Dear Patriot, is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Western Representation PAC. Sponsorships like this help us preserve liberty and freedom in the United States of America. All personal information of subscribers is kept in strictest confidence and never shared with sponsors. We appreciate your support.
Dear Patriot,
 In 2010, we showed the country that we would not stand idly by as Barack Obama and the Democrats dragged our economy and political system towards ruin. By focusing our efforts, we helped elect a new generation of conservative leaders and won an important foothold in Congress. With another election approaching, we face a choice: either we fade away like the establishment and mainstream media want us to, or we dig in and fight even harder to consolidate a Tea Party majority in Congress.
To build a true conservative majority in Congress, we need to target the leaders of the opposition and replace them with staunchly conservative representatives. And who better to go after than "the public face of the Democrat party" and Obama advisor, DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Debbie is the leading apologist for Obama's failed economic programs and a proven liar who viciously attacks conservatives across the country. By removing her from office, we can silence a leading voice for big government, entitlement-dependency, and soaring debt. Defeating leaders on the Left and electing new leaders of our own is still the best way to build a Tea Party Congress.
Ready to step into Wasserman Schultz's seat is a true Tea Party candidate named Karen Harrington. A successful businesswoman and community leader, Harrington is committed to restoring fiscal sanity in Washington, reforming the tax code, repealing Obamacare and freeing markets to create prosperity. A mother of three, Karen is the very model of the Tea Party candidate and is running for her first elected office.
We've seen that electing strong conservative outsiders can make a dramatic difference in Congress. But to defeat the national resources that Wasserman Schultz can bring to the race, conservatives around the country must answer with a campaign of their own. Make your voice heard, and help take a crucial step towards a Tea Party majority in Congress by making a donation ---HERE---
With your help, a Tea Party Congress is within reach. Please help us win this key battle by donating whatever you can ---HERE---
We are looking for 25 more people to step up and join our Patriots List by making a donation of $100 or more. Please make your $100 donation today to help us Defeat Debbie!
Bryan Shroyer Executive Director Western Representation PAC
Donate using PayPal below You can also mail your contributions to:
Western Representation PAC PO Box 50655 Sparks, NV 89435
Paid for by Western Representation PAC, a federal political action committee which is responsible for the content of this message. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |
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