Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gmail - Sharpton To Lead Counter Rally -

Gmail - Sharpton To Lead Counter Rally -

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Sharpton To Lead Counter Rally

TheTeaParty.Net to me
show details 6:08 AM (2 hours ago)

Dear Patriot,

TheTeaParty.netWhen the Supreme Court hears the arguments on Obamacare, patriots from around the country are going to be out front to make sure that each Justice knows that we demand our god-given freedoms! But we will not be the only people there. The well known opportunist Al Sharpton has announced that he will lead a counter-rally.

These agitators are not above paying people to show up for their rallies in an attempt to create a visual that would make it seem that there is any real support for Obamacare, and the media will be all too happy to oblige unless we absolutely outnumber them. That is why the ads we will be running are so incredibly important: because turnout at this rally has now become a competition between us and them!

We are still trying to raise the $50,000 for the production and airing of a radio ad promoting the event. The ad will run in areas surrounding Washington DC, and we will be specifically targeting conservative talk radio. `!

This is not our most ambitious fundraising endeavor, however the Sharpton counter-rally has raised the stakes. We cannot fail to reach our goal and we need everyone to contribute whatever they can. We will only make our goal if you decide to make a sacrifice and contribute!

Thank You,

Todd Cefaratti

Freedom Organizer


To make a contribution by mail, please click here or
address to: |
1701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
Suite 300, PMB #433 | Washington, DC 20006

Toll-free: 866-928-6555

Thank you for your support.

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