Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gmail - Support efforts to make English our official Language -

Gmail - Support efforts to make English our official Language -

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Support efforts to make English our official Language

Grassfire Nation to me
show details 6:06 PM (19 minutes ago)

Grassfire Nation Update


It’s time the United States make English their official language.

That is the sentiment of more than one hundred lawmakers who have added their names as co-sponsors to the “English Language Unity Act of 2011” (H.R. 997), introduced by Rep. Steve King (R-IA). In addition to becoming the official language of the U.S., the legislation would also “establish a uniform English language rule for naturalization.”

“I don’t know what the Republican leaders have on the board that is more popular than official English,” said King to the Hill.

The move to make English the official language of the United States is not something new -- or without critics. Many Democrats believe this latest effort is little more than a political effort designed to paint President Obama in a bad light since he voted against a similar measure when he was a Senator.

Three years ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) referred to a nearly identical bill as “racist.”

Jack, the Leftists who are running this country and trying desperately to re-shape our nation into something our forefathers wouldn’t even recognize need to be painted in a negative light.

Though our nation was indeed built on the backs of hard working immigrants who spoke dozens of different languages and dialects, they all knew the importance and necessity of learning the English language as a unifying measure, a sign of assimilation and belonging.

That is missing today, and our nation suffers because of it.

That’s why Grassfire Nation has launched a national petition initiative supporting Rep. King’s legislation to make English the official language of the United States.

We are asking all members of our team to get on board with this effort by clicking below and signing our petition:

+ + 100,000 Petitions Needed for Immediate Delivery

Several previous efforts to establish English as our official language have all failed. However, we believe the climate right for this legislation.

King has bi-partisan support of the House.

All he’s missing is a strong contingent of grassroots citizens mobilized to move Congress forward with this long-overdue legislation -- bringing us closer to unifying our nation by adopting English as our official language!

Take immediate action with Grassfire Nation by clicking below:

Jack, this is an issue that American citizens can win. But just signing isn’t going to be enough. We need the help of grassroots patriots to spread the word about H.R. 997 and efforts to make English our official language.

Urge your friends to sign the petition by clicking here:

Grassfire officials will be reaching out to Rep. King in the near future to make ourselves available to him and those supporting this legislation. As soon as we reach our delivery goal, we will hand-deliver all gathered petitions to key members of Congress!

Be among those patriotic Americans who are diligently efforting to make English our official language by clicking below and signing our petition:

Grassfire Nation

P.S. After signing, invite your friends and family to join with you by clicking here:


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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