Dear Jack,
If you haven't seen this note from Senator Rand Paul, you should take a moment to read it.
Dear Jack,
Life is the most precious, and first, liberty.
That's why your 2012 membership with the National Pro-Life Alliance is so important.
You see, the National Pro-Life Alliance has big plans for 2012 that are dependent on annual membership donations from supporters like you.
Please take a moment to
renew your 2012 Annual Membership.
To learn more of what your National Pro-Life Alliance is planning, read the message below from Martin Fox.
However, please don't hesitate to
renew your 2012 Annual Membership. The National Pro-Life Alliance is depending on your support.
Rand Paul

Dear Jack,
I want you to know that you play a very special role in your National Pro-Life Alliance's work.
I was thrilled when you joined with us in the fight to end abortion-on-demand in America.
Over the past few months, you and other National Pro-Life Alliance members have flooded the politicians of both parties with petitions, emails and phone calls in our fight to save the unborn.
But now I ask you to go one step further. Please consider contributing financially to the work of the National Pro-Life Alliance.
This extra step, this willingness to sacrifice your own hard-earned dollars for something you deeply believe in, would put you in a very special class of Americans.
You see, in this critical year for the pro-life movement, it is vital the National Pro-Life Alliance have your support.
I will give you a link in a moment, but first let me explain just how important it is you make a donation for 2012.
Together, we have fought the pro-abortion forces in Congress tooth and nail and still remain on the offensive with the Life at Conception Act, the Sanctity of Life Act and our Parental Notification and Intervention Act.
That's why I feel I can't thank you enough for every action you have taken to fight for the unborn.
I wish I could personally visit you, shake your hand, and fill you in on everything you've made possible in the fight to save the lives of the innocent unborn.
Yet even though I can't meet you in person, I want to take this opportunity to remind you of how much you and I have accomplished and what is still at stake.
From its very beginning NPLA has been a leader in the battle to eliminate all abortion-on-demand.
And now, after scores of pro-abortion Congressmen went down to defeat, you and I are poised to not only recruit a record number of cosponsors, but force roll call votes and ultimately pass a Life at Conception Act.
That is a credit to your hard work and dedication -- something that we pro-lifers must repeat in this new year.
But now it is more important than ever that I ask you to increase the level of support you've given to the efforts of the National Pro-Life Alliance as we head into the 2012 presidential elections and beyond.
It is absolutely vital that we redouble our efforts to stay on the offensive, fighting to protect the innocent unborn.
And one thing we know about our members' grass-roots pressure on politicians running for office:
It works!
In 2011, contributions from members made it possible for your National Pro-Life Alliance to mail, call and mobilize more than ONE MILLION pro-life households in targeted states and districts.
Combined with contributions from your National Pro-Life Alliance's Political Action Committee (NPLA-PAC), pro-life voters made the difference in dozens of razor-tight elections where the pro-life candidate squeaked into Congress.
And particularly exciting is the fact that literally scores of newly elected candidates to the House and Senate publicly committed in their campaigns to support and cosponsor a Life at Conception Act.
There is a lot to build on.
That's why it is so important you and I ramp up public pressure for a Life at Conception Act, which would end all abortion-on-demand.
Of course, the beauty of a Life at Conception Act is that it would use Roe v. Wade's own wording to bring it down and end abortion-on-demand by guaranteeing all persons -- including unborn children -- are protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.
The fact is, the Supreme Court itself wrote in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that no such "right" to an abortion would exist if Congress were to establish unborn children as "persons."
The ultimate passage of this bill and ending all abortion remains the top legislative priority for your National Pro-Life Alliance.
Yet the political realities we still face require that we focus our efforts on other battles as well.
With a pro-abortion President still in power and pro-abortion politicians in control of the U.S. Senate, they will continue to flex their political muscles.
Therefore, you and I must also go all out to:
*** Close the spigot of tax dollars to directly fund abortions in everything from foreign aid to "health care reform" legislation;
*** Make sure that the many new politicians who ran on pro-life platforms fulfill their promises;
*** Block President Obama from packing the Supreme Court and lower federal courts with activist judges who constantly invent a "right" to abortion not contained in the U.S. Constitution.
That's why I am counting on you to make a 2012 annual donation today in support of the National Pro-Life Alliance.
With control of both houses of Congress and the White House up for grabs this fall, we must hold politicians accountable.
You and I must continue to send the politicians a clear message all the way to the elections:
Defend the unborn or face the voters' wrath in November.
I've budgeted an ambitious $4.9 MILLION in the year 2012 for all our pro-life activities, including direct lobbying, email and internet ads, TV and newspaper ads and grass-roots mobilization.
I'm looking to current members to raise $2,700,000 of that amount. But I'll still have to raise $2,200,000 from new members.
And there couldn't be a better time for you to make a first contribution.
You see, a generous supporter has set a matching grant that will increase your contribution by 50%.
This supporter believes in NPLA's efforts so strongly that he wants to challenge and encourage you to make your largest contribution possible!
No matter how much you give, your donation will be matched to increase your impact in 2012!
I've reviewed your record of support and we really appreciate your commitment.
In the past, you have taken action to help the National Pro-Life Alliance in our fight against abortion-on-demand.
But in light of the upcoming elections and the opportunities the pro-life movement has,
I hope I can count on you to make a contribution of $50 or more for the year 2012.
With that gift of $50 you will be made a full-fledged member of the National Pro-Life Alliance.
But most importantly, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are doing all you can to protect the innocent unborn and end abortion-on-demand.
But no matter how much you give, whether it is $50, $25, $10 or some other amount, I guarantee it will make a difference.

And don't forget about the matching grant that will make your donation go 50% further.
As the book of Deuteronomy reminds us, you and I have a sacred calling. "
I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants."
For the sake of millions of innocent unborn babies,
I urge you to respond today with your 2012 contribution.
For Life,

Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance
You can be proud of what you and other National Pro-Life Alliance members were able to accomplish this past year mobilizing a record level of support for the Life at Conception Act.
But, in this critical election year, to continue the progress you and I have made, I pray you'll make a 2012 membership contribution to the National Pro-Life Alliance at once.
Please click here to make a 2012 contribution of $50, $25, or $10 or more.
And remember, no matter how much you give, your donation will be matched thanks to a generous donor to increase its value by 50%!

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