Friday, February 17, 2012

Gmail - Gun battles happening now -

Gmail - Gun battles happening now -

Gun battles happening now

Christine H. via to me
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Please sign your 2012 NAGR Supporters' Directive right now!

The advice of NAGR supporters helps our legislative staff direct resources into key gun rights battles occurring across the country.

Your advice and support will go a long way towards fighting the gun-grabbers in Congress and pushing for pro-gun laws like "Constitutional Carry" in state legislatures nationwide.

Please give us your advice by signing your Supporters' Directive below and chipping in $25 or $50.

Thanks in advance for your passionate commitment to fighting for our Second Amendment rights.

-- Christine

From: Dudley Brown []
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 12:37 PM
Subject: It pains me to say...

Dear Jack:

Just weeks ago, I wrote you explaining how 2012 would be Second Amendment supporters’ toughest test yet.

To fight the gun-grabbers, I laid out a very aggressive agenda for the year.

As much as it pains me to say, that agenda is now in peril.

The truth is, I’m facing a decision unlike any other I’ve ever had to make as NAGR’s Executive Vice President.

So I’m counting on your advice.

Won’t you please fill out your 2012 Supporters' DirectiveIMMEDIATELY?

I've included the link below, but let me explain how critical your action is right now.

You see, without an IMMEDIATE influx of funds, I’m afraid I’ll be forced to make deep cuts in our 2012 programs.

Honestly, the thought of leaving any one of our critical fights to the gun-grabbers makes me sick.

So I need you to tell me where you think I should focus NAGR’s precious resources.

Of course, with Republican presidential primaries and caucuses coming at a fever pitch, the 2012 elections are at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

I know the importance of the race for the presidency -- and the likely ability to shape our Supreme Court for decades to come -- speaks for itself.

But there are several key races for the U.S. House and Senate that are critical, as well.

Gun owners need to be reminded that Senator Dick Lugar, the anti-gun incumbent from Indiana, joined the media’s anti-gun hysteria and called for a new so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban after the Arizona tragedy!

Gun owners need to be reminded that Utah anti-gun RINO (Republican In Name Only) Senator Orrin Hatch voted with Ted Kennedy to shut down gun shows, pass the Lautenberg Gun Ban and institute full gun registration. Hatch also voted to confirm Eric Holder as Attorney General!

Gun owners need to be reminded that left-leaning RepublicanSenator Olympia Snowe voted for the Lautenberg Gun Ban and the “Assault Weapons” Ban. She also supported so-called “gun free” zones, where gun-toting thugs roam free while law-abiding citizens are disarmed and defenseless.

Right now is the BEST time to hold these RINO’s accountable.

If we can educate gun owners now, politicians in BOTH parties will see that attacking our gun rights is pure political SUICIDE.

So if you think this should be where the National Association for Gun Rights focuses our resources, please mark “HOLD POLITICIANS ACCOUNTABLE” on your 2012 Supporters' Directive.

But before you do, please give some thought to what else is at stake.

At the federal level, the number-one threat we continue to face is the United Nations “Small Arms Treaty.”

This dangerous Hillary Clinton-backed treaty is nothing more than a massive GLOBAL gun control scheme designed to register, ban and confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens.

And it doesn’t need approval by the Republican-controlled House -- only the Senate -- to be ratified.

There, the often anti-gun old-guard “establishment” GOP holds tremendous sway.

Not only that, but with NINE U.S. Senators already announcing their retirements, you and I start off with our backs against the wall.

Retiring Senators have no fear of blowback at the polls for GUTTING our gun rights, after all.

And don’t think for a second President Obama and his anti-gun pals will sit around and wait for you and me to mobilize after the U.N.’s “Small Arms Treaty” is finalized this summer.

Just like so many other assaults on our liberties that we’ve seen in recent years, the “Small Arms Treaty” will be fast-tracked and sold as a vital “anti-terrorism measure” that Senators can read only AFTER ratification.

So should I focus on the Senate to make sure this treaty is NEVER enacted?

