Friday, January 20, 2012

Gmail - I just sent an email -

Gmail - I just sent an email -

I just sent an email

Mark Mix via
8:51 AM (55 minutes ago)
to me
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Dear Jack,

Election season is upon us, and there's so much heavy lifting to do for those of us who fight against the tyranny of forced unionism.

Big Labor is gearing up to unleash another Billion Dollars or more re-electing Barack Obama and installing pro-forced unionism majorities in Congress and state legislatures across the country.

That's why, to kick off our battle plan in 2012, I just sent an email from the National Right to Work Committee PAC...

... but our legal team advised me I could only send it to certain Right to Work supporters.

Bureaucrats at the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have designed a complex web of rules to make it more difficult for folks like you and me to join together and support candidates who champion the Right to Work cause.

I know you've probably filled out National Right to Work petitions and contacted your elected officials when I've asked you to -- and I thank you if you have.

But these absurd federal rules prevent me from contacting you from the Committee's affiliated PAC unless I can prove to the feds that you are a "legal member of the Organization's restricted class."

It may sound crazy, but you must contribute at least $5 or the bureaucrats will refuse to let me count you as a member -- no matter what you or I say.

If you've already made a contribution of $5 or more to the Committee, thank you. I look forward to being able to contact you when the PAC makes endorsements in upcoming elections.

But if you haven't, please chip in with a contribution of $5 or more" so I can consider you a "legal member."

You know just as well as I do that Big Labor is already scheming to unleash its massive political warchest in 2012.

As if there was any doubt, you saw in battles across the country in 2011 how far the union bosses are willing to go to protect their ill-gotten power

In Wisconsin, teacher union militants held "sick-outs" that shut down schools for days -- and now union bosses and their allies are trying to recall Governor Scott Walker for signing the state's government-sector Right to Work law.

You can only imagine how far they'll go to re-elect Barack Obama, whose administration has repeatedly done Big Labor's bidding.

That's why it's vital we use every tool at our disposal to get the word out about pro-Right to Work candidates.

So please, click here to chip in with a contribution of $5 or more and become a "legal member."

If you do, the National Right to Work Committee PAC can contact you and expressly advocate for the defeat of pro-forced unionism politicians and for the election of candidates who are committed to worker freedom.

You see, we need to stay focused on both the short term and the long term.

While Big Labor might not have the votes right now in Congress to ram through the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill or other dangerous legislation, the union bosses are salivating over the possibility to elect more pro-forced unionism politicians in 2012.

We cannot underestimate the union bosses, and we can never assume as some do that victory for our side is assured.

And we must be prepared to hold members of both parties accountable for kowtowing to Big Labor.

I'd like to be able to tell you which candidates the National Right to Work Committee PAC supports, but I can only do so if the FEC and IRS consider you a "legal member."

Fortunately, there's an easy way to do just that. It only takes a few minutes.

Please click here to chip in with a contribution of $5 or more and become a "legal member."

Thank you for help, and I look forward to being able to contact you directly about which candidates to support.


Mark Mix

P.S. The feds at the FEC and IRS won't let me tell you which candidates the National Right to Work Committee PAC endorses -- unless you become a "legal member of the Organization's restricted class," which requires a membership contribution of $5 (or more).

The good news is, all you have to do is click here to chip in with a contribution of $5 or more and become a "legal member."

Then, when the time comes, I can directly advocate for pro-Right to Work candidates and against their pro-forced unionism opponents.

The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation. The Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892. Its web address is

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