Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gmail - Big Labor Attacks New Indiana Right to Work Law - rejackh@gmail.com

Gmail - Big Labor Attacks New Indiana Right to Work Law - rejackh@gmail.com

Big Labor Attacks New Indiana Right to Work Law

Mark Mix mark.mix@righttoworkfoundation.org via bluehornet.com to me
show details 2:49 PM (2 hours ago)
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Dear Jack,

Desperate to destroy Indiana's popular new Right to Work law, union lawyers are now scheming to have the courts strike it down.

First, when the Right to Work law was introduced in the Indiana legislature, union bosses packed the capitol with angry protestors hurling insults at those who support worker freedom.

Big Labor-backed legislators tried to stall the debate by refusing to show up, just as Wisconsin Democrats fled to Illinois last year.

But the forces of freedom prevailed, and now that forced-unionism partisans failed to win the hearts and minds of Indiana's workers and voters, they want to dismantle the law in the courts.

Sometimes all it takes is picking the right judge. In fact, just yesterday, an Indiana judge blocked the fines charged to House Democrats for walking out of the legislature and delaying debate on the Right to Work bill.

Your National Right to Work Foundation knows how to fight back and defend Indiana's duly-enacted Right to Work law.

That's why the Foundation announced last week the launch of new legal task force dedicated to defeating the bogus arguments cooked up by Big Labor lawyers in Indiana.

Foundation attorneys have successfully defended state Right to Work laws in the past, most recently in Oklahoma, and are continuing to defend Wisconsin's government-sector Right to Work law from an assault by union lawyers.

The task force has already examined reported union lines of attack and determined that Indiana's Right to Work law is on sound legal ground, but we must be fully prepared if and when Big Labor lawyers unleash their attack

You see, the Foundation must guard against union boss legal challenges that could jeopardize Right to Work laws nationwide.

Union bosses know that for decades the courts have upheld Right to Work laws while acknowledging the fundamental conflict between compulsory unionism and freedom of association.

But they're hoping the lawsuits -- real and threatened -- could stall the growing Right to Work movement in other states like New Hampshire and Montana.

Big Labor wants to frighten legislators nationwide by showing them how hard and costly a battle like the ones raging in Wisconsin and Indiana can be.

Defending the 23 state Right to Work laws is a crucial component of the National Right to Work Foundation's strategic litigation program made possible by the generosity of Right to Work supporters like you.

Union lawyers hope to bleed us dry by filing groundless lawsuits against Right to Work laws to keep the Foundation from going on offense and bringing cases against forced-unionism schemes for victimized employees.

That's why your continued support is so vital.

Please, make a tax-deductible contribution of $50, $25, $10 or whatever you can afford to support the Foundation's litigation programs.

Victories in Indiana and Wisconsin will go a long way nationwide.

I hope you agree. If you do, please act right away.


Mark Mix

P.S. The National Right to Work Foundation has launched a legal task force aimed at protecting Indiana's newly-enacted Right to Work law from spurious assaults by union lawyers.

If you can, please chip in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more today to support the Foundation's programs.

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses. The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, is assisting thousands of employees in nearly 200 cases nationwide. The Foundation's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. Its web address is www.nrtw.org/.

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