Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gmail - Sign the petition to overturn Roe v. Wade -

Gmail - Sign the petition to overturn Roe v. Wade -

Sign the petition to overturn Roe v. Wade

Rand Paul via
2:46 PM (1 hour ago)
to me

Dear Friend,

Somewhere in America, a tiny heart is beginning to beat right now.

A heart yearning to live, full of hope and promise.

It's the heart of a newly conceived child, a mere 18 days old, in his or her mother's womb.

Do you think that child should live? I do.

I am sure you do, too. Yet every year, 1.6 million unborn babies die because of abortion.

That's why, as a newly elected U.S. Senator, one of my top priorities will be to fight against this senseless slaughter.

But the solution to stopping all abortion-on-demand is not simply to regulate the more outrageous cases. Instead, we must tackle Roe v. Wade and the Supreme Court head on.

Over 650,000 pro-life Americans joined with an organization called the National Pro-Life Alliance to win this fight.

Will you join them in this battle?

In a moment, I'm going to ask you to sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators.

And I'm going to ask for your financial help enlisting and mobilizing millions more Americans in this fight. You see, in 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court -- in its infamous Roe v. Wade decision -- forced abortion-on-demand down this nation's throat.

Since then, at least 56 million unborn Americans died.

Of course, many Americans were shocked by Roe v. Wade.

After all, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution says, "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law."

How did the Supreme Court reach this deadly decision?

In its ruling, the Supreme Court said it didn't know if unborn children were "persons" under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

However, the author of Roe, Justice Harry Blackmun, made this startling admission in his ruling:

"If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, [i.e., "Roe" who sought an abortion] of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment."

This is how pro-lifers can overturn Roe v. Wade. This is how we abolish legal abortion in the United States!

Notice, the same 14th Amendment to our Constitution which protects the Sanctity of Life states:

CONGRESS SHALL HAVE POWER to enforce, by APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION, the provisions of this article.

This is what a Life at Conception Act does. It declares unborn children are "persons" from the very moment of conception.

The time to wage this fight has never been better.

And signing the Life at Conception Act petition will help break through the opposition clinging to abortion-on-demand and get a vote on this life-saving bill to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Please take the first step by signing your petition here.

Thanks to the efforts of the more than 650,000 members of the National Pro-Life Alliance and other pro-life activists, the pro-life movement has won some key victories in Congress:

*** Partial-Birth Abortion Ban. After President Clinton vetoed this bill twice, in 2004 Congress passed into law a ban on the brutal practice of killing nearly-born children just inches from birth.

*** Making pro-abortion politicians pay. In the 2010 elections, the National Pro-Life Alliance spent $3 million to expose the true pro-life positions of scores of politicians who claimed to be "pro-life" yet voted for taxpayer funding of abortion in ObamaCare.

*** Record pro-life support in Congress. Following the 2010 elections, the Life at Conception Act now has record support in Congress.

Regardless of the outcome, a vote on the Life at Conception Act would be advantageous to the pro-life cause.

If the legislation passes, unborn babies will be legally guaranteed the right to life -- and if the legislation fails, it will put politicians on record for supporting abortion and will enable pro-lifers to remove them from office in the next election.

Of course, to win the coming battle in Congress your active participation is crucial.

It will take action from you today: your signature on the Life at Conception Act petition.

And it will take money. So I hope you'll make a contribution to the National Pro-Life Alliance.

The National Pro-Life Alliance for the past ten years has been leading the efforts to build a bonfire of public pressure under Congress for the Life at Conception Act.

Here's the National Pro-Life Alliance's plan:

*** I and like-minded allies in Congress have already cosponsored the Life at Conception Act (H.R. 374 / S. 91).

*** Through massive mailings, email campaigns, phone banks, and other targeted efforts, the National Pro-Life Alliance will reach three million pro-life Americans to ask them to join this fight. (Cost: $980,000)

This public outcry will help convince Members of Congress to cosponsor and get action on the Life at Conception Act.

*** As pressure for roll-call votes grows, the Pro-Life Alliance will run targeted, hard-hitting TV, radio and newspaper ads in key, swing districts and states. (Cost: $765,000)

*** To multiply the value of paid ads, National Pro-Life Alliance staff will work closely with friendly editors, opinion writers, talk-show hosts, and other influential voices in the media who will give fair coverage to a story like this. (Cost: $83,000)

To carry out this full mobilization, generating an estimated 2.2 million petitions and energizing pro-life Americans nationwide, will cost approximately $1,828,000.

Your petition is urgent. But it's only a first step. The National Pro-Life Alliance's efforts must have your financial support as well.

Obviously, this is expensive. It's a big country!

But this is exactly the strategy they employed to help make a crucial difference in the battle to outlaw partial-birth abortion.

The National Pro-Life Alliance generated more than one million petitions, letters, and phone calls, demanding a ban on partial-birth abortion.

When the National Pro-Life Alliance ran tough TV ads at the height of the battle, politicians howled like scalded cats -- they didn't want to be exposed as pro-abortion extremists.

But the National Pro-Life Alliance's campaign peaked just as the late Senator Ted Kennedy mounted his filibuster.

Pro-lifers defeated the filibuster and passed the bill, which President Bush ultimately signed.

It worked!

What's more, this past election, the National Pro-Life Alliance doubled down their campaign on swing votes, and outraged pro-life Americans swept from office scores of pro-abortion politicians.

So, just getting a vote on a Life at Conception Act means putting pro-abortion politicians under the spotlight.

And that means adding yet more pro-life voices to Congress, strengthening our ability to win other pro-life, lifesaving victories.

So, will you join this fight?

Please do two things today.

First, please sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators.

The National Pro-Life Alliance will deliver your petition -- along with hundreds of thousands of additional petitions that your financial help will enable them to mobilize -- demanding Congressional action.

And please be very generous in helping to mobilize millions more Americans.

Your contribution of $1000, $500, $200, $100 or $50 -- or even $25 or $10 -- will enable the National Pro-Life Alliance to identify and mobilize every pro-life American who wants to stop abortion, but doesn't know how; and bring that intense pressure to bear on Congress to force it to act.

In this fight, a Life at Conception Act is the best tool we have.

Will you give generously -- as much as you can -- to support this fight?

Alone, you and I can do very little.

But with your contribution of $1000, $500, $200, $100, or whatever you can afford, you and I can build our movement, demand Congress votes on the Life at Conception Act, overturns Roe v. Wade and ultimately ends abortion-on-demand in our nation.

Help overturn Roe v. Wade. Please act today by signing the Life at Conception Act petition.


Rand Paul,
United States Senator

P.S. Every year, 1.6 million unborn babies die because of abortion.

That's why, as a newly elected U.S. Senator, one of my top priorities will be to fight against this senseless slaughter.

Will you help today?

Signing the petition to Congress is key to winning votes on the Life at Conception Act.

After signing the petition, please consider a gift of $500, $200, $100 -- or whatever you can afford -- to the National Pro-Life Alliance to help mobilize millions more Americans in this fight.

If that's too much, please consider a contribution of at least $10 or $25. Every dollar counts in this fight.

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