagar for Congress are not tax deductible. - A Division of Christian Worldview Communications, LLC

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