Friday, December 16, 2011

Those Scumbag OWS Protesters Are Helping Our Cause : Personal Liberty Digest™

Those Scumbag OWS Protesters Are Helping Our Cause : Personal Liberty Digest™

Those Scumbag OWS Protesters Are Helping Our Cause

December 16, 2011 by Chip Wood

An Occupy DC member stands out front of his tent in the OWS camp in Washington Dec. 7.
Have OWS protesters infested your city yet? They haven’t infested mine, but I kind of wish they would. Earlier this week, they shut down all shipping through the port of Oakland, Calif. If they knew who their real enemies are, they’d be kicking down the door to Harry Reid’s office in Washington.
Clearly, someone behind these clueless, jobless, soapless demonstrators is very familiar with a guy named Saul Alinsky. This left-wing agitator has been honored, if that’s the right word, as this country’s first community organizer. You can see where that’s led.
Alinsky, a veteran of Chicago’s dirtiest politics, wrote a book years ago called Rules for Radicals. One of his most important lessons was that “the real action is in the reaction.”
That is, so-called peaceful demonstrators will get everything they seek if they can cause the establishment to react forcibly against them. (Think of fire hoses and police dogs during the civil rights demonstrations of the 1960s.) Do that and your battle is won. Martin Luther King Jr. was a master implementer of the Alinsky stratagems.
Those OWS creeps in various locations around the country are not. All they are doing is making the average American disgusted with them. Oh, sure, they’re getting some support in high places — like Barack Obama’s White House. But how many of your friends and neighbors want to have anything to do with them? Heck, I’ll bet they don’t even want to get close enough to smell them.
One of the most ridiculous statements I’ve heard since OWS demonstrators first arrived in New York City is that the movement is somehow similar to the Tea Party. USA Today even ran an article with the headline “Tea Party, Occupy share traits.”
What a bunch of baloney.
Let’s see. The Tea Party brought more than half-a-million people to a peaceful and patriotic demonstration on the Washington Mall last year. When they left, park officials were amazed to find that the mall was cleaner than when they arrived.
When the OWS protesters finally were dragged kicking and screaming out of the parks they occupied, many of the cleanup crews had to wear hazmat outfits to protect themselves from the filth and sewage the demonstrators left behind.
So far, more than 5,000 OWS demonstrators have been arrested. Can you imagine the headlines if even a few hundred Tea Party members were arrested for similar offenses?
The Tea Party consists of people who are proudly patriotic. They love their country, its traditions and its rich history.
The OWS crowd is a bit different. OWS has been endorsed by both the Communist Party USA and the American Nazi Party. Talk about strange bedfellows! But don’t make the mistake of thinking the Nazis belong on the right. The word “Nazism” is a shortened version of the word “Nationalsozialismus,” or National Socialism. Hitler and all his followers are creatures of the left, not the right.
Tea Party members revere our country’s heritage of freedom, free enterprise and private property rights. They believe it is impossible to have a prosperous and growing economy where these principles are not respected and defended.
The OWS protesters despise the free market, hate and mistrust capitalism, and believe Karl Marx was right when he called for the forcible redistribution of wealth.
OWS demonstrators would have loved Lyndon Baines Johnson and his vision for a Great Society. Half a century ago, LBJ declared that it is the duty of government to take from the “haves” and give to the “have-nots.”
The protesters are gathering enormous publicity and thousands of followers. The left loves their anti-capitalist mentality, which is why so many of them, from Obama on down, have supported their cause.
But for a moment, let’s look at the facts about the downtrodden poor in this country. In his column The OWS-Black Friday Connection, My fellow Personal Liberty Digest™ columnist Robert Ringer quoted some amazing statistics:
Here are some facts about people whom the Census Bureau defines as “poor”…
Forty-three percent own their own homes.
Eighty percent have air conditioning in their homes.
Almost 75 percent of poor households have a car, and 31 percent have more than one.
Ninety-seven percent have a color television set and 62 percent have cable or satellite TV.
Eighty-nine percent own microwave ovens.
In other words, the poor in this country live better today than the vast majority of human beings on the face of the Earth. I suspect they live better than most of our grandparents and great-grandparents did. In fact, they enjoy a higher standard of living than royalty did a couple of centuries ago.
Now I’ll grant you, there really is some poverty in this country. There are some truly terrible conditions in many of our inner cities. But the OWS protesters aren’t doing anything to correct them.
I will admit that the OWS agitators have a brilliant slogan: “We are the 99%.” Of course, they are nothing of the kind. They are a tiny fragment of nihilistic rebels who are delighted with all the attention they are getting. But as far as a positive program to make things better? Fuhgeddaboudit.
Let me end this piece by quoting a friend of mine, Wayne Allyn Root, who says he is very proud to be a member of the 1 percent:
99% of the 1% are just like me– small businessmen and women who started from humble origins and earned their money the old fashioned way. Our “overnight success” came from 25 years of hard work, risking everything, and overcoming failure. Many of us are struggling, but will forever keep striving for the American Dream.
I am sick of being denigrated and misrepresented by the media and leftist politicians who are purposely misleading the public about the 1%.
I am sick of Obama targeting, vilifying, demonizing, and punishing us for our success. I am sick of the class warfare, jealousy, and envy that Obama’s socialist cabal tries to foment among the masses. The public has been told lies about the 1%.
My story is the story of 99% of the 1%. I am a small businessman. I work 16-hour days, mornings, nights, weekends, holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. I have no guaranteed job for life, nor any pension. I have no rich daddy or sugar daddy.
I hope you, too, are “sick of the class warfare, jealousy, and envy that Obama’s socialist cabal tries to foment among the masses.” I sure am.
Until next time, keep some powder dry.
–Chip Wood

