Friday, January 20, 2012

Feds Shut Down Website Without Due Process | Vision to America

Feds Shut Down Website Without Due Process | Vision to America

Feds Shut Down Website Without Due Process


The US government has closed down one of the world’s largest filesharing websites, accusing its founders of racketeering, money laundering and presiding over “massive” online piracy.

According to prosecutors, Megaupload illegally cheated copyright holders out of $500m in revenue as part of a criminal enterprise spanning five years.

A lawyer for Megaupload told the Guardian it would “vigorously” defend itself against the charges, dismissing the criminal action as “a civil case in disguise”.

News of the indictment – being framed as one of the biggest copyright cases in US history – came a day after major internet firms held a 24-hour protest over proposed anti-piracy laws.

According to a Department of Justice release, seven people associated with Megaupload were indicted by a federal grand jury earlier this month over the charges.

They included Kim Dotcom, founder of the online firm.

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noob's avatar

noob· 11 hours ago

Who thinks the mega government needs to be shutdown.?
14 replies · active 32 minutes ago
The article claims that due process was not followed, but I saw no evidence in the article that that was true. And how much can a British newspaper writer really know about American jurisprudence anyway?

They were charged with operating an illegal business and indicted and shut down. Everything seems to be in order as far as I can see.
8 replies · active 25 minutes ago
SEAN MURRY 's avatar

SEAN MURRY· 2 hours ago

Just like the SOBS.
LOCK & LOAD begins NOW!
Dusty1's avatar

Dusty1· 2 hours ago

Eric Holder's Dept. of Justice is as corrupt as the person in charge. I don't trust Eric Holder as far as I can throw him, and if it's anything that Holder wants, it's got to be bad for America in the end.
4 replies · active 20 minutes ago
Bojac's avatar

Bojac· 2 hours ago

Lets see how this plays out.
1 reply · active 1 hour ago
Greg's avatar

Greg· 2 hours ago

Kim Dotcom..Really!!!
1 reply · active 2 hours ago
johnny h's avatar

johnny h· 2 hours ago

I will try again. Perhaps this website is under government control, as now TWO innocent comments have been deleted.
Way to go USA!!!!.
3 replies · active 17 minutes ago
Pat's avatar

Pat· 2 hours ago

Funny, a corupt government shutting down a website they say was racketeering, money laundering? When are we going to arrest obummer, holder and polosi? (Who don't desreve to have their names capitalized).
3 replies · active 1 hour ago
Harry's avatar

Harry· 2 hours ago

We need to keep fighting by using the constitution.In the end we will win!
3 replies · active 51 minutes ago
Aimee's avatar

Aimee· 2 hours ago

Americans need to be aware that anytime a government controls information they are doomed!
Due process is one of the freedoms that all American Citizens must have!
Remington 870's avatar

Remington 870· 2 hours ago

If you believe Holder's anti-justice de-fart-ment is REALLY trying to stop pirating instead of trying to Federalize the web, you are an Obamaite. Any move by Holder must be completely regarded as an Obama power grab. Americans should never recognize the corrupt Holder, Obama, Napatano, Reid and Pelosi. These persons are no better than the Mafia King sitting in NY or Miami. These persons are too stupid to be on the Mafia Kings staff and only qualify for a long dirt nap. Wake up Americans....Holder needs to be impeached, jailed and historically remembered as the most corrupt criminal ever to hold office.
3 replies · active 18 minutes ago
JIM's avatar

JIM· 2 hours ago

so an administration full of greed,corruption and racketeering shuts down a website for greed corruption and racketeering .........welcome to obozs America when he said he would fundementaly change America he forgot to tell us he was going to change us into the largest ghetto in da world
Tom SC's avatar

Tom SC· 2 hours ago

Due process is what obama and his doj can't stand. It interfears with their dictatorial process.
Tlcb's avatar

Tlcb· 2 hours ago

Obama had to be stopped!
Edward Shick's avatar

Edward Shick· 2 hours ago

another First for our Administration ,They plan on taking over every thing and everyone,, but Erick Holder does not want as to use picture ID to vote, we are to busy selling guns to Mexican Drug lords, That has caused 50,000 deaths along the Border.,,,I think one year from today we will be swearing in a New President , Then maybe we can get rid of Czars and the mafia running our country into Bankruptcy ,
4 replies · active 31 minutes ago
Need to have patience. Using common sense to fight them at the same time. Meaning do not do anything that would give this president a reason to claim martial law. As that would mean, as I understand it, he stays there in office until martial law ends. So do not do anything to cause this to happen.

Go to the polls in November and vote him out of office, no matter what. Nor do we need another like the Donald running on a separate ticket when he gave up running on the republican ticket either.

And prayer doesn't hurt to ask the Lord to get rid of those in there that are trying to take our God given freedoms away from us either. I find it works quite well for other things at least.

Martin Luther Kings birthday was the other day. And IMO he had the right idea as to how to deal with people like we have in office today.
:0 uh oh's avatar

:0 uh oh· 2 hours ago

What did people think was going to happen to the Internet, to all this technology WE THE PEOPLE
have foolishly embraced. OF COURSE the government wants to control it. OF COURSE it will fall
into EVIL hands. You don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure that out.
1 reply · active 45 minutes ago
Patti Patriot's avatar

Patti Patriot· 2 hours ago

Here's a new one for me.......tried to post a comment and was told ....."You are posting comments too quick" and my comment was deleted........was not too quick.....moderator did not like my comment!!!!!!!
3 replies · active 44 minutes ago
I say again...we are on the road to serfdom. Read F.A. Hayek's the Road to Serfdom. Basically, the Germans started with the media to control the people. We will have to save ourselves against the same enemy only this time the enemy is within our own government.
1 reply · active 1 hour ago
Patti Patriot's avatar

Patti Patriot· 2 hours ago

2nd try, going slowly......the Hollywood dems complained to Obama and he shut down the above website. His financial supporters spoke and he made them happy, but what do we expect from the ahole ?
1 reply · active 1 hour ago
N N's avatar

N N· 2 hours ago

In the beginning they will go after the true bad boys. But then as usuall they will get out of hand and abuse their power.
JimA's avatar

JimA· 2 hours ago

Kim Dotcom??????? And you people buy this article?????? That being said, Ron Paul has been telling us about the power of the Fed for years, and how it has to be dissolved. We the people bought into "Homeland Security" because a lot of the people in this country got scared. The only thing we have to be scared of is a Government that has absolute Power, because Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.
1 reply · active 1 hour ago
El Love's avatar

El Love· 1 hour ago

Looking4Sanity --- have you bothered to notice how British and Canadian newspapers tell more truth about American politics and this reprehensible regime/administration than American newspapers do? That should answer your question about how they would know more about American jusriprudence --- they do more research and due diligence that our corrupt, biased, in-the-bag-for-obama liberal rag media and newspapers do on any good day.
1 reply · active 1 hour ago
terry's avatar

terry· 1 hour ago

BOGUS article... to test the waters and embarrass some of you. Ultimately to see how far they can push without a push back.

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