Right now, we're seeing history in the making. Events will soon take place that will send precious metals through the roof. And there's no better way to profit from this surge than with silver...But how? During the last few years, every silver company we featured showed our readers gains of 100% plus. So it's no wonder why our first report for 2012 involves a silver company that analysts are calling "one of the most important high grade silver projects on the planet." More on this story in a bit. (Or you can CLICK HERE and download my free report now.) Silver Set to Explode Just recently, Eric Sprott showed that the actual demand for silver, especially for investment, has been staggeringly underreported. Take a look:
His calculations show that more than 255 million ounces of silver demand was "missing" from figures for the decade-long stretchthat ended in December 2009. This figure doesn't include the demand from 2010, where the amount of trading in silver to ETFs and other investing vehicles was, according to Sprott, approaching 800 million ounces - a day! Some of the smartest minds in the industry are already calling for $50, $75, $100, and even $150 dollar silver. While these numbers seem far off, critics also said the same when silver hit $20 a few years back, before it skyrocketed to nearly $50. In the last ten years, the price of silver has had four major crashes, yet it still increased five-fold. Take a look:
Every time silver crashed, it found a way to climb higher - much higher. The net result? If you invested US$10,000 in silver at the start of 2004, it would now be worth $58,000 plus. While silver saw a 48% correction last year, it is now poised to explode with clear signs the latest correction is finished. Not only does silver generally bottom at this time of year, it's starting to break above its 65 week moving average. But that's not all. While institutional and retail demand for physical silver is on the rise (and over 255 million ounces short, according to Eric Sprott), industrial demand is also growing at a staggering pace. Silver's use in industrial applications increased 20.7% last year to 487 million ounces. That means as much as 50% of silver's total annual production is for industrial use...and that number is expected to rise another 36% by 2015. But here's the shocker: Unlike gold, silver is 98% consumable. Of all the silver ever mined - about 46 billion ounces - experts estimate that only 1 billion ounces are left above ground in bullion form (of the 5 billion ounces of gold ever mined, about 2 billion are available above ground in bullion form.) So where's the rest of the silver? It's being consumed at an astronomical rate... Most silver, used in electronics including the billions of cell phones and millions of TV's around the world, is not recoverable. Once a cell phone or TV goes to the landfill, you almost never get the silver in them back. It's no wonder silver miners are struggling to keep up with the demand. The amount of silver coming out of the ground is going down every year. Few discoveries have been announced in the last decade and most silver produced now is coming from the last stages of existing mines. Not only that, but the quality of silver mined is the lowest it's ever been and like most metals, silver is rarely mined in veins now. It takes many tons of earth and rock to process even a single ounce. That means silver explorers and producers with strong assets will be the ones reaping the rewards. But you can too. Get Your Report FREE Now! It's simple, simply sign up to our free weekly newsletter and receive your first free report on how to play the silver boom - instantly. This free report will not only show you why silver is about to explode, but I will also show you a company with a project that analysts are calling, "One of the Most Important Silver Projects in the World." It's all free, and it's all yours today if you sign up within the next 24 hours - so act fast! But wait...there's more. You'll also receive a free weekly subscription to the Equedia Weekly Letter - North America's strongest performing mining and resource focused newsletter. That way, you will not only get weekly updates featuring strong mining and resource related ideas, but you will never miss another report from us again. It's all free if you act now. CLICK HERE to Get your Free Report and Free Subscription Now! Sincerely, Ivan Lo President, Equedia Weekly ![Equedia Logo]()
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