New Federal Moves to Restrict Gun Sales
The federal government is now tracking gun sales through added paperwork. One gun store resisted. It filed a lawsuit to resist. A judge has thrown out the case.
The rules affect pretty much any firearm that is not a handgun. That includes hunting rifles, semi-automatics, those with detachable magazines and any caliber .22 or higher.
Under the rules states bordering Mexico, like Texas, Arizona, California and New Mexico, stores must report anyone who buys two or more of those guns in a five day span to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Post Continues on teapartyeconomist.comComments (15)
"The NRA is working on appealing that ruling saying tracking those following the rules is pointless."
"The NRA believes the increased regulations are in place because of the government’s failed Fast and Furious gunrunning operation."
It sounds to me like the NRA-ILA is all over this like a duck on a June-bug! So, to all of you GoA (Gun Owners of America) people out there telling me I should dump my life membership with the NRA and join you...where is YOUR organization on this? I don't see you guys mobilizing to fight it! I don't even see you mentioned! NRA-ILA is already on the way to court over this.
National Rifle Association...protecting your 2nd Amendment Rights since 1871!
You're Welcome!
"The NRA believes the increased regulations are in place because of the government’s failed Fast and Furious gunrunning operation."
It sounds to me like the NRA-ILA is all over this like a duck on a June-bug! So, to all of you GoA (Gun Owners of America) people out there telling me I should dump my life membership with the NRA and join you...where is YOUR organization on this? I don't see you guys mobilizing to fight it! I don't even see you mentioned! NRA-ILA is already on the way to court over this.
National Rifle Association...protecting your 2nd Amendment Rights since 1871!
You're Welcome!
ordman· 6 hours ago
I have an idea. Instead of selling firearms that’s lease or rent them. Say I own a store that happens to sale firearms. I have a customer looking at a firearm that cost $100.00 instead of buy the firearm the customer rents or leases it for say $90.00 up front with an option to renew the agreement annually for $1.00 per renewal. Just an idea I’m sure that someone will tear this suggestion apart but you never know until you try.
ccfonten· 5 hours ago
So, I guess the feds don't think a BB gun is dangerous. Or are we going to have to register them as well??
This govt is out of control.
This govt is out of control.
ruth· 5 hours ago
The photo at the top looks like he is in a rice paddy in Vietnam in 1968!
All part of the Obama anti-gun agenda. I am sure this will stop crimes. We all know criminals buy guns legally
Does Obama have an agenda against burning Christians in their churches?
If he does, you'll really be upset with him.
If he does, you'll really be upset with him.
Firearms stand next in importance to the United States Constitution
itself. They are the American peoples liberty teeth and keystone under
independence......from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day,
events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security
and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very
atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference. They
deserve a place with all that's good.
George Washington - First President of the United States.
itself. They are the American peoples liberty teeth and keystone under
independence......from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day,
events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security
and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very
atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference. They
deserve a place with all that's good.
George Washington - First President of the United States.
To perserve liberty, it's essential that the whole body of the people
always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young,
how to use them.
Richard Henry Lee - American Statesman, 1788.
always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young,
how to use them.
Richard Henry Lee - American Statesman, 1788.
noob· 2 hours ago
Looks like Holder found out how profitable it is selling guns to illegals and wants to corner the market.
patrick· 1 hour ago
As with all communist takeovers you need to disarm the population first. This is exactly what the buch of corruptocrats in DC are doing. November 2012 will either be the end of the united states if "THE ONE" wins or the start of the long road to get it back from 90 years of socialist/communist treachery. Abraham Lincoln said "The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next".
Eve· 14 minutes ago
After Fast and Furious didn't work cause they got caught they start this? Let's get these anti-Americans and Muslim in chief out of off ice!! Ron Paul 2012!!
MAD· 9 minutes ago
I guess law abiding citizens have to pay for Eric Holders F_ up . Hey politicians here is an idea stop wasting tax dollars on more gun laws and enforce the thousands of gun laws we have that you don't enforce. Law abiding armed citizens isn't your problem.the criminals tare he problem they will always have guns.
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