Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gmail - Super PAC Money now good enough for Obama - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Super PAC Money now good enough for Obama - rejackh@gmail.com

Super PAC Money now good enough for Obama

GOPUSA eagle@gopusamedia.com to me
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Super PAC Money now good enough for Obama

imageTime and time again, Barack Obama has railed against Super PACs... those entities which can spend unlimited funds to advance an agenda and unofficially work to promote or oppose a candidate. Now, despite all the rhetoric about those bad Republicans and their Super PACs, it appears that the smell of money is just too much to resist.

CA gay marriage ban declared unconstitutional

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A federal appeals court on Tuesday declared California's same-sex marriage ban to be unconstitutional, putting the bitterly contested, voter-approved law on track for likely consideration by the U.S. Supreme Court.

And now a word from our sponsors...

Candidates take positions on Catholic rights

CINCINNATI (AP) - Newt Gingrich thrust the reproductive rights issue into the GOP campaign spotlight on Tuesday, criticizing both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama's records on requiring Catholic organizations to provide contraceptive aids in some circumstances. Rick Santorum vowed to make the issue a central part of his struggling campaign.

Axelrod wants 'lowered voices' in assault on religious freedom

WASHINGTON (AP) - A political adviser to President Barack Obama said Tuesday the administration didn't intend to "abridge anyone's religious freedom" with its regulation requiring church-affiliated employers to cover birth control for their workers.

Komen exec quits after funding flap

ATLANTA (AP) - A high-ranking official resigned Tuesday from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast-cancer charity after a dispute over whether the group should give funding to Planned Parenthood, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press.

Removing Planned Parenthood's Fig Leaf

Planned Parenthood would appear to have won this latest skirmish in the abortion wars. The Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation having first decided to withdraw future grants to the world's largest abortion provider, quickly retreated under a barrage of accusations, complaints and threats.

Congress passes FAA bill that speeds switch to GPS

WASHINGTON (AP) - A bill to speed the nation's switch from radar to an air traffic control system based on GPS technology, and to open U.S. skies to unmanned drone flights within four years, received final congressional approval Monday.

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