Filed Under: Conservative Politics, Personal Liberty Articles

Chip Wood is the geopolitical editor of He is the founder of Soundview Publications, in Atlanta, where he was also the host of an award-winning radio talk show for many years. He was the publisher of several bestselling books, including Crisis Investing by Doug Casey, None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham and The War on Gold by Anthony Sutton. Chip is well known on the investment conference circuit where he has served as Master of Ceremonies for FreedomFest, The New Orleans Investment Conference, Sovereign Society, and The Atlanta Investment Conference.
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192 Responses to “Those Scumbag OWS Protesters Are Helping Our Cause”

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s c says:
December 16, 2011 at 1:49 am
Chip, I THANK you for bringing up the neglected FACT that Communists and National Socialists [Nazis] are closet brothers. Some of the OWSers must be related to the ’60s protestors. They never did understand who or what ‘the establishment’ was
back then.
Now, one of the worst ‘establishment’ types, George Soros, is probably THE money connection for OWSers. They’re too damned dumb to connect the dots. One had the gall to say they don’t have a problem with the Post Office herd. Again, it’s a matter of definitions (and how incomplete one’s education is).
So, in one sense, OWSers are helping ‘our cause.’ Most likely, they’ll never understand how, and I’ll bet they won’t ask questions, either. DUH. Follow the fuhrer, boys and girls. When you get tired of it, follow Stalin and Lenin. Opposite sides of the same frickin’ coin, airheads.

FreedomFighter says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:08 am
“They came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. And then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.”

Rev. M Niemoeller,Nazi Germany,’45; from “Political Quotations” Daniel B. Baker

It’s Time for The Sheeple to Wake The Hell Up!!

Laus Deo
Semper Fi

cawmun cents says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:28 am
A better one I saw was a billboard with Adolph Hitler in the customary Nazi salute.It read:

“Anyone for gun control,raise your right hand.”

At the bottom of the board it said:

“Paid for by the Jewish Defence League.”

They seem to remember the past,will we?


