Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gmail - Holder scandal grows; hearing under way -

Gmail - Holder scandal grows; hearing under way -

Holder scandal grows; hearing under way

Grassfire Nation to me
show details 12:34 PM (1 minute ago)

From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation


As I write, Attorney General Eric Holder is under direct questioning from members of Congress as part of the "Fast and Furious" hearing before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. (Link to live feed below.)

But even as Holder is facing charges of obstruction and even "contempt of Congress" for refusing to cooperate with this investigation, new information is breaking indicating that the Holder scandal at DOJ is growing.

+ + + DOJ Officials Take Bribes; Holder Ignores!

The Daily Caller is now reporting that "at least two DOJ prosecutors accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance executives... but were never arrested or prosecuted." The DC then says that Holder "is aware prosecutors and elected officials were bribed and otherwise compromised, but has not held anyone accountable." (sources at end of message)

So in addition to the botched "Fast and Furious" gun running gambit that resulted in hundreds of deaths including a U.S. Border agent, now we have Holder ignoring episides of bribery in his own department!

It is clear that Eric Holder must be held accountable.

Rep. Issa is doing his part in holding the hearings and theatening to charge Holder with "contempt of Congress" if he does not cooperate with the investigation (see report below).

But unless citizens take a stand and let their voices be heard, Holder will not be held accountable.

+ + Two Actions Today:

Action #1 -- Sign The "Holder Must Go" Petition.

We already have more than 50,000 signers but we must rally 100,000 or more to let Congress know that citizens are watching this issue closely. Go here to sign the petition:

Action #2 -- Fax Congress Now!

The Obama/Holder team is hoping these hearings will come and go with little attention on the scandal at DOJ. It is vitally important that every office on Capitol Hill know that citizens are demanding accountability.

Please take a moment right now to send your faxes directly to Congress today -- so grassroots citizens can make as strong a case as possible that Holder must be held accountable! Go here to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery:

Your faxes will be delivered immedaitely -- while this high-profile hearing is still fresh on the minds of members of Congress. If you prefer to send your own faxes, do so (click the link for all the information you need). Either way, please take action.

See below for more information and thank you for taking action.

Steve Elliott

P.S. We have included a link to the life committee hearing so you can watch online. Go here:

Other Resources:

Holder Ignores Bribed DOJ Officials (Liberty News)

Daily Caller original story

+ + + + + + + + + +
Grassfire Report:
Rep. Issa threatens to hold Holder in "Contempt Of Congress"

On the eve of Congressional hearings into Attorney General Eric Holder's botched "Fast and Furious" gun running operation which has thus far resulted in hundreds of murders, Rep. Darrell Issa sent a pointed, four-page letter to Holder threatening to hold the AG in "contempt of Congress."

The letter lays out the "lengths to which [Holder is] willing to go to obstruct our investigation and deceive the public," and then concludes:

"If the Department continues to obstruct the congressional inquiry by not providing documents and information, this Committee will have no alternative but to move forward with proceedings to hold you in contempt of Congress."

Grassfire has obtained a copy of Issa's letter and we have posted it here for you to read. Go here:

+ + We Must Demand Holder Be Held Accountable

Grassfire has set up a special FaxFire so that your personal message can be delivered directly to your Representative, your two Senators and key congressional offices as these important hearings are getting started.

Our fax system is simply the fastest and most efficient way to get your message through to the offices in Congress.

Please go here now to order your customized Faxes to be delivered to Congress calling for Holder to be held accountable:

If you prefer to send your own faxes, we have posted all the information you need.

The fact is, unless citizens rise up and take action, Holder will not be held accountable. The liberal media are doing its best to cover for this latest Obama administration fiasco. The hard work of citizenship is once again left to friends like you.

The most important thing is that you take action. Again, please read Rep. Issa's stinging rebuke of AG Holder and then take action.

Steve Elliott
Grassfire Nation

Go here now to send your faxes.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages. To contact Grassfire Nation with comments, questions or to change your status, see link at the end.)

+ + + + +
Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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+ +

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