Friday, March 23, 2012

Marine Who Criticized Obama Faces Discharge : Personal Liberty Alerts

Marine Who Criticized Obama Faces Discharge : Personal Liberty Alerts

Marine Who Criticized Obama Faces Discharge

March 23, 2012 by  
Marine Who Criticized Obama Faces Discharge
Sgt. Gary Stein, who started a Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party, was informed by the Marines that he violated a Pentagon policy barring troops from political activities.
A Marine sergeant who made online comments vowing to stand up to the Constitution and criticizing President Barack Obama and his policies is facing dismissal from the Corps for his actions.
According to The Associated Press, Sgt. Gary Stein, who started a Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party, was informed by the Marines that he violated a Pentagon policy barring troops from political activities.
The nine-year Marine veteran said he started the page to encourage fellow service members to exercise their free speech rights. Stein was first cautioned by his superiors at Camp Pendleton in 2010, after he launched the Facebook page and criticized Obama’s healthcare overhaul. He volunteered to take down the page while he reviewed the rules at the request of his superiors. Upon determining that he was not in violation of the rules, Stein relaunched the page.
Last week, in response to a post in which Stein said he would refuse to follow unlawful orders from the President, Stein’s superiors barred him from using social media sites on government computers.
The Marines say Stein failed to follow Pentagon directives that say military personnel in uniform cannot sponsor a political club; participate in any TV or radio program or group discussion that advocates for or against a political party, candidate or cause; or speak at any event promoting a political movement. Officers also are not allowed to use contemptuous words against senior officials, including the defense secretary or the President.
Stein said in a statement: “The allegations drummed up against me are no more than an agenda by the Marine Corps to use me as an example. I have never spoken on behalf of the Marine Corps or in uniform.  I have stayed within guidelines DOD Directive 1344.10 and made sure to. If I am guilty of anything it would be that I am American, a freedom loving Conservative, hell bent on defending the constitution and preserving Americas greatness. I am no more the Leader of the Armed Forces Tea Party than any other of 18,000 members are. I just happen to be normal guy who started a facebook page and who hold the Tea Party values close my heart and believes the Tea Party can enact real change in this county. We are all leaders in the Tea Party!”
Sam Rolley
Sam Rolley is a staff writer for Personal Liberty Media Group. He began a career in journalism working for a small town newspaper while seeking a B.A. in English. After learning about many of the biases present in most modern newsrooms, Rolley became determined to find a position in journalism that would allow him to combat the unsavory image that the news industry has gained. He is dedicated to seeking the truth and exposing the lies disseminated by the mainstream media at the behest of their corporate masters, special interest groups and information gatekeepers.
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14 Responses to “Marine Who Criticized Obama Faces Discharge”

