Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gmail - Ground zero for gun owners -

Gmail - Ground zero for gun owners -

Ground zero for gun owners

Dudley Brown via to me
show details 10:28 AM (2 hours ago)


If ever there was a time for gun owners to charge up a hilltogether to reclaim the high ground from our anti-gun enemies, it's right now.

And the man standing atop that hill is anti-gun Republican U.S. Senator Dick Lugar of Indiana.

For the last 25 years, the gun control lobby has counted on Dick Lugar to do their behind-the-scenes Senate dirty work on Capitol Hill.

He's even been called "Barack Obama's Favorite Republican."

You may remember in 2011 when he went on national television to call for a reinstatement of the so-called "Assault Weapons Ban."

Paul Helmke, former President of the Brady Campaign, said, “Sen. Lugar is one of my heroes.”

Helmke's praise of Lugar might stem from the fact that Lugar’s Press Secretary, Mark Helmke, is Paul Helmke’s brother, giving the Brady Campaign unparalleled access to a "Republican" U.S. Senator.

The National Association for Gun Rights PAC thinks this race is so important to the rights of gun owners that we have given everything that the law allows ($5,000) to Lugar's opponent, pro-gun champion, Richard Mourdock.

In fact, just before I sent this email, I personally clicked on the image below and made a secure contribution to help defeat Dick Lugar in 2012.

If you care as passionately as I do about seeing Dick Lugar go down in flames at the polls, please chip in $15 or $20 to the Mourdock campaign -- right now.

Individuals like you are allowed by law to contribute up to $2,500 to candidates running for federal office. If you can afford to do give more, please do so.

The other reason the gun-banning Brady crowd loves Senator Lugar is that he has voted with them more than any Republican Senator in Senate history:

*** Dick Lugar voted for the Brady Instant Gun Owner Registration Scheme, otherwise know as the "Brady Bill";

*** Dick Lugar voted for the so-called "Assault Weapons Ban" and called for it to be reinstated in 2011;

*** Dick Lugar voted for restrictions on private sales of firearms.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

For these reasons, New York’s billionaire mayor (who also leads Mayors Against Guns), Michael Bloomberg, recently held a fundraiser in New York City for Dick Lugar.

The connections are just too great to ignore.

Senator Dick Lugar MUST be defeated in the upcoming Indiana primary. This race has national implications, which should make any concerned gun owner in America get involved in this race.

I am personally encouraging you to chip in $15 or $20 to help defeat Richard Lugar.

But there are even more reasons to want to retire Dick Lugar from the US Senate.

His disdain for the “tea party” movement (i.e. moving our government toward a more Constitutional approach and encouraging fiscal accountability from Washington) is epic.

Perhaps most important, this is a U.S. Senate race -- Dick Lugar's anti-gun votes have major implications on your gun rights.

He also represents a very pro-gun state, so he's especially vulnerable in 2012.

And with his long tenure in Washington, Dick Lugar has significant power in the U.S. Senate to continue his assault on our gun rights.

If you care about the future of your gun rights, and removing "Barack Obama's Favorite" anti-gun Republican from the U.S. Senate, please consider a generous contribution to pro-gun champion Richard Mourdock.

The law allows you to make a contribution of up to $2,500. If you can afford to do so, please consider that amount.

But if you can't do the maximum amount, please chip in $15 or $20.

In just a few short months, gun owners have a chance to eliminate once and for all Senator Lugar from doing any further damage to our gun rights.

I'm encouraging all gun owners to get involved and "charge up the hill" to take back our voice in the Senate from anti-gun Republicans like Dick Lugar.

Thanks in advance for getting involved and for your passionate committment to fighting for our Second Amendment rights.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

P.S. Gun owners from across the country must join together to get rid of Barack Obama's Favorite Republican, Dick Lugar.

The National Association for Gun
Rights PAC has given the maximum amount allowed by law to defeat Dick Lugar.

Please consider chip in $15 or $20 or whatever you can afford to Lugar's opponent, pro-gun champion, Richard Mourdock.

To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, pleaseforward this to a friend.

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Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights!


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