Vagabond says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:09 am
FF. you are so right. but. will they. probaly not till it’s far too late. obam and the democrats have them brain washed. and they are too brain dead to realise it,

alex says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:03 am
on tv they keep talking about our hard working teachers well the brainwashing is what they are working so hard at

Flashy says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:14 am
And you ran for School Board when?

eddie47d says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:37 am
Yes Freedom Fighter you are indeed “coming after” those same people and today Chip is leading the charge. You have been “coming after” the trade unionists for a mighty long time or haven’t you noticed? You make false claims that any American that doesn’t agree with you is a Communist and you are “coming after” them in spades. I have see member here say that Catholics are not a true Protestant religion and aren’t like you so you are “coming after” them too.Like little Hitlers you continually and unabashedly “come after” Gays and are so proud of it. You blame American Jews of being too Liberal and not Jewish enough for your liking so you attack them and “come after” them also. We “sheeple” are aware of your sinister and very sneaky tactics and now you are “coming after” the OWS protesters with false bravado and vicious slander. You are no freedom fighting American but a troll for the authors puke!

Capitalist at Birth says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:01 am
What the hell are you talking about?

alex says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:08 am
he is taking a grain of sand and trying to make a mountain of it by misconstruing what is said

Brad says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:05 am
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,

FF has qouted the Rev. M Niemoeller and posted his thoughts on Nazi Germany and their national socialist dream, it was a warning to all Americans. No, you have to go on the attack, that’s where you are wrong Eddie, you would have us believe in your utopian left state that unions are the bread and butter of this country but you can’t see the road due to the horses azz. You can’t see today’s unions as power hungry gestapo units terrorizing Americans and forcing others to pay their salaries through forced dues, you are pethetic eddie. You can’t see they are buying a politcal system that only has their best interests in mind (unions) a corrupt political base to enslave all of America. Well eddie I’d rather die a free man then live under your so called form of socialist government, union thuggery and redistrbution of wealth.

eddie47d says:
December 16, 2011 at 11:14 am
Apparently Brad Brad Brad is also going after what Niemoller said and doesn’t practice what he had preached! You are more in line with that person he was referring to and need to do the waking up.

Ronbo says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:23 am
Eddie is right. You do NOT fight for democracy and freedom by attacking democracy and freedom.

Rational says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:48 am
Well said Freedom Fighter.
When there is such a backlash with name calling, against people who are exercising their Constitutional right then there is fear they are right and must be attacked. The attacks are reminiscent of the protests put down by the Communist in Budapest, the actions taken today by Asaid in Syria and the 30 years of repression in Libya.

Your hatred exposes your hand, and the directions given to you by Koch and others who want to dominate the discussion.

wandamurline says:
December 16, 2011 at 8:54 am
He is and Bill Ayers has been there giving information and helping organize. ACORN under their new name is having morning meetings with the leaders of the agitators and a lot of the college kids that have not a clue about how to wipe their butts, are being paid as much as $500 per week to protest. Get the picture. As the old saying goes, give them enough rope and they will hand themselves….this will implode upon itself and we only have 11 more months before we can kick Obama’s can down the road. Vote in 2012 like your very life and that of your childrens depend on it, because it literally does. America cannot survive another four years of the ineligible socialist, marxist, anticolonial POTUS we now have.

DaveH says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:39 am
Whether we oust Obama or not, our biggest problem is Congress. Without their complicity the President would be defanged. That includes a large portion of the Republicans. Witness the National Defense Authorization Bill which 80% of the Republicans and 50% of the Democrats in the House voted For, and which includes an Unconstitutional provision allowing Indefinite Detainment for American Citizens without due process:

We need to ride herd on the Republican Party and withdraw support from any of their candidates who toe the establishment line. People need to recognize that the politicians are frantically trying to seal the deal before the voters become fully awakened. More evidence of that is their repeated efforts to pass some sort of Internet Bill, so they can get their foot in the door for censorship of that Media which has become the greatest enemy of the Power-mongering Politicians — The Internet.

