Saturday, February 4, 2012

Gmail - Finish the Fight -

Gmail - Finish the Fight -

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Finish the Fight

Matt Hawes via to me
show details 12:38 PM (46 minutes ago)
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Campaign for Liberty

Dear Jack,

In January, with SOPA (H.R. 3261) and Protect IP (S. 968) on the verge of being rammed through in the House and Senate, Campaign for Liberty members joined with others across the Internet to rise up in opposition.

Our collective voice rocked the establishment, halted the bills’ progress, and again illustrated how much can be accomplished when we refuse to roll over for government powergrabs.

Notice I used “halted” to describe the status of the legislation.

As you and I know all too well, the statists never surrender easily. When they get scared, they stand down long enough to regroup.

The fight over ObamaCare is a perfect example.

With legislators claiming they can “fix” the problems with SOPA and Protect IP (which should really be called Destroy IP), I need your help to show Congress that we don’t want these bills tweaked.

We want them thrown out the window for good.

So if you haven’t yet signed our UrgentGram to your Representative and Senators urging them to resist any efforts to pass SOPA and Protect IP, I hope you’ll fill it out right away.

Far too often, politicians will react to their constituents’ outcry in the hopes that they’ll eventually lose interest in the fight and stop paying attention.

Of course, they’ll agree to “address your concerns” – until you’re not looking.

Campaign for Liberty operates on the understanding that we can NEVER take the pressure off of Congress.

Just when they begin to think enough time has passed for us to believe the threat is over, that’s when we need to make our voices heard louder than ever.

The Internet is the one place that has largely remained free of government control, so you know the bureaucrats can’t wait to get their hands all over it.

And once their foot is in the door, their assaults to gain power over what’s left will be relentless.

So please, sign your UrgentGram right away, if you haven’t already done so.

If you have signed it, please pass the link along so a fellow concerned citizen can take action.

To help us mobilize millions of Americans in the continued defense of our Internet freedoms, please also consider chipping in $20 or $30 today.

In addition to this fight, C4L is continuing its efforts to Audit the Fed, pass legitimate restrictions on government spending, promote health freedom, and guard our privacy from intruders like the TSA and unconstitutional invasions like the so-called “Patriot” Act.

It takes a lot of time and treasure to successfully battle out-of-control government on the local, state, and federal levels, and our work is only possible with your continued support.

Last month saw considerable progress made toward defeating SOPA and Protect IP. Now, let’s make sure this month sees them beaten once and for all.

In Liberty,
Campaign for Liberty
Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. SOPA and Protect IP are down, but they’re not out.

Please, sign our UrgentGram to your Representative and Senators right away to remind them that we’re still watching their actions – and are demanding they do everything in their power to oppose SOPA and Protect IP (which should really be called Destroy IP).

Your signature on our UrgentGram, and your donation of $20, $30, or more, will help us keep the pressure on and make sure this government powergrab over the Internet is permanently defeated.

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