Monday, February 6, 2012

Gmail - The Madisonian, Volume 2 -

Gmail - The Madisonian, Volume 2 -

The Madisonian, Volume 2

Madison Project via to me
show details 4:13 PM (3 hours ago)

February 6, 2012

The Madison Project

Team Madison-

It's another week in Washington, DC where Congress decides to roll the dice with your tax dollars. For more on the legislative schedule and what bills will be voted on this week, please click on Volume 2 of The Madisonian.

Our goal with the Madison Project is to make you the most effective, most informed grassroots conservatives in the nation. Because of that, you will receive each week The Madisonian as well as the Best of Daniel Horowitz, a compilation of his blogs from the past week. As always, please feel free to send The Madisonian and Daniel's blogs around to family and friends.

The Best of Daniel Horowitz

1) Instead of rolling back existing deficits, GOP leaders have agreed to Democrat demands for more deficit spending to fund transportation and infrastructure. Instead of creating more efficiency and innovation by devolving transportation authority back to the states, Republicans and Democrats plan to double down on the failed top-down approach to transportation spending. Please read more here.
2) Last week, the Congressional Budget Office published their much-anticipated annual budget and economic outlook. Under realistic baseline projections, they are predicting more economic stagnation and trillions more in federal debt. We have all the numbers, details, and analysis. Please read more here
3) This past week was particularly disappointing for conservatives. Republicans agreed to cave on big handouts to labor unions in the FAA bill; they voted down a moratorium on earmarks, and declined to affirm their support for term limits. This underscores the importance of helping us elect the right Republicans in November. Please read more here
4) Conservatives in Congress have introduced worthy legislation to repeal all energy subsidies. We must stop picking winners and losers with corporate welfare handouts. Unfortunately, even some Republican governors are demanding an extension of subsidies for the wind industry. Please read more here

I hope you have a great week.

For Liberty!

Drew Ryun
Political Director
The Madison Project

February 6

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