DaveH says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:45 am
Here is how the Senators voted on the NDAA:

Both of my Establishment Republican Senators voted YEA on this Unconstitutional Bill. We need to rid the Senate of these Freedom trampling Politicians, and we aren’t going to do it by voting for the lesser of two evils, which is still just evil. We need to start voting only on Principle until they get the message that their poor substitutes aren’t going to get elected.

BigBadJohn says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:57 am
“Witness the National Defense Authorization Bill which 80% of the Republicans and 50% of the Democrats in the House voted For”

Dave This is exactly my problem, I do not like democrats but republicans take away your freedoms at every turn. The patriot act was another one of their great ideas. The main reason I hated Clinton was HIS attacks on civil liberties, but what he did was kids play compared to what Bush and the republicans did.

Keep saying we need to replace all of those democrats with republicans and we will end up just like Nazi Germany with no freedom left! Detaining citizens, wasn’t that how it started in Germany with the SS knocking on peoples doors in the middle of the night?

alex says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:17 am
BBJ when he says elect republicans he means real republicans not RINOS

alex says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:14 am
dave the problem is that the two front runners for president are the same as those in congress so do we gain

Ronbo says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:25 am
Both Repubs and Dems are overwhelmingly for the wealthy and powerful. They have been captured by $$$.

Claire says:
December 16, 2011 at 5:26 am
The OWS here in town are civil, no tents, etc. There doesn’t seem to be any problems with them here. They are organized, and have direction.

FreedomFighter says:
December 16, 2011 at 6:59 am
What town is that Claire?

I have seen a OWS without problems, and the only organizations present organizing are communist.

Maybe we should start to educate these people to whom the real enemy is: Banker elites that own the FED, pick our presidents and force UN Agenda 21 on us, and are now in the process of disarming America.

Once these monsters begin to disarm Americans, its over for protesting, over for free speech, over for choice, over for freedom.

Our congresss and president has already declared war on the American people, illegally thrown out our constitutional protections, blatantly sold weapons to drug cartels and imported drugs, all in an attempt to undermine our right to bear arms.

You see, once they start taking the guns, they can do anything just like North Korea.

Laus Deo
Semper Fi

James Andrews says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:15 am
That is why we can never allow them to take away our guns and our Second Amendment rights. Never never allow this to happen!

cawmun cents says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:21 am
The wise man once said,
“They can have my gun,When I can pry a better one from their cold dead fingers.”-CC.

Vagabond says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:13 am
a gret big AMEN to that cawmun cents,

Alex says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:23 am
Guns are old-school phallic symbols for the impotent and weak.

FreedomFighter says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:29 am
Uncle Ted has a message for you Alex, foul language involved please be advised:


Laus Deo
Semper Fi

cawmun cents says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:33 am
I wonder if you will talk so brave when the stormtrooper comes to kick-in your door,and relieve you of your teeth.


BC39 says:
December 16, 2011 at 8:44 am
Nice reply cawmun! You forgot to mention that the storm trooper will be carrrying a gun!

eddie47d says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:43 am
Some of you are too extreme for your own good and would make excellent Gestapo police in your attacks against free speech and assembly. It’s only “free” if it’s your speech and your assembly. All others need not apply!

Mushin says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:35 am
Alice, are you SILL HERE? Well now we know Claire isn’t the only one who spends time watching the “Rosie” show! Welcome! You wanna voice your opinion don’t you?! Well guess what – we don’t really give a rats-ass what your opinion is….SO GO AWAY.

libertytrain says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:36 am
Mushin, you’ve proved to be the fool here. You obviously don’t read posts by Claire to realize what a fool you made out of yourself.

DaveH says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:49 am
Claire is one of a minority of people who post on this board who truly has an open mind and thinks for herself instead of following the crowd.

AzPatriot says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:36 am
Ahhh… I think there may be a libtard amongst us.

sybucket says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:45 am
Alex- That is about the dumbest statement I have ever heard. if you really believe what you say then you deserve all the very bad things that this administration will do to you , if it continues to get it’s way. Not the least of which is you will lose your freedom and freedom to make your own desicions. The Gove.t will decide everything for you.

