Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gmail - Holder under fire tomorrow! -

Gmail - Holder under fire tomorrow! -

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Holder under fire tomorrow!

Liberty Counsel Action to me
show details 4:30 PM (2 hours ago)

Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

Attorney General Eric Holder is facing possible “Contempt of Congress” charges over his failure to disclose information concerning the now infamous Fast and Furious debacle! Tomorrow, Holder will appear before Representative Darrell Issa and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and I am expecting a firestorm of intense questioning.

Time is now of the essence! I am calling on my Liberty Counsel Action team to join in our powerful Fax Barrage demanding Eric Holder’s resignation, firing, or impeachment. Please, click here now to schedule your personalized faxes:


Eric Holder is about to step into a hornet’s nest. Chairman Darrell Issa and his GOP colleagues on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are demanding FULL disclosure over the role Holder and his Department of Justice (DOJ) cohorts played in the deadly Fast and Furious gun-walking operation.

“Fast and Furious” certainly does not describe the DOJ’s response to their congressional subpoenas!

In fact, Representative Issa is livid over the DOJ’s slowness and lack of response, deception, and potential cover-up activities during the investigation.

Yesterday, in a four page letter, Chairman Issa threatened to proceed with charging Eric Holder with “Contempt of Congress” if his DOJ fails to comply with congressional subpoenas for documentation regarding Fast and Furious by February 9th.

In the DOJ’s most recent disclosure, which took almost a year for Issa to obtain, e-mails seemed to indicate that Holder misled Congress about his knowledge of the death of Border Agent Brian Terry.

Chairman Issa recently declared that the Department of Justice “has blood on their hands” in the death of the Agent Terry and an untold number of Mexican citizens.

Issa has also labeled Holder a “hostile witness.”

Sadly, as I am sure you now know, Fast and Furious is just one instance of gross mismanagement that justifies our call for Eric Holder’s forced resignation, firing, or impeachment!

++24 hours left to let Congress know that Americans want Eric Holder to go!

Liberty Counsel Action launched a powerful Fax Barrage telling Chairman Issa and his committee that Americans are OUTRAGED over Holder’s deplorable performance as Attorney General. Thousands of these Faxes have already been delivered.

If Eric Holder refuses to resign as Attorney General, we are calling on Congress to impeach him, pass their “Vote of No Confidence” Resolution, and/or take any other action they think will pressure Holder’s resignation.

I am asking you to join with thousands of other Liberty Counsel Action team members in faxing a demand to key elected officials that Eric Holder be removed from office by whatever means Congress has in its power!

Click now here to order your faxes to Congress while they will get the greatest possible leverage just before the hearings begin:

With your help, we will flood Congress with tens of thousands of faxes in a compressed period of time using our proven Liberty Counsel Action Fax Barrage strategy!

The faxes will be sent to your AZ Representative and Senators, along with key members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. If you would like to dramatically increase your impact, options are available to include more members of the House OGRC and members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

Click here to schedule your personalized faxes. Everything you need is one click away:

++Eric Holder is a national disgrace as Attorney General of the United States!

From the day Mr. Holder took his oath of office as Attorney General, his tenure can only be described as one scandalous dereliction of duty after another.

Jack, Eric Holder must go – and Liberty Counsel Action's Fax Barrage strategy is extremely effective at forcing Congress to see that the American people will not stand for the arrogant dismissal of public opinion!

Even if you have already done so, please consider another flight of faxes to Congress. Click here now to schedule your faxes, which will be delivered immediately:

Thank you again for your faithful support.

God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s actions at the DOJ are truly a travesty of justice. I want Chairman Issa and his committee members to know that they are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED by the American people to hold Eric Holder’s feet to the fire!

Please, join me in utilizing our powerful Fax Barrage to tell Congress that it’s time for Holder to go! Click here to greatly increase the pressure on Congress to remove Eric Holder from office:

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