But with Congress now back in session, you and I must also be on guard for other anti-gun assaults like:

*** A new so-called “Assaults Weapon Ban.”

Unlike the old ban, this would target ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns and NEVER expire;

*** A New "Magazine Ban."

The anti-gun crowd and the biased, left-leaning media are clamoring for a ban on standard capacity magazines. They openly suggest that shooting little girls is the only thing gun owners like you and I would ever do with a 10-round magazine;

*** Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “Catch All Gun Control Scheme.”

Another ostensibly “anti-terrorism” scheme, Bloomberg’s legislation would create a national “cannot buy registry,” allowing citizens to be stripped of their Second Amendment rights on the whim of Justice Department bureaucrats. It would effectively ban all private gun sales.

So if fighting the gun-grabbers’ federal legislative schemes is the most important to you, please mark DEFEND IN CONGRESS on your 2012 Supporters' Directive.

Of course, so far, I’ve only mentioned federal-level fights.

But if you remember from the agenda I mailed you last month, you and I can’t forget what’s going on at the state level.

Last year, thanks to the efforts of the National Association for Gun Rights, Constitutional Carry became law in Wyoming and made significant advances in several other states.

Under Constitutional Carry, law-abiding citizens no longer have to deal with all the outrageous fees and bureaucratic rigmarole just to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families.

If you’re legal to own a firearm, you’re legal to carry it. PERIOD.

As ground breaking as 2011 was for passing new Constitutional Carry laws, I believe we could hand the gun-grabbers a virtual rout in 2012.

In fact, I expect efforts to pass Constitutional Carry to gain a full head of steam in states like Iowa, Georgia, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Virginia.

At least a half-a-dozen other states could consider Constitutional Carry as well.

And remember, just getting involved in these fights at the state level puts you and me in a win/win situation.

By forcing votes, we expose anti-gun politicians in state legislatures all over the country, giving Second Amendment supporters the opportunity to weed out the bad apples BEFORE they get to Congress.

But WINNING these fights could all depend on whether you and I have the resources to get involved.

So if fighting at the state level is most important to you, please mark “FIGHT FOR CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY” on your 2012 Supporters' Directive.

But before you make any selection, please recognize how serious this is.

As it stands today, I don’t have the funds to be able to do everything that needs to be done.

So without your generous financial support, I will be forced to cut back and refocus our efforts.

I need you to tell me where.

Thanks to everything you’ve done and continue to do, against all odds, we’ve battled back against President Obama and his anti-gun pals the past few years.

But 2012 promises to hold our toughest battles yet. So there is one more selection on your 2012 Supporters' Directive.


I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn this is the option I’m hoping you’ll choose.

I can’t stand the thought of leaving any battle to the gun-grabbers.

I can’t stand the thought of losing more freedoms.

It just isn’t in my blood.

But I also know this isn’t my National Association for Gun Rights.

It’s yours.

Unlike the gun control crowd, we don’t have millions of dollars from ultra-rich lefties like George Soros and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

NAGR depends on the generosity of good folks like you who want to make a difference and ensure the light of liberty continues to shine in this great country.

Without your support, the National Association for Gun Rights would be nothing.

So please help me set the agenda for 2012 by filling out your 2012 Supporters' Directive.

If you possibly can, please also rush me your most generous contribution.

Congress is back in session. The 2012 election year has already begun. State Legislative fights are getting hotter by the day.

So please don’t waste a second.

Please fill out your 2012 Supporters' Directive IMMEDIATELY.

And if you think NAGR should fight everywhere, I hope you’ll be able to go above and beyond what you’ve done in the past.

Perhaps you could afford to chip in $25 or $50?

I know that’s a lot, but this is that critical.

If $25 or $50 is too much, please contribute at least $15 or $20.

I’m waiting anxiously to receive your response.

Please fill out your 2012 Supporters' Directive and consider chipping in at least $15 or $20 TODAY!

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

P.S. In my last letter, I told you I thought 2012 would be the toughest test for gun owners yet, and I laid out a very aggressive agenda to battle back against the gun-grabbers.

As it stands today, I’m going to have to refocus NAGR’s efforts without a massive influx of funds.

Should I focus on holding RINO’s in the House and Senate accountable for their records?

Or is the battle on the state level to pass Constitutional Carry more important to you?

Please fill out your 2012 Supporters Directive.

And along with your directive, please chip in at least $15 or $20.

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

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