Monday, February 6, 2012

Gmail - 50,000 citizens will stand up to Shawano's bullies! -

Gmail - 50,000 citizens will stand up to Shawano's bullies! -

50,000 citizens will stand up to Shawano's bullies!

Liberty Counsel to me
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Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel



Shawano, Wisconsin, School Superintendent Todd Carlson and other District administrators are about to be publically corrected for bullying, threatening, and intimidating Brandon Wegner, the 15-year-old student who wrote an op-ed against “homosexual adoption” in his school newspaper using scriptural references.

Carlson and his administrators are also getting a much-needed refresher course on the Constitution and every American citizen’s First Amendment rights.

Further, the Shawano School Board will soon be informed that at least 50,000 American citizens are outraged by the overbearing, high-handed actions of their school administrators!

And Nick Uttecht – the homosexual parent who called Brandon’s civil and well-documented presentation of the Biblical view of homosexual adoption “pure hate,” and who bitterly complained to the Shawano High School authorities, thus setting off Carlson’s and other administrator’s series of misguided decisions – is about to be reminded of the views of the vast majority of American citizens who agree with Brandon’s point of view!

++At least 50,000 American citizens will descend on Shawano.

Right now, I am finalizing plans for delivering our powerful “Open Letter of Outrage” to the Shawano, Wisconsin, School Board and placing it in dominant media outlets there.

Now that we have surpassed 39,000 signers, I believe we can amass 50,000 endorsements of our powerful Open Letter of Outrage by tomorrow!

But I have yet to hear from you, Jack , and this is one of your last opportunities to sign before the initial delivery.

PLEASE join me in confronting the misguided leadership of the Shawano School District whose Superintendent thought nothing of using overt intimidation and censorship in his attempt to humiliate a 15-year-old student who used Biblical references in his part of a “point-counterpoint” article on homosexual adoption.

Never mind that Brandon fully submitted his article’s subject and content to a faculty advisor and that the entire project was part of his high school’s News Writing curriculum. Or that Brandon’s parents were not informed of his several “conferences” with school officials, or that Brandon lost valuable study time and even missed an exam due to the administration’s misguided actions!

We are showing this community that by wrongfully accusing an innocent student of violating the District’s “anti-bullying” policy, Shawano administrators proved to be the REAL bullies!

I need your signature today to get to and surpass the 50,000 signers mark, which would make a huge impact on this community. Please click here to sign:

In case you missed this news last week, Nick Uttecht, the homosexual parent who complained about the op-ed piece in the local high school newspaper, has taken his views to the media and has thrown down the gauntlet.

Uttecht said he “will not give up” in calling for the dismissal or punitive action against the faculty advisor who originally approved the writing assignment for the school newspaper – a “point-counter-point” op-ed on the pros and cons of homosexual adoption.

Brandon Wegner has already suffered the tremendous humiliation of listening to an “apology” to the entire student body for his article’s content, and having his journalism class forced to physically tear the article out of the newspaper before it could be distributed to his schoolmates.

That’s why we are also going to the media with the truth about this intolerable situation. WE will not give up, either! If this “politically correct” persecution is allowed in Shawano High School, it could easily take place in every community in America!

You can read Brandon’s article and sign the Open Letter of Outrage by clicking here:

This week, we will begin the process of placing an ad in the Shawano area newspaper and distributing news releases in Wisconsin media outlets.

Right now, with this strategic deadline approaching, we are collecting tens of thousands of statements from incensed Americans who know Brandon is no bully – and who know who the REAL bullies are in this deplorable incident!

That’s why I need your endorsement right away on our “Open Letter of Outrage.” We need a few more thousand signatures to meet our strategic goal of including 50,000 signatures in our first delivery.

Click here to sign the letter and add your voice to the fast growing number of Americans who are saying, “Enough is enough! This is truly outrageous!”

The Shawano School Board meets this evening, but has decided, on advice from their legal counsel, not to deal with the incident at this meeting.

If the Board Members hope the situation will just fade away, they will know differently when they receive their personal copies of the “Open Letter of Outrage” endorsed by tens of thousands of deeply concerned Americans in just a few days!

++Let me be clear: This is not just a local problem!

Liberty Counsel is engaged in Shawano, Wisconsin, not simply due to these egregious violations of a student’s rights, but also because we are fighting an ongoing battle over the public’s perception of homosexual “rights” and increasing instances of pro-homosexual “bullying.”

Tragically, this war is being fought all the way down to the elementary level as pro-homosexual activism rapidly infiltrates our public schools. Please, take a minute and click here to read and sign our “Letter of Outrage” and also review the Shawano Leader article:

++We MUST take a stand in Shawano and wherever else anti-Christian bigotry raises its head!

I am confident that we will successfully defend Brandon’s First Amendment rights.

There is NO constitutional defense for this school system’s acts of censorship and persecution. There is NO moral defense for Superintendent Todd Carlson’s bullying, threatening, and intimidating a student – especially when the student was within his constitutional rights all along!

Now, more than ever, there is a great need for the kind of assistance Liberty Counsel was founded to provide. We are literally fighting day-to-day to keep our culture from being pushed over the edge by radical bullies and misguided zealots!

Jack, simply click here to add your name to our “Letter of Outrage.”

Thank you for standing with Brandon and Liberty Counsel in this very important battle!

May God bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. We MUST counter the pro-homosexual activism that is being thrust onto American culture by radical groups – starting with protecting the students, teachers, and administrators in our public schools from such attacks! Please, click here to sign our “Open Letter of Outrage":

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

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