Vagabond says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:15 am
alex why dont you just stay off of this post? no one is interested in your STUPID CRAP,

alex says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:25 am
which alex are you referring to big A or little a

DaveH says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:47 am
Liberal comments are old-school symbols of weak minds.

Lastmanstanding says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:30 am
I hope I can hear all of you anti-gun, big govt. progressives screaming when the govt (whose ass you have kissed for your entire lives) comes and hauls your pathetic asses away to a work camp.

Since they only needed you for your vote…then you’ll be tossed.

Doug says:
December 16, 2011 at 11:10 am
Use some lube Alex you need it! And I sure as hell don’t a guy against some liberal pussy like you!

Iris says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:23 am
SO TRUE! First, they use PSYCHOLOGICAL POWER. When that no longer works, they use PHYSICAL POWER, but in order for that to be successful, they must first disarm us!

DaveH says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:54 am
Like all Sociopaths, they will use the least intrusive forms of manipulation first, followed by increasingly intrusive forms until they get their way or we stop them cold. Hopefully that will come with words because the alternative is not a very practical solution.
Remember — The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.

Pepper says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:02 am
You hit it FreedomFighter, The key is education! I have been to OWS Blogs and Tweets and seen that many were mentioning “Glass-Steagull” act(witch I believe Clinton and Bush were involved in getting rid of), End the Fed and the big 6 mega banks running the corrupt banking systems. Now that is a start in the right direction. The movement has been mis-directed by some bad groups, but with educating people, the Soros gang is loosing control. Also educate them about the differences between “Capitalism and “Corporatism/Crony Capitalism”. Many are starting to “get it”. Again I want to say, If we do not protect the rights of others, we will have no one to protect the rights for us. You can’t be selective about who’s rights you will protect in “the Bill of Rights”

DaveH says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:07 am
If we want our freedom and prosperity back, we need to get the Government out of our Marketplaces. Deregulation of the banking sector is just an illusion. They get rid of one set of regulations and replace them with another. We need stop the Government’s meddling except for enforcement of fraud laws. Let the Banks that please the consumers succeed, and let the others fail, as it should be:

Regulations are typically created to help the Crony Capitalists du jour. Read “The Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal your Money” to find out how they do it.

Ronbo says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:29 am
Communists? Seriously dude, you need to educate yourself. Do they really wan’t centralized production and managment of the tools of production? No. I don’t think you’ve bothered to be burdened with an education. Seriously, calling people invalid & inaccurate names is the refuse of the ignorant.

Mushin says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:31 am
Please excuse Claire, she watches too much Oprah and Rosie O’donnel….pffft.

Karolyn says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:46 am
Mushy – I think you’re pickin’ on the wrong person. Claire has been a respected member of this blog for a long time; and you don’t know what you’re talking about. Claire is one of the few conservatives on this site who is fair and balanced and who has everyone’s respect.

Claire – I know you don’t need me to stand up for you, but this guy just pisses me off! We might disagree on some things, but at least we respect each other and our right to air our beliefs.

libertytrain says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:36 am
ditto Karolyn – he made a complete fool out of himself with that one…

Flashy says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:37 am
Same here Claire. No problem with the 99%ers. they are making the point that the TPers tried..and then gave up after the ‘event’ was over….(seems the TPers treated it as a fad and not a cause).

Fact is…for the first time in my memory the Ultra Right and the Left have a commonality in what is wrong and demanding it be addressed.

Here’s my bet. Those who are denigrating the 99%ers on this forum have never been to the protests. I have. And yes, I attended the TPer protests to see what was gong on. Yes..i saw folks at the TPer rallies packing armor. I have not seen any 99%ers packing guns. And the reason the 99%ers are being arrested? Some truly need to be hauled away. But most of them are peaceful and were arrested for merely wanting to carry out their right (and duty as a citizen) to speak and demonstrate.

