Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gmail - The bigger danger behind Obama's abortion pill mandate - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - The bigger danger behind Obama's abortion pill mandate - rejackh@gmail.com

The bigger danger behind Obama's abortion pill mandate

Martin Fox martin.fox@nationalprolifealliance.com via bluehornet.com to me
show details 10:10 AM (21 minutes ago)
National Pro-Life Alliance

Dear Jack,

I imagine every American has heard by now of the Obama Administration's plans to force all employers, including religious charities, to provide abortion pills at no cost to their employees.

And National Pro-Life Alliance members have been a huge part of the outcry against this abominable policy

So much outcry, in fact, that Obama has announced that he will "fix" the problem by using what amounts to juggling the books.

Now Obama has decreed that while religious institutions will still have to dispense abortion pills as an employee benefit, they somehow won't have to pay for them.

This, of course, is an illusion, not a solution

The essential, conscience-violating truth of Obama's abortion pill mandate remains untouched.

Religious institutions still have to buy plans that dispense abortion pills at "no cost" to their employees, and if they don't comply, they will be fined amounts that for many institutions could mount into the millions of dollars.

Or they can simply close their doors.

This outrageous policy deserves all the pushback it has received.

But there are two points that are generally being overlooked.

The first is that, even if you believe the phony Obama "solution" is real, it can at any time be revoked by Mr. Obama or some other future president.

The second is that, while it is horrible to force religious institutions to provide abortion pills, it is equally evil to force grocers, contractors, salesmen, plumbers, restaurant owners or anyone else to subsidize the slaughter of the unborn.

While this is a hot button issue, we should not stop at banning the abortion pill mandate only for religious employers. We must repeal the abortion pill mandate for ALL employers.

That is why I hope you will take a moment to sign the END THE ABORTION PILL MANDATE petition by clicking here.

Your petition will tell your Senators and Congressman that they must support a bill to repeal ALL abortion pill mandates in ObamaCare.

You see, as long as the Obama Administration has the power to decide what kind of insurance coverage Americans must buy, it is clear they will seek to use this power in ever growing ways to force Americans to buy abortion pills

That's why it's vital we act decisively to repeal Obama's federal government mandate power entirely.

And why I've authorized a one million man mobilization of pro-life activists.

So I hope you will take a moment to sign the END THE ABORTION PILL MANDATE petition by clicking here.

And please also consider making an emergency contribution of $15, $25, $50 or even $100.

Already, we have reached more than 150,000 pro-life Americans with this message.

But to move Congress to act now that we have their attention, it is urgent to reach a million more.

So please, sign your petition to END THE ABORTION PILL MANDATE and make an emergency contribution immediately.

Planned Parenthood and the so-called "National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL)" have made this issue their top priority.

They know that putting this kind of power in the hands of the Obama Administration has the potential to more than double the size, money and clout of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

It's urgent we mobilize every pro-lifer by every means possible. So please sign and submit your petition at once.

For Life,
Martin Fox
Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. The fact is, it is wrong to force ANYONE to buy abortion pills for their employees whether they are a religious organization or any other group.

Not only that, but Obama's so-called "fix" is not only phony, it can be reversed at any time by either himself or any future president.

Please help the National Pro-Life Alliance's efforts to repeal the abortion pill mandate for ALL employers by doing these two things:

*** Sign your END THE ABORTION PILL MANDATE petition, and

*** Make an emergency contribution immediately.

Because of NPLA's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(c)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)). Privacy Policy.

To help NPLA grow, please consider forwarding this message to a friend.

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