Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gmail - Report Warns of Iran Attacks on U.S. Before Israeli Strike -

Gmail - Report Warns of Iran Attacks on U.S. Before Israeli Strike -

Report Warns of Iran Attacks on U.S. Before Israeli Strike

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show details 11:00 PM (25 minutes ago)

Breaking from

Iran May Strike U.S. Before Israeli Attack
Secretary of Defense Panetta says he believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran's nuclear weapons facilities this spring. LIGNET, the global intelligence and forecasting service, reveals what ways Iran may retaliate against the U.S. and Israel. LIGNET details the risk of an Iranian bio-terror surprise attack.
See the Full LIGNET Analysis -- Go Here Now

LIGNET gives you the global insight you need for decisions today, prepared by former CIA officials. Fmr. CIA Director General Michael Hayden says, "LIGNET is a powerful tool for decision-makers and others who need to understand our world, as it is today and how it will be in the future. LIGNET provides you expert intelligence, insight and forecasting for today's rapidly changing world."

Read More on LIGNET Here

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