Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Standing UP for Palin! – Patriot Update

Standing UP for Palin! – Patriot Update

Standing UP for Palin!

Written on June 4, 2011 by Ann-Marie Murrell
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Editor’s Note: Due to an oversight by the editor, only a portion of this column was previously published. We are re-publishing the column in its entirety below:
I recently went out on a limb and wrote several articles about Israel and how I disagreed with Obama’s pro-Palestine stance.  I declared that I was standing by my friend, Israel.
Well right now, I’m saying the same thing about a woman who has never been anything but a friend and ally to the United States—Sarah Palin.
Seriously, when you see or hear about someone getting beat up on a daily basis and you don’t do anything about it, what does that make you?  That’s the question I recently asked myself after seeing countless MSM commentators bashing Sarah Palin’s bus tour.
For one thing, how in the world can anything as innocuous as touring the U.S. by bus make so many liberals this furious?  Or more importantly, what are they afraid of?
My personal belief is that every time Sarah Palin speaks to large groups of people they fall in love with her.  She knows how to reach people’s heart and souls regarding America; she never denigrates our country, but instead talks about how much she loves it and how we can get back on the Right track.  I believe the Left fears this type of honest, realistic talk so they feel the need to do anything they can to combat it—by attacking Sarah Palin every chance they get.
But this time, they really are reaching.
Recently MSNBC’s Martin Bashir (yep, the same Michael Jackson guy) made the claim that the American flag painted on the side of Palin’s bus was potentially criminal.
“In fact, the whole thing could be in breach of a federal law because the United States Flag Code establishes important rules for the use and display of the stars and stripes, the flag of the United States,” Bashir said, patriotically.
I think Bashir’s problems may be due to that terrible Liberal disease called “Selective Memory”…
‘Rules for use and display’?  Really, Mr. Bashir?  Have you forgotten the 8 years during Bush’s presidency when the real (as in ‘not painted’) American flag was being desecrated every way imaginable by former anti-war protesters?  (I write ‘used to be anti-war protesters’ because those people no longer seem to mind the fact that we’re involved in three wars now…but I digress…)
Fortunately for flag burners, the Supreme Court ruled in 1989 that doing so is protected by the First Amendment.
But to give Mr. Bashir the benefit of the doubt, maybe he really does love the American flag and simply wants to protect her.
If that’s the case, Martin (in case you’re reading this)–if you really are concerned about people desecrating the American flag, I have much more interesting news items you could spend your hours talking about on MSNBC instead of Sarah Palin.
How about you focus on whether or not it’s a federal offense to be photographed standing on top of a realAmerican flag?
Obama’s good buddy (and known-terrorist) Bill Ayers did just that— featured proudly inChicagomag.comNow THAT should be a story for you, right Martin?  But I certainly didn’t hear you jumping up and down about Professor Ayers…
Unlike Sarah Palin, who loves and cherishes America and displays the American flag on her bus as a tribute to her greatness, Bill Ayers is standing on top of the flag to show how much he detests not only the flag but America itself.
Or Martin, how about you do one of your hard-hitting American flag investigative pieces on ultra-liberal Janeane Garofalo?  Read what she has to say about her intense hatred for the American flag:
“Our country is founded on a sham: our forefathers were slave-owning rich white guys who wanted it their way. So when I see the American flag, I go, ‘Oh my God, you’re insulting me.’ That you can have a gay parade on Christopher Street in New York, with naked men and women on a float cheering, ‘We’re here, we’re queer!’ — that’s what makes my heart swell. Not the flag, but a gay naked man or woman burning the flag. I get choked up with pride.”
Also, in addition to checking on the use of American flags by Professor Ayers and Garofalo, how about also looking into the desecrators of the following two American flags?  The first is from a huge protest in Oregon, the other from a Code Pink rally.
I’m pretty positive a flag that’s covered in mud, displayed upside down and spray-painted to say “Abolish Imperialism” is a direct violation of the United States Flag Code (which Bashir is suddenly so concerned about).  Same with the hippie-dippie version of our flag by the smiling Code Pinko woman, with her stupid peace sign sewn over the top of the stars…
I personally believe that any of these causes are much more newsworthy for you, Mr. Bashir.  Go after the people who truly have evil motives toward our American flag and we, the American people, will happily support you in your journalistic endeavors.
People on the left and the right have bashed Sarah Palin long enough.  They’ve tried to paint her as unintelligent (she is not), hokey (okay, she’s a little hokey but in a good way) and mostly they’ve tried to make her GO AWAY.  I think the fact that she won’t comply with their rules is precisely the reason they’re at their boiling point right now.
