Friday, February 10, 2012

Gmail - Obama Bows to Pressure, but His Religious 'Accommodation' Even Worse -

Gmail - Obama Bows to Pressure, but His Religious 'Accommodation' Even Worse -

Obama Bows to Pressure, but His Religious 'Accommodation' Even Worse

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Obama Bows to Pressure, but His Religious 'Accommodation' Even Worse

imageWow! Talk about making matters even worse. On Friday, reacting to national outrage over his Obamacare mandate which would force religious employers (such as hospitals and universities) to pay for services that are in direct opposition to the religious faith of the institution, Obama said... Hey! You guys don't have to pay for it. I'll force the insurance companies to cover it... at no cost to anyone. This is insane on so many levels...

Santorum to conservatives: Don't settle for Romney

WASHINGTON (AP) Presidential candidate Rick Santorum implored conservatives Friday not to settle for Mitt Romney's more moderate record, and to instead insist on nominating an unapologetic conservative that "the party's excited about."

And now a word from our sponsors...

Another Fleeting Failure For NBC

Super Bowl XLVI was a good football game, marred once again by the bohemian elite at NBC. NBC could have prevented, but failed to stop, the broadcast of a female rapper "flipping the bird" at 114 million viewers during Madonna's halftime show.

Democrats want constitutional amendment to 'fix' campaign finance

WASHINGTON (AP) - The campaign finance system is so broken that legislative changes, including a constitutional amendment, are needed to rein in runaway, secret spending in elections, congressional Democrats said Thursday.

Teacher in LA molest case paid to resign

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The former third-grade teacher charged with committing lewd acts on students was paid $40,000 to drop an appeal of his firing, a newspaper reported Friday.

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