Thursday, February 9, 2012

Gmail - Liberty Alert: If Only Obama Could Tell The Truth -

Gmail - Liberty Alert: If Only Obama Could Tell The Truth -

Liberty Alert: If Only Obama Could Tell The Truth

Bob Livingston to me
show details 6:09 AM (6 hours ago)
The REAL Obama State Of The Union

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Latest From Wayne Allyn RootFebruary 9, 2012
 The REAL Obama State Of The UnionThe REAL Obama State Of The Union »
Wayne Allyn Root assumes the role of President Barack Obama and presents the State of the Union address Obama would have given if he were able to tell the truth about the way things really are. Obama would have admitted that things are desperate and that he doesn't care. The President also would have fessed up to all the things he's doing to hurt our country. More »
Outside The Asylum
 The Motor City MolehillThe Motor City Molehill »
In a Chrysler ad that aired during the Super Bowl, Clint Eastwood wandered like a senile pensioner through some steamy concrete jungle while lecturing us like a cranky old neighbor about the value of an automaker that has been bailed out more than a leaky rowboat. That's lousy advertising. More »
Personal Liberty News
 Iran: American Aggression Is SuicideIran: American Aggression Is Suicide »
Iran's ambassador to Moscow, Reza Sajjadi, promises swift and hefty military retaliation to any U.S. military adventurism against his country. The ambassador said on Wednesday that any U.S. aggression will be met with Iranian military strikes on U.S. targets throughout the world, to which Sajjadi claims the Iranians have "full access." More »
Here's a Special Message From
Our Friends at Robert Ringer
Are you ready for Financial Judgment Day?

Isn't it remarkable that the biggest problem facing America today has never once been so much as mentioned during any of the Republican presidential debates?

The problem I am referring to is a potential hyperinflation or, worse, runaway inflation. These silent menaces wipe out people's savings and cause panic that often leads to anarchy and violence.

Unfortunately, the average person knows little or nothing about the true cause of inflation, let alone how to protect himself against its ravages.

To learn more about the Financial Judgment Day that is rapidly approaching, and how to receive your FREE copy of The Inflation Swindle ...


 Heritage: 67 Million Americans Dependent On Federal GovernmentHeritage: 67 Million Americans Dependent On Federal Government »
According to conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, Federal spending on Americans who are dependent on the government accounts for more than 70 percent of the Federal budget. More »
 Arizona Supreme Court Affirms Ruling Barring Woman From City Council Due To Lack Of English ProficiencyArizona Supreme Court Affirms Ruling Barring Woman From City Council Due To Lack Of English Proficiency »
The Arizona Supreme Court affirmed a ruling that had barred a woman from running for a city council seat due to the fact that she was unable to speak English at a proficient level. More »
 Australian Doctors, Scientists Fear Alternative MedicineAustralian Doctors, Scientists Fear Alternative Medicine »
The traditional medical establishment fears the mainstreaming of alternative medical practices so much that a group of doctors and scientists in Australia are asking the country's university policy makers not to allow courses in alternative medicine to be offered. More »
Preparedness Tip
Shoes For A Pinch; Hopefully They Won't Pinch Your Feet

Telling you what shoe to buy for your particular situation makes as much sense as telling you what car you should buy. There are too many variables — budget, environment, terrain, foot shape, etc. — to consider. But there are a few truths you should remember when choosing footwear for the survival scenario.

Shoes are vitally important because your feet may become your only mode of transportation if the grid or supply chain is taken down. If it happens, you're going to spend a lot of time either working outdoors or hiking out of your area, and this is going to put a big strain on your shoes or boots. More »

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