So the question which should be asked of anyone who denigrates the 99%ers…have you walked (not driven by)through one of the occupied demonstrations? If not…go sit on the sidelines and let the true Americans fight for your rights since you have no clue and are too lazy to do anything about it.

And Chip…have you walked through any of the Occupied areas and spoken to people there? he middle class citizenry who attend the rallies and give their time when they aren’t slaving trying to make ends meet?

fact is…most of the Occupiers are there a few hours at a time whn they can be. They are the middle class. they are your neighbors. they are the ones who care bout this country and not treat a day rally as a party and fad such as what we viewed with the so-called TP protests.

Think about that …

Karolyn says:
December 16, 2011 at 7:43 am
Thank you Flashy!

DaveH says:
December 16, 2011 at 10:15 am
For what?

FreedomFighter says:
December 16, 2011 at 8:01 am
Tea Party people passed the test for CC or in case you dont understand : Concealed Carry

Rarely does a scumbagger

Videos prove the brave patriots of the TEA PARTY didnt break the law like scummers, didnt defecate, didnt spread disease, didnt trash the place of protest, didnt stop commerce, didnt vandalize, didnt shout racist views on Jews, were not organized by communists and unions and were not funded by the biggest commie of all Soros.

You as a lucy slave may have missed this.

Laus Deo
Semper Fi

Karolyn says:
December 16, 2011 at 8:39 am
As has been pointed out ad infinitum, there will always be a few rotten apples in any basket – even the Tea Party. There are videos out there depicting Tea Partiers as ignorant, bigoted trash due to what a few have been videotaped saying and doing.

Flashy says:
December 16, 2011 at 8:50 am
I take it FreedomFighter you have not been to a 99%er protest. You’re just a wannabe who has no backbone to stand up for anything…just whine and complain. I have been to both a TP “event/picnic” and a 99%er protest. I have seen people packin’ guns at a TP picnic. I have heard and spoken with people who would be more comfortable waring white sheets than any other garb, i have spoken to TPers who are good people (oddly enough, most said they had no idea how many lunatics were going to be at those events and they would not attend any others).

And I have attended 99%er protests. I saw none..absolutely none of what you claim. You hate…and try to spread that hate without knowing what you are talking about…hoping someone doesn’t call you on your lack of knowledge.

Guess what…I’m calling you on it. So pray tell..what 99%er protest have you gone to and where you personally observed any of what you are talking about in denigration and hate for those fighting for your Rights and freedoms?

FreedomFighter says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:07 am
Im into the freedom our fathers gave us and fully support the constitution.

I reject communists and lawless behavior.

Laus Deo
Semper Fi

Larry says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:18 am
Flashy,I suppose your ignorance of history is understandable since your for the so called 99% but do u realize the white sheet gig was designed and brought about by the good ole democratic party and all they stood for for ever.Probably still do.U never saw anything about race bigotry at a tea party and if u say u did your a liar.At the OWS u see all sorts of bigotry.

Flashy says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:21 am
Larry…i’ll ask you the same question i’m asking all today who are denigrating the 99%er protests…which one did you attend to find out what is true in these “facts” being represented?

We now know Freedom fighter has never been to any so he’s full of hot air…how ’bout you?

And as I stated…I’ve been to BOTH a TPer event and 99%er protests…

I can state from direct knowledge…can you?

Alan says:
December 16, 2011 at 9:46 am
I do know this – Flashy – at TEA Party events we run the LaRouchites and Anarchists off. The TEA PArty does NOT want to be associated with any non-Liberty loving group such as the afore mentioned and NAZIs or Communists. This whole idea of OWS as a whole being Liberty lovers is utter nonsense. I have personally witnessed the OWS crowd and we have engaged and what the OWS croud espouses is NOT Liberty! Liberty is above all else! I keep telling my representation, You legislate and let me worry about my Liberty! Liberty cannot be traded for security, for you will lose both and deserve neither!

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