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  1. s c says:
    I hope Sergeant Stein has a job lined up when the Marine Corps ‘dismisses’ him. Actually, the military doesn’t “dismiss” anybody. It takes the form of one of several options, and while a dishonorable discharge isn’t the life-slammer it used to be, I’m sure the W H has gone out of its way to tell the Marine Corps that Sergeant Stein’s presence is not to be tolerated.
    While this unravels, perhaps word will get back to the prez that his ‘presence’ in the W H is not exactly a topic that endears him to the Marines at their annual ball. For that matter, since we’ve never had to endure a prez like this one, it’s safe to say that members of all branches are seeing the guy in the W H as anything but a leader or a real Commander-in-Chief.
    I hope Sergeant Stein didn’t plan to make the Marine Corps a career. If he had a good president (as opposed to a prez), or a real leader (as opposed to whatever what’s-his-name is) or our military was brought home to CLOSE our borders, a career would have been an honorable goal. I wish you the best, Sergeant.
    May you not have to learn that this prez isn’t interested in our military any more than he is in finding or creating JOBS. Oh, for the good old days, when LBJ or RMN would have been an improvement (as screwy as they were).
    • simian pete says:
      Hey s c,
      The screwy voters put President Obama in office. Sgt. Stein puts his life on the line for all those screwy, effin retarded voters …
      Y’know s c, maybe America doesn’t deserve Sgt. Stein !!! He is a hero for doing what is right.
    • Vigilant says:
      Interesting that Mr. Rolley’s “Associated Press” link above is to an msnbc website.
      At least Huffington Post was honest enough to report the ACLU’s position:
      “David Loy, of the American Civil Liberties Union in San Diego County, said he has not followed Stein’s case closely, but that based on what he has seen in the media he thinks there may be a legitimate concern on the part of the Corps about Stein appearing to be speaking as a member of the armed forces because of his Facebook page’s name.
      “The military has a very strong interest and appropriately so to remaining neutral,” he said. “The last thing we want is our military taking side on political issues.”
      When even the ACLU admits the legitimacy of the Marine Corps position, you know this is a slam dunk. Glorifying Stein, who clearly violated the UCMJ, is taking a position to the left of the ACLU
      This case is similar to the Terry Lakin case. Lakin served almost six months of prison time for refusing orders over his doubts about Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, Stein can consider himself lucky to be merely discharged.
      • Vigilant says:
        BTW, adding the sentence, “Officers also are not allowed to use contemptuous words against senior officials, including the defense secretary or the President” is not relevant. Stein is not an officer.
    • Flashy says:
      Sgt Stein deserves one thing…a swift and clean Dishonorable Discharge and a notation in his file to never ever to be given security clearance. if he joins Balckwater or some other contracted merc force…it should be made very Sgt Stein or any of his ilk allowed dealing in US interests. . And yes, my opinion and stance is the same as when Bush/Cheney ran the show and there were objections in the military ranks for the War based on Lies.
      The military has rulers..and that is the civilian. They work for us. They take orders and exist only at our behest. To question civilian rule is to be kicked out. Period. End of sentence.
      This is the problem with this “all volunteer” professional military. The forces begin to perceive there is a difference, and the mindset becomes “we” versus “them”. That can easily move onto they think they know better how to govern or run an operation. They begin to scoff at elections and elected leadership. And that begets trouble.
      We should reinstate the draft. Two parts. the 18-21 year old may opt in for a civilian force akin to the old CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) where they can work in inner cities, Indian Reservations, rural areas of poverty etc…and help our Nation that way, or they may opt for the military and play with toys. If they opt for the civilian portion, three year hitch. they opt for the military, two years. During which they get minimum wage plus some type of housing allowance. And they also have something like the VA student loan/grant program allowing them to further their education above the training received.
      This does two things. Gives the youth a chance to decide where and what the life career will be and give time to ‘get the oats out”, and maintains a strong civilian ideal in the military forces and prevents the “we” versus “them” mindset from being entrenched throughout the military and being a danger to us in the future..
      • Tony says:
        To Flashy:
        You and i might be on the opposite side of the political spectrum on alot of issues, especially, economic but i 100% agree with you on this. Thanks!!
        P.S. Lee Watso, Obama was born in the U.S. too. Be in touch with reality not the paranoid fantasies of these birthers. Bye-Bye!!
  2. Lawrence Kennedy says:
    It appears that the Sgt, did violate the rules for military personnel, with the comment he would refuse to follow unlawful orders from the President. This clearly indicates that he is speaking from a military man’s position. If he at ANYTIME stated he was in the military, he has violated the “policy” of military personnel not speaking for,or against any political party, os the Commander-in-Chief. His PERSONAL opinions as a civilian (cannot be known to be afilliated with the military) are acceptable, but once a military connection is made he is in violation of the UCMJ, and military policies.
    A side note: Senator Kerry should have been Court Martialed during the Viet Nam conflict for his public political stance (including the videoed throwing of his medals), and given a dishonorable discharge (then he couldn’t have been a Senator). Is it too late, do we accept public violations of the UCMJ when it is a well to do family, and prosicute those of ordinary means?
  3. ravenscalm says:
    The marine violated the rules. He was given opportunities to conform to the rules, but nitpicked about the semantics. His discharge will be the appropriate punishment, if only for ignoring the directives of his superiors.
  4. jake48 says:
    Like the Rules on Homosexuals these Chicken S— rules have to be abandoned by the Military. I understand not using a Goverment Computer. Or a server the Goverment has paid for. But we should not have to give up our first amendment rights. And follow blindly a man who circumnavigate the Constitution every time he has a WHIM……And there is no Doubt in my Millitary mind that this brother Marine is not alone in his feelings. We as Americans military men swear an oath to protect the country from all enemies foreign and domestic.and we should have faith and trust in our leaders…..
  5. Ajfrench says:
    Forces are sworn in to protect the Constitution and this Marine carried out his orders. I have serious concerns about the officers.
  6. Lee Watso says:
    He should run for Congress or Senate we need smart people like him in office.And another plus he was born in America.
  7. Susan says:
    Ironic that a sitting Senator was allowed to protest at the Capitol and throw his medals received during his service on a boat during the Vietnam War but this Sgt. isn’t allowed to voice an opinion. Look how far the military has come! Traitor Kerry is still in one of our highest offices in the land.
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