No matter what anyone thinks of her, the last thing anyone should ever be allowed to say about Sarah Palin is that she is anti-American–and that the flag painted on her bus is in any way disrespectful.  I have never stood up for Sarah before but from now on, whenever I hear anything negative mentioned about her, I won’t be silent about it ever again.  She’s been beaten up long enough for no good reasons other than being a threat to other politicians and the Main Stream Media.
So I say, ‘Go, Sarah, Go!’  I support you in whatever the heck you’re doing right now; have fun on your tour, keep inspiring Americans and God bless you and keep you safe in all you do!
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  • dave is an ass sucking welfare obama loving piece of liberal trash. That's how that piece of human waste got into the oval office because of idiots like dave.
  • Dave
    It’s the anniversary of D-Day. Or, as Ms. Palin calls it - the day that Paul Revere warned the Americans that the Danish were coming.
  • Shan
    AND she was RIGHT in what she said!! SO, I ask, WHO ARE THE IDIOTS?? Ya Liberal Idiot!! Get a LIFE!! You liberals are quick to come down on things Sara says but you might want to research and learn yourselves before you start bashing, get the FACTS moron!!
  • Dave
    The summer blockbuster “Thor” is about a warrior from another dimension. But one third of Americans believe he was born in Kenya.
  • Dave
    A new Republican presidential poll has Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, tied for second with Sarah Palin. Or as Obama put it, “Do I even need to campaign at this point?”
  • Dave
    That’s right, Michelle Obama is taking Sasha and Malia to South Africa and Botswana and Sarah Palin was like, “Wow, they’re going to all the places Paul Revere went.”
  • Dave
    It’s the anniversary of D-Day. Or, as Sarah Palin calls it, the day that Paul Revere warned the Americans that the Danish were coming.
  • Dave
    A lot of people are very nervous about this whole rapture thing, though a lot of people didn’t understand it. For instance, Sarah Palin said, “The raptures were the scariest part of ‘Jurassic Park.’”
  • Michael Saxman
    Folks, there's a LOT going on in Washington, definately. But, a lot, and I mean a bunch, of what Obama and the Democrats have done to us could be 'undone' if we all send emails and make phone calls to Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and to our OWN Representatives in the House about Obama's fraudulent birth certificate. Since he wasn't eligible to be elected, most of what he's done could be changed back by Congress. If we make this a huge issue, Obama can be impeached long before 2012's election! Wouldn't THAT be a lot better than waiting that long and HOPING Obama is defeated then?
  • rebecca brigandi
    I have an idea, if we all love Sarah and feel such a huge sense of outrage whenever the Big bad bullies try to destroy her, then we should all rise up everytime it happens, no matter what venue, and defend her as a massive union of protectors to send a clear message to her (and our) enemies.
    For almost 3 years, I have been an dedicated Palin defender and apologist. It has been non stop and the woman deserves none of the constant bashing she gets from the MSM and the Dems, Libs, and now even the RINOS, not to mention the hypnotized zombies that the liberals tell lies to (And they actually believe them, poor slobs).
    Anyway, I think all those who see Sarah for the great patriot that she is, and hate the fact that she is so viciously attacked from every side, non stop, should at every oportunity you get look out for articles, news clips blog posts and anywhere else there is a Palin Bash Fest, Just pummel them with barages of defense comments . If the portion of America that loves Sarah (including those who usually stay silent in the side lines), would all just rise up and blast the perps between the eyes, maybe the big bad bullies will back off for a while.
    We have to be her army and guard dogs. If we diligently do this for as long as it takes, we should help her get to the place she neeed to be, to be the Joan of Arc that God had sent save our beloved country (and HIS).
  • Lois Lengel
    Ann Marie MURRELL...Thank you for this article. It's so good to read someone defending Sarah. She's gotten a bum wrap and for no good reason. She's such a good and true American and they keep digging to find some dirt but they can't and so they are so frustrated they resort to other means of trying to destroy her. Thank you again!!!!
  • Bill Simpson
    Two things. I think, as most here do,that Palin is a good, solid conservative. I agree with her beliefs on almost all issues. I want, as you all do, to rid ourselves of that crowd in the W.H. They are poison! Now, don't get mad at me; I'm only a messenger - in reality she cam't win the W.H.! There's just too many people that WILL NOT vote for her. We need SOMEONE(?) that CAN win. And, right now, the Conservatives do not have that person. The O. administration is dangerous to and for our great country, and, O. would beat Palin. She should continue to speak out. I'm sure in a Repub admin. there would be a place for her. But focus! We need someone to crush Obama and his policies. America needs him out in the street.
  • WVF
    Bill, I am not angry with you, but you are wrong about Sarah not winning. She can and will win if she runs, because should she get the GOP nomination, BHO has absolutely nothing on which to run. He has run America into the ground. His own words and actions prove it. In reality, I think whomever the Republicans run will get elected, even RINO Romney. I will hold my nose and vote for him, if there isn't another choice. This country cannot last four more years of having a Muslim mole, pathelogical liar, Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Soros controlled puppet in the White House as Commander in Chief. The bottom line is Anybody But Obama (ABO).
  • John
    You're right Bill but watch; both our comments will be multi thumbs down before you know it. I like Palin, but she is not White House material. Her die hard followers have blinders on and will only hurt the chances of a qualified Republican getting rid of Obama.
  • WVF
    John, unlike Bill, you are full of it! You are the typical Palin hater. You better believe I'm giving you a thumbs down!
  • david celaschi
    In reality,both parties are definitly afraid of Sarah Palin.The reason being is she is to much american for them.They the,the powers that be are afraid if she would be elected, they all would loose their holds on the american people. By that I mean she would take away all the free be's they have become accustomed to.Such as no more life long pay checks for 1 term of service,free medical ,And I could go on and on with the free rides ,but you allready know what they are.I would support her completely. Why, because she is the only one that says she is for AMERICA FIRST AND FORMOST!
  • Shirley
    Very good article on Sarah. I like you are awful tired of people putting her and her family down. Just what has she done wrong? She's out promoting America where Obama keeps putting America down and apoligizing because we are a great country. Just listen wne disaster happens " Where is America". So I just wish people who don't like America pack up and leave.
  • WVF
    Shirley, I couldn't agree with you more. If you listen to some people about Sarah, you'd think SHE was the anti-Christ! I, as a male true conservative, cannot find a single thing I don't like about her. My only regret about her is that she is not MY daughter! God bless her, Todd, and all the rest of the family!
  • William
    Sarah Palin is the real deal, not a stuffed and bought shirt as many others in both major parties. Just for the record,I admire John McCain for his service but he is, after all a progressive.If you remember his speeches in'08 he had no interest in securing the border or dealing with it other than mass amnesty. Now,of course, he's telling everyone he has always been for securing the border. An absolute politician of the worse order.Telling the electorate whatever he believes they want to hear !
  • Ali R. Sal
    I, too, am with you on what you have written about the extreme liberals. I am with Sarah Palin all the way, and, yes, I would vote for her. God Bless her.
  • Rick Casey
    THANK YOU!!! I am so tired of hear conservatives constantly put down and dogs like Ayers praised for their liberal sickness. THANK YOU!! By the way, yes I would vote for Sarah Palin and Herman Cain.
  • John
    So you would put another person up there who would continue the push for Mu-lim appointees at all levels of our government???
  • BILL U
    These people r so afraid of anyone who honors the historical story of our great country, they r afraid of anyone who departsd from the "politics as usual" theme and explores the american spirit of America. They despise anyone one who seeks the truth about our history and displays it. Sarah Paliun is a true patriot and onme of the millions of miliktary mom's who r the true heroines of our time. She operates in the political climate in unusual, unorthodox ways the likles of which we have not seen in centuries. Where would this country be without the unorthodox and inventive passions of George Washington, Abe Lincoln, henry ford, fulton(steam boat)Whitney(cotton Gin)and the pioneers that haqd to be inovative and unorthodox to survive. Sarah Palin rejects wqhat our political system has degenorated into, She wants to do whatever she can to restore the integrity 0f our political system, she is truly the all american girl,
  • larry
    Sarah palin will be comming in fast and hard on her large white horse to send the damn commie ,lying ,scum bucket obama and all of his cronnies back to the depths of hell, GO SARAH, SAVE US
  • R.F. HORKA
  • Patty
    Excellent point, Horka..............she has a record to look at. She WILL clean house.
  • David
    THANK GOD for Sarah Palin & her family!!! I pray for them daily. She is more God-fearing,intelligent, inspirational, interesting,beautiful (internal as well as external), dedicated,bold, patriotic, exciting, honest,& of strong scruples, than all of the perverse, vile, ungodly ones in there now.
    May GOD with her & her family!! GO SARAH GO!!!!
  • WVF

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