|  Dear Patriot,
Let me set the scene for you. A security guard led me through a couple of dark passages and I was standing just off stage. As I was standing there thinking about what I was going to say, suddenly the room went dark and an ad, your ad, started to play. At the end of the ad when the screen cut to "Are You The Tea Party?" the room erupted into a standing ovation, and I was brought onto stage as "Dustin Stockton, Chief Strategist of TheTeaParty.net."
 At that moment I thought of you, all of you. All of the people who read our emails, contribute towards our projects, and are the driving force behind this movement that is going to save America. It was a moment that I would never have believed could happen just three short years ago, and in that moment I could never explain the gratitude I felt.
I was then honored to introduce a panel of some of the most well spoken and intelligent people I have ever met, and our discussion on the Tea Party -vs– Occupy was one I will never forget.
Here is our television commercial that you both inspired and helped us raise the money to produce and air.
Here is the full panel of Tea Party activists talking about the difference between our grassroots movement and the manufactured attempt by the left to recreate what we have done.
Thank You,
Todd Cefaratti Freedom Organizer

To make a contribution by mail, please click here or address to: TheTeaParty.net | 1701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 300, PMB #433 | Washington, DC 20006 Toll-free: 866-928-6555
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