Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Romney’s Connection To Saul Alinsky? – Patriot Update

Romney’s Connection To Saul Alinsky? – Patriot Update

Romney’s Connection To Saul Alinsky?

February 1, 2012


Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has frequently brought up President Obama’s fondness for the politics and methods of activist Saul Alinsky.

However,there is evidence presumptive Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney may have been influenced by the late 20th century,Chicago-based radical.

Political commentator Dan Riehl wrote on that the “toxic-to-conservatives” Alinsky effect has its roots in the former Massachusetts governor’s father,George Romney.

“The progressive Alinsky is infamous and actually toxic on the right,” Riehl wrote. “George Romney’s endorsement of him,coupled with his acknowledged strong influence on son Mitt,will do little to assure suspicious conservatives concerned about Mitt Romney’s record as a progressive,including his introduction of Romneycare in Massachusetts.”

Post Continues on

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51 Responses to Romney’s Connection To Saul Alinsky?

  1. Insurgent says:

    Romney or Urkel—–two peas in a pod.

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    • Kansas Kahuna says:

      Insurgent…You said that right! What were these FL voters thinking??? I just proves the stupidity of American voters! They just can’t give up our freedom and liberty fast enough by insuring that we lose in November, no matter which jerk wins the election! Santorum, while being a good man, just will not face up to the damage being done by staying in the race. He would make a good VP for Newt!

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  2. Mitt, Obama one white and one black no difference in politics!

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    • jlbs says:

      Yes, I had 0 figured out before the election and I have Romney figured out too. Neither one is worth a pinch of the “well-known substance”.

      It’s pretty simple: if the media is “for”, we need to be “against”.

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      • cjoy says:

        I’m curious – who do you all want to be the nominee? Do you want someone who has experience turning around failing businesses (like OUR GOVERNMENT) or which of the other 3 are you all behind? From what I see, Newt has VERY HIGH negatives. His own former colleagues aren’t supporting him. AND by the way, Obama DOES NOT HAVE TO DEBATE him and most likely would have limited and very restricted debates if any. IF WE GET OBAMA AGAIN, we are pretty much done. I believe ALL of the four remaining candidates LOVE this Country (AND OBAMA DOESN’T). That’s what matters. Furthermore, NEWT’s blasting of Paul Ryan’s plan, Bain Capital (which was translated as all free enterprise by the media), his support of LIBERAL ideas in the past make me question him. We will never have a perfect candidate, Reagan was a Democrat before he saw the light…AND one last remark, I don’t see the Media behind anyone in particular. Praying for our Country…

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        • dntmkmecomovrther says:

          @Cjoy: Yes, pray often. But as far as your hopes of Romney doing anything different than Obummer, that is simply a pipe dream. His field of debris left in Mass. is evidence enough for me: legal and free abortion, high taxes, inordinately restrictive gun laws…the list goes on and on.

          Newt not being supported by the ‘good ole boy’ Republican Establishment is the high sign I have been looking for. That fact alone tells me that they fear Newt, and with good reason. He got things done in 1994-99 and he knows how to get it done even better today; his years have made him more a man of faith (like never before) and they have shown him the error of his ways.

          Prepared with that kind of experience and a changed passion for doing right, Newt Gingrich is poised to tear the sheets off this whorehouse of a government.

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        • Randy says:

          It started as anybody but BO now we have to amend that to anybody but BO or Mitt cut from the same liberal socialist cloth.

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      • Mike says:

        You got that right!

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  3. Markusdecarcus says:

    Well, well, well…another Rino…there is a fungus amongus….

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  4. ex_lib_loon says:

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    • PDR says:

      Hey there EX lib loon, Don’t tell me,you must be for Romney. Maybe you ought to take the EX out of you handle.

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    • Mac says:

      Hell it may be a hit piece to you but I have seen the B+W glossy’s, it was all over the net last week. Obviously you have not seen the piece either where George the scumbag Soros won’t mind a Romney for president, Obama or Romney is OK with him, if I had been Soros lap dog for 4 years I would be pissed. Romney is an Obozo lite, no pun or racism intended!!

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  5. ex_lib_loon says:

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  6. ksb says:

    Don’t it figure. The mAssachusetts moderate. Go Newt.

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  7. ralph says:

    cannot support Romney – anyone who does might just as well vote for , which they will be doing, BHO – sounds like a bad joke dosen’t it————

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  8. SMW says:

    Supporting material doesn’t matter..just check his record..he’s as arrogant as obama..he passed Romney Care for “their own good.” Sound familar? Wake up!

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    • Cliffystones says:

      That’s what I see, the arrogance of a guy who’s never known what it’s really like to work for a living. Never punched a time clock, worried about finances, done anything remotely blue-collar in his life.

      I’m starting to think it would be better if everything went to s#!t quickly so these New World Order control freaks can be dealt with once and for all.

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  9. Ready to Fight says:

    Romney of newt it does not matter the Washington establishment is completely corrupt. The only way to fix Washington is by a SECOND ARMED AMERICAN REVOLUTION Period!!


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  10. maryanne greenberg says:

    how do you allege this, where is your PROOF, come one Americans stop boarding the hate train and ask the questions, where is the due diligence and proof. Only Beck, that everyone makes fun of, gives it to us in their own words. How can you refute that one. So show me the proof.

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    • Pam Harper says:

      maryanne, all you have to do is listen to the soundbites of Romney past. Remember, this is an election year & Romney will say what he needs to be elected. He has plenty of money to slam his opponents for their pasts but you listen to HIS past comments & see if you don’t understand why some of us do not like Romney. He is a flip flop the way John Kerry was. They have the same neck of the woods in common.

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      • russ says:

        Every pol tries to say what the audience wants to hear. I’m looking at the romney bash and wonder what were all these newt supporters doing when that troll was speaker?
        He was an arogant ass then, he has not changed.
        romney promotes the idea that illegals will self deport and the need for e-verify to help the process.
        Bashing the republicans internally is dumb, but let me tell you – gingrich has the far right and nothing else. The middle will split and that snake oil salesman gets a 2nd term.
        It’s romney for 4. If he craps out, vote him out. he will be a much better president than obama and he has a chance to win.
        otherwise we will be complaining for 4 more years that obama is ruining the country, followed by decades of dems, supported by permanent welfare recipients, amnestied illegals and union thugs.

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  11. David says:

    Why more people can’t see through the smoke screen of Romney’s obvious liberalism is crazy. He led a liberal progressive state, gave them RomneyCare and now we are having it rammed down our throat nationally. If people don’t wake up, this fake conservative will finish the job Obama started. I trust that there is more of Reagan in Newt that he even is letting on.

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    Romney is exactly who he is. He belongs to a cult and these kind of people are not to be trusted. He goes for abortion, gay activities etc and thats a sure sign of a non-christian. He also talks out of both sides of his mouth and nothing good comes out of either side. People are truly ignorant and they let all these ads that come out influence them. Money always talks. Romney is not the darling of anyone except his money people and those that think the same as he. Newt better get going because he’s the only one to best Obama. Romney hasn’t the ammunition to beat Obama and thats for sure. If you were Obama, ask yourself who of the two would you rather debate? Easy choice.

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