|  Dear Patriot,
Despite a debt ceiling deal reached in August, this country has once again approached the limits to its credit cards. Barack Obama and his Democrat allies in Congress are trying to add another $1.2 trillion to the debt ceiling, raising this country's credit card limit and further burdening our children with even more debt.
This is exactly what we said would happen! You can't fix spending problems by borrowing more money from countries like China! The federal government needs to cut up its credit cards and live within its means!
As part of the August deal, Barack Obama's request is likely to be fulfilled even though the House of Representatives voted it down. The request will be authorized unless the US Senate - which is controlled by Democrats - votes it down as well.
That's why our petition drive is so important: Congress must stand strong and not cave to the will of this leftist President! If we remind these politicians that we are watching them, they will know We the People will not let them get away with raising the debt ceiling again!
We need every patriot who reads this email to use our state-of-the-art petition system to contact their elected representatives and demand they not authorize Barack Obama's debt limit increase.
If you don't want Obama to dump another $1.2 trillion in debt on the backs of your children and grandchildren, then stand with us today and sign our Don't Raise the Debt Ceiling petition!
America can't afford any more of Obama's debt.
Thank You,
Todd Cefaratti Freedom Organizer

To make a contribution by mail, please click here or address to: TheTeaParty.net | 1701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 300, PMB #433 | Washington, DC 20006 Toll-free: 